of January 12, 2024 No. 10
About public health care
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on November 22, 2023
1. Subject of regulation of this Law are the relations arising in connection with ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, the state guarantees and implementation of actions in the sphere of public health care including prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases.
2. This Law:
1) governs the relations in the sphere of public health care between state bodies, local government bodies, legal entities and citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic;
2) is extended by the action to citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, foreign citizens and stateless persons, constantly or temporarily living in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, according to the procedure and on the conditions provided by this Law and the legislation in the field of health care.
3. Implementation of this Law is subject to monitoring by authorized state body in health sector.
1. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on public health care is based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic accepted according to it.
2. The conventional principles and rules of international law, and also the international agreements in the sphere of public health care which became effective according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic are component of system of law of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. Main objective of this Law is ensuring realization of constitutional rights of the person on health protection and the environment, favorable for health, in the sphere of public health care.
2. For the purpose of ensuring realization of constitutional rights of the person on health protection and the environment, favorable for health, in the sphere of public health care the main objectives of this Law are:
1) strengthening of health of the population;
2) forming of healthy lifestyle at citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic;
3) ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
4) increase in access to services of public health care;
5) prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases;
6) development of the organizations of public health care.
In this Law the following concepts and determinations are used:
1) adaptation - processes of adaptation of live organism to the changing environmental conditions which reflect expansion of functionality of organism, increase in its working capacity and resilience to external impacts;
2) adaptive capability - capability of system to adapt to climate change (including variability of climate, the extreme phenomena) for the purpose of mitigation of possible harm, use of favorable opportunities or overcoming consequences;
3) anonymity in case of receipt of services of public health care - receipt of the service provided without production of documents, proving the identity, and without message of personal data of person or provided with use of code;
4) bakteriovydelitel - the person or animal allocating bacteria - causative agents of disease to the environment;
5) the bacillicarrier - the person or animal in whose organism, without proving, there are bacteria - causative agents of infectious disease;
6) vaccine (immunobiological medicine) - the medicine intended for forming of active or passive immunity or diagnostics of availability of immunity, or diagnostics (development) of the specific acquired change of the immunological answer to allergiziruyushchy substances;
7) vaccination (immunization) - method of creation of active immunity (immunity) for the purpose of prevention of infectious diseases;
8) virusovydelitel - the person or animal allocating viruses - causative agents of infectious disease to the environment;
9) harmful effects per capita - the impact of factors of the habitat creating threat of life or to health of the person or threat of life or to health of future generations;
10) the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance - activities for the prevention, detection, suppression of violations of the law of the Kyrgyz Republic in the sphere of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population for the purpose of protection and strengthening of health of the population;
11) discrimination - any distinction, exception, restriction, deprivation and preference which is based on bases of sex, races, language, the state of health, disability, ethnic origin, religion, age, political or other convictions, education, origin, property or other status, and also other circumstances in case of receipt of the medical and sanitary help;
12) remote services of public health care - provision of services of public health care for the purpose of strengthening of health, prevention of diseases, identifications and diagnostics, decrease in spread of diseases, carrying out researches and estimates by means of digital technologies, mobile devices providing remote interaction of health workers among themselves, with legal entities and/or physical persons, and/or their legal representatives, identification of specified persons, and also documentation of the actions made by them;
13) dotestovy consultation in case of HIV - provision of psychosocial consultation for decision making about passing of testing for HIV;
14) health of the person - condition of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of the person, and not just absence of diseases or physical defects;
15) healthy food - the food providing growth, the development and activity of the person promoting strengthening of his health and prevention of diseases, the prevention of premature death rate;
16) healthy lifestyle - conduct of life of the person for the purpose of prevention of diseases and strengthening of health, and also decrease in harmful effects of external factors on health of the person (unhealthy food, alcohol, tobacco, psychoactive agents, etc.) and the prevention of premature death rate;
17) zoologo-epidemiological spatial monitoring - observation of the factors determining activity of the natural centers of infectious diseases;
18) immunoprevention (specific prevention of infectious diseases) - method of the prevention of infectious diseases by creation in human body of immunity (immunity) to certain infection by means of vaccination (immunization);
19) index case (the index patient) on infectious disease - originally revealed new or repeated case of infectious disease at the person of any age in the specific place of its stay or other comparable conditions where there is risk of infection for other people concerning which investigation of contact persons is made;
20) iodination of food (fortification) - process of enrichment of food iodine for mass prevention of iodine-deficiency diseases;
21) the infection connected with delivery of health care - the infection affecting the patient in the course of rendering medical care to it in the organizations of health care irrespective of pattern of ownership which was absent and was not in the incubatory period in case of its revenues to receipt of medical care, including the infections acquired, but shown later statements, and also infectious diseases of medical personnel owing to its work in this organization of health care;
22) infectious control - the system of actions based on data of epidemiological diagnostics and directed to the prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases in the organizations of health care;
23) the Calendar of preventive inoculations - the document approved by authorized state body in health sector and establishing terms and procedure for carrying out to citizens of preventive inoculations;
24) core groups of the population - group with high risk and/or the raised infection loading in any epidemiological conditions;
25) contact persons - persons who had/having contact with highlighter of the causative agent of infection or with kontaminirovanny material;
26) confidentiality in case of physical examination - physical examination and observation in case of which to person preserving in secret is guaranteed to information on the fact of passing of inspection, observations on infectious or noninfectious disease;
27) persons, victims of HIV (further - LPV) - persons who suffered moral and property harm in connection with infection of HIV of their close relatives;
28) the International medical and sanitary rules (further - MMSP) - the international document establishing rules in the sphere of public health care for the purpose of strengthening of medical and sanitary safety at the national, regional and international levels;
29) public health - the health of the population or certain groups and communities on geographical, social or other feature estimated by demographic indicators, characteristics of physical development, incidence and disability;
30) public health care - system of the actions directed to public health care, prevention of diseases, prolongation of life and strengthening of health of the person by means of organizational efforts of all concerned parties, informing the population, the state and private organizations, communities and physical persons;
31) restrictive actions (quarantine) - system of the temporary organizational, regime and restrictive, administrative, sanitary and epidemiologic actions directed to the prevention of spread of infectious diseases, mass poisonings and emergency situations, ensuring localization of the epidemic center with subsequent its liquidation and providing specific mode of economic or other activity, restriction of movement of the population, vehicles, freights, goods and animals;
32) especially dangerous infections - group of the infectious diseases constituting extreme epidemiological danger in connection with bystry distribution and infection of large number of people, the heavy course of disease, high percent of lethality and entering the list of events capable to constitute the excessive danger in the sphere of public health care having the international value;
33) impact assessment on health - complex assessment of direct and indirect consequences from the point of view of the state of health of the population, development of health care and social and economic development in general, carrying out certain policy or the program, or activities of specific services or organizations;
34) risk assessment for health of the person - the quantity and quality characteristic of the harmful effects capable to develop as a result of impact of factors of the habitat of the person on specific group of people under certain conditions, forecasting of adverse effects of environmental pollution (air, water, foodstuff);
35) collateral manifestation after immunization (further - PPPI) - the vaccine-challenged complications caused by the preventive inoculations included in the Calendar of preventive inoculations, and also caused by preventive inoculations according to epidemic indications, representing any manifestation, adverse from the medical point of view, which arose after immunization;
36) population immunity (collective immunity) - indirect protection against infectious disease which evolves from development of immunity in the population or as a result of vaccination, or the infection postponed earlier;
37) the principle of single health - the approach providing interrelation between health of the person, health of animals and the environment and also intersectoral coordination for ensuring health of the population;
38) natural and focal infections - the infectious diseases (transmitted from animals to the person) which causative agents are in the separate territories - the natural centers, in organisms of animals, rodents, birds, blood-sicking arthropods (reservoirs of various infections) with long preserving at the same time epidemiological manifestation of the natural center depends on intensity of circulation of the activator and extent of contact of the population with ecosystem;
39) prevention of diseases - the actions directed to the prevention or decrease in probability of origin and spread of diseases or stop of their current, prevention of recurrence and complications;
40) preventive treatment - method of the prevention of development or progressing of disease by means of medicines at persons which are endangered infection or progressing of disease;
41) preventive actions - the organizational, administrative, technical, medical and sanitary, veterinary, adaptation and other measures directed to elimination or reduction of harmful effects on the population of factors of the habitat, prevention of origin and spread of diseases, mass poisonings, emergency situations and their liquidation including from climate change, ecology, the road accidents;
42) preventive inoculations - introduction in human body of medical immunobiological supplies for creation of specific immunity to infectious diseases;
43) psychosocial consultation - the confidential dialogue between the examined person and person providing support giving the chance to overcome psychoemotional stress and to make the decision of rather infectious disease;
44) psychoactive agent - substance which influences functioning of the central nervous system and leads to change of mental condition, up to the changed consciousness condition, including substances from national lists of the drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors which are subject to control in the Kyrgyz Republic;
45) mental health - the condition of psychological and social wellbeing in case of which the person realizes the opportunities effectively resists to vital difficulties and stress, performs productive conscious activities and makes the contribution to development of society;
46) forced survey - physical examination on the infection with infectious diseases conducted without the consent of person according to the decision of judicial and investigating authorities;
47) posttest consultation in case of HIV - provision of psychosocial consultation for the purpose of discussion of test results on HIV;
48) expected case of tuberculosis - the symptoms or signs at person specifying tuberculosis (cough, loss of body weight, perspiration at night and temperature increase of body);
49) distributors of salt - the legal entities and physical persons irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental subordination enabling import or the realization of salt;
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