of November 30, 2023 No. 370
About the child's rights
The parliament adopts this organic law.
This law determines basic rights of the child, the principles and measures for providing the rights of the child, power of the central and local authorities of the public power and their interaction in the course of ensuring compliance with the rights of the child.
According to this law children use protection without any discrimination, irrespective of race, skin color, floor, language, religion, political or other convictions, nationality, ethnic origin or social origin, the status in case of the birth, financial position, degree and type of restriction of opportunities, specific aspects of education and education of children, their parents or their legal representatives / persons, legally responsible for them, and also irrespective of the location of children (family, teaching and educational organization, social service, medical institution, community etc.) or any other criterion.
For the purpose of this law the basic used concepts mean the following:
the child – person who did not reach 18 years;
the highest interests of the child – providing satisfactory conditions for growth and harmonious development of the child taking into account specific features of his personality and specific provision in which he is;
family – parents and their children.
Observance and guaranteeing the rights of the child are performed on the basis of the following principles:
a) observance and priority promotion of the highest interests of the child;
b) equal opportunities and lack of discrimination;
c) observance of priority of rashcheniye and education of the child in family;
d) the priority right of parents to raise the children according to own beliefs and responsibility of parents for implementation of the parent rights and accomplishment of parental responsibilities;
e) individual approach to assistance to each child;
f) respect of advantage of the child;
g) listening of opinion of the child and its acceptance in attention taking into account age and degree of maturity of the child;
h) providing continuity in leaving, rashcheniye and education of the child taking into account, in case of taking measures to protection, its ethnic origin, religion, culture and language accessory;
i) immediate adoption of any decisions concerning the child;
j) ensuring protection against ill treatment, neglect, operation and any form of violence over the child.
(1) the State guarantees to each child the right to the level of living suitable for its physical, intellectual, spiritual and social development.
(2) the State provides the right of children to the net and healthy environment, integrating it into all decisions concerning children including into the programs connected with education, carrying out leisure, games, access to green plantings, protection of the child, health and migration of children.
(3) the State shall prevent and eliminate impact of factors of the environment on quality of life and right of children even if such factors are not subject to the person.
(4) the State shall allocate financial, human, technological, institutional and information resources for realization of the rights of children concerning the environment.
(5) the State gives support to legal representatives / to persons, legally responsible for the child, for the purpose of providing rashcheniye, education and harmonious development of children.
(6) the State provides protection of the child and guarantees observance of all its rights in case of means of the organizations and bodies of the public power given authority in this area.
(7) the State bears responsibility for development and deployment of the national regulatory base on protection of the rights of the child according to the Convention of the United Nations on the rights of the child and this law. State bodies within the competence pursue state policy on protection of the rights of the child and promote creation of the circle, favorable for its development.
(1) the State guarantees the child's right to life and to physical and mental integrity.
(2) Any child cannot be exposed to tortures, cruel, brutal to either degrading treatment or punishment.
(1) Each child has the right addressed to and is registered according to the law.
(2) Each child has the right to nationality. The basis and conditions of acquisition and change of nationality of the child are established by the legislation.
(3) the Child has the right to preserving the nationality, name and family relations according to the law, without any intervention.
(4) If it is determined that the child is illegally deprived of all or some components of the personality, authorities shall take quickly all necessary measures for recovery of the identity of the child.
(1) Each child has the right to live in family, to know the parents, to use their care and to live together with them.
(2) Responsibility for rashcheniye of the child and ensuring its development first of all parents or, in appropriate cases, legal representatives / bear faces, legally responsible for the child. Both parents bear the shared responsibility for rashcheniye, education and content of the child.
(3)Государство takes necessary measures for support of legal representatives / persons, legally responsible for the child, in accomplishment of the obligations by them.
(The State provides 4) that any child was not separated from the family against its will, except as specified, when separation with one of parents or with both parents is necessary in the highest interests of the child.
(5) the Child has the right to maintenance of the personal relations and direct contacts with parents, relatives and other persons to whom it developed the attachment relations if it does not contradict the highest interests of the child.
(6) the Legal representative / person, legally responsible for the child, cannot interfere with the personal relations of the child with grandmothers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters or with other people close to the child, except as specified, when communication of the child with relatives contradicts its highest interests.
(1) the Child separated from one or both parents has the right to maintenance of the personal relations and to regular direct contacts with both parents if it does not contradict its interests.
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