of November 28, 2023 No. PP-376
About measures for construction of modern service and tourist objects in mountain and recreational zones of the Kashkadarya region
For the purpose of effective use of natural and economic, including tourist potential, construction of service and hotel complexes, cultural and improving, trade and entertaining and other objects on the basis of the master plan, and also creation of additional workplaces in the Kashkadarya region:
1. Take into consideration that:
By the Ministry of Economics and finance with participation of skilled experts and leading companies of the foreign states the draft of the master plan providing placement of modern service complexes and objects of tourist infrastructure, including hotels, guest houses, improving and trade and entertaining objects on the parcel of land with a total area of 240 hectares in the territory of descents of citizens of makhally Miraka, "Amir Temur", "Uloch" and "Polmon" of Shakhrisabzsky district is developed;
By agency on management of the state assets on the basis of experience of the developed states the draft of the master plan providing construction of hotel, improving sanatorium, objects of public catering, cableways, alpine skiing complex and other subjects to tourist appointment on the parcel of land as total area of 58,6 of hectare in the territory of descent of citizens is developed waved "Katta hurrah" Kamashinsky district.
2. Approve offers of the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change, the Ministry of Economics and finance, Agencies on management of the state assets and khokimiyat of the Kashkadarya region about:
creation of the Tourist center "Shakhrisabz" on the parcel of land with a total area of 240 hectares in the territory of Shakhrisabzsky district;
creation of the Tourist center "Maydanak of Skillies of Togas" on the parcel of land of nonagricultural appointment of hectare as total area of 58,6 in the territory of Kamashinsky district;
creation and placement in Shakhrisabzsky district of Department on development and management of tourist infrastructure of the Kashkadarya region in the form of public institution (further - Department) for development and management of the tourist centers "Shakhrisabz" and "Maydanak of Skillies of Togas" (further - the tourist centers).
3. Approve:
The description of borders of the territory of the Tourist center "Shakhrisabz" according to appendix No. 1 *;
The description of borders of the territory of the Tourist center "Maydanak of Skillies of Togas" according to appendix No. 2*.
At the same time to authorize the Cabinet of Ministers to make changes and additions to borders of the territories of the tourist centers and their description.
4. Determine that:
the parcels of land public in the territory of the tourist centers according to drafts of the master plan, the master plan and the detailed layout are allocated under construction of facilities of infrastructure and social value to the Department and (or) other state bodies, organizations and the companies which are carrying out tasks of construction, content and operation of these objects with the right of permanent use;
the empty parcels of land in the territory of the tourist centers intended for implementation of business and town-planning activity according to drafts of the master plan, the master plan and the detailed layout are implemented on the basis of the property right and the right of lease by means of electronic online auction;
the empty parcels of land in the territory of the tourist centers are implemented by means of electronic online auction with separation into lots with building conditions of the objects provided by drafts of the master plan, the master plan and the detailed layout. At the same time on each lot of projects requirements to the approximate description, architectural appearance and terms of their commissioning are established;
receipts from realization of the parcels of land in the territory of the tourist centers by means of electronic online auction (less the expenses connected with exposure to the biddings and realization) are listed to Department;
receipts from realization of the parcels of land in the territory of the tourist centers by means of electronic online auction go for financing of activities of Department and development of the tourist centers, including financing of measures for construction and repair of road and transport and engineering and communication networks.
At the same time the parcels of land in the territory of the tourist centers can be implemented for implementation of business and town-planning activity in the form of ready business by means of electronic online auction.
5. Approve initiatives of JSC Uzmilliybank, JSC Asakabank, JSB Uzsanoatkurilishbank and JSB Turonbank about the construction investment companies in the form of ready business of modern hotel complexes, objects of public catering, cableways, alpine skiing complex and other service objects in the territory of the tourist centers with the subsequent realization of these objects by means of biddings on electronic trade platform of "E-auksion" or shares in projects according to the procedure established by acts of the legislation.
At the same time:
at the expense of Fund of reconstruction and development to the commercial banks specified in this Item borrowing facilities in foreign currency in the amount to 50 million US dollars directly are allocated for the above-stated actions for rate of 5 annual interest rates, for a period of 5 years, including three-year grace period;
these means are subject to complete return in fixed terms and conditions to Fund of reconstruction and development irrespective of results of realization of tourist objects.
6. Agree with offers of the Ministry of Economics and finance, JSC Uzbekneftegaz, Agencies on management of the state assets and khokimiyat of the Kashkadarya region about:
to transfer to fund of lands of inventory of khokimiyat of Shakhrisabzsky district 10,6 of hectare of land area in the territory of descent of citizens waved "Miraki" of Shakhrisabzsky district belonging to Shurtansky gazokhimichesky kompleks LLC for construction of modern hotel complexes within initiatives, stipulated in Item 5 these resolutions;
exposure to biddings of the empty parcels of land in the territories of descents of citizens of makhally Miraka, "Amir Temur", "Uloch" and "Polmon" of Shakhrisabzsky district and descent of citizens waved "Katta hurrah" Kamashinsky district for construction with attraction of private investments of additional hotels, guest houses, service complexes and rest areas in 2024-2025 with payment term by installments in the procedure established by the legislation.
At the same time:
determine that in cases when the amount of initial payment for the parcels of land realized on electronic biddings during the period from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025 constitutes more than 15 percent, the procedure for charge of percent on the main rate of the Central bank on the remained amount is not applied;
in case of payment by the winner of auction at least 15 percent of the amount of initial payment it is granted the right of entering into pledge as credit providing the right of lease and property on the parcel of land.
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