of December 21, 2023 No. UP-210
About additional measures for counteraction to human trafficking and widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work
In recent years in the country system work on strengthening of organization-legal bases of protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, counteractions to human trafficking, comprehensive protection of persons, victims of it, prevention and complete eradication of forced labor, coordination of activities of the state and non-state organizations in this sphere, and also to development of interaction is carried out with the international organizations performing activities in this directions.
Besides, measures for harmonization of the national legal system with international standards in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking and forced labor are performed.
In particular, forced labor is eradicated, work in the field of counteraction to human trafficking is systematized, legal protection of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan performing temporary labor activity abroad is lifted to the public policy level, the boycott established on the Uzbek cotton is cancelled, the line item of Uzbekistan in the international ratings and indexes improved. The work on fight against forced labor which is carried out in the country is highly appreciated by the authoritative international organizations and is acknowledged as an example for other states.
For the purpose of promotion in Uzbekistan and promoting in all regions of the republic of the principles of worthy work, widespread introduction of international standards in the sphere of employment relationships, and also enhancement of system of counteraction to human trafficking:
1. Transform the National commission on counteraction to human trafficking and forced labor to the National commission on questions of counteraction to human trafficking and worthy work (further - the National commission) and to approve its structure according to appendix.
Determine that the National commission consists from:
Subcommittees concerning counteraction to the human trafficking headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs - the vice-chairman of the National commission;
The subcommittee concerning worthy work headed by the minister of employment and reducing poverty - the vice-chairman of the National commission.
2. Determine the main objectives of the National commission:
coordination of activities of republican executive bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, non-state non-profit and other organizations in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking, full support of persons, victims of it, and also widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work, international labor standards, protection of labor rights of citizens;
organization of development and program implementation for counteraction to human trafficking, social support of persons, victims of it, widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work and protection of labor rights of citizens, and also control of their execution;
the analysis, assessment, monitoring of effectiveness of the measures performed in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking and widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work and also increase in overall performance in this direction, in particular, development of offers and recommendations about enhancement of the legislation of the sphere;
taking measures to development of the international and regional cooperation in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking, reduction of quantity of cases of non-regulated labor migration, widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work and application of international labor standards;
enhancement of practice of identification, investigation, the prevention and eradication of the crimes connected with human trafficking and rendering services of rehabilitation and reintegration to persons, victims of this type of crimes;
development of recommendations and offers on implementation of the propaganda measures directed to the warning to the general public of human trafficking and condition of forced labor and also on promotion and promoting of the principles of worthy work;
studying of the international experience, collection, information analysis and preparation of reports in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking and implementations of the principles of worthy work.
3. The national commission to develop and approve in a month:
Regulations on the Subcommittee concerning counteraction to human trafficking;
Regulations on the Subcommittee concerning worthy work;
Regulations on the territorial commissions on questions of counteraction to human trafficking and worthy work.
4. Assign to the Chairman of the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas, the city of Tashkent, areas (cities) task on management of the territorial commissions on questions of counteraction to human trafficking and worthy work (further - the territorial commissions).
5. Determine the main objective of the territorial commissions ensuring strict, timely and high-quality execution of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and instructions of the National commission in the sphere of counteraction to human trafficking and implementations of the principles of worthy work.
6. Found based on institute of the National speaker on counteraction to human trafficking and forced labor institute of the National speaker concerning counteraction to human trafficking and worthy work (further - the National speaker), having assigned its functions to the chairman of the National commission.
7. Determine the main objectives of the National speaker:
annual representation to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan information on country situation on counteraction to human trafficking and implementation of the principles of worthy work and the situation in the foreign states connected with citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the performed measures for implementation of the best international practices and the solution of the available problems in this sphere;
bringing to the general public and the international community of reliable information about the measures taken in the republic in these spheres;
ensuring effective cooperation and interaction in the sphere of further enhancement of system of counteraction to human trafficking and widespread introduction of the principles of worthy work with the international community, the organizations and human rights activists specializing in this subject, rapid response to attacks concerning our state, and also upholding of national interests of the republic on the international scene in this sphere.
8. For the purpose of organizational support of work of the National commission in connection with assignment on the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of implementation of management of the National commission on questions of counteraction to human trafficking and worthy work to recommend to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis to create the secretariat of the National commission in structure of the office of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis within the general number of staff, proceeding from the internal opportunities.
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