of December 27, 2023 No. 179
About provision of the Eurasian economic commission of official statistical information by authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union
For the purpose of realization of Item 6 of the Protocol on procedure for forming and distribution of official statistical information of the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix № 4 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) the Board of the Eurasian economic commission decided:
1. Approve enclosed:
2. Determine that official statistical information is provided to the Eurasian economic commission by authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in the formats approved by this Decision according to frequency and split according to national programs of statistical works of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union.
3. Recognize invalid Items 1 and 2 of the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 28, 2021 as No. 184 "About provision of the Eurasian economic commission of official statistical information by authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union".
4. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
M. Myasnikovich
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 27, 2023 , No. 179
Name of indicator |
Frequency |
Razreznost |
1. National accounts | ||
1.1. Gross internal product |
quarter |
in general on price types |
annual |
in general on sources of the income on price types | |
1.2. Release in basis prices |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.3. Intermediate consumption |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.4. Gross value added |
quarter |
in general by types of economic activity |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity | |
1.5. Taxes on products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.6. Subsidies for products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.7. Indexes of physical amount of gross domestic product |
quarter |
in general on elements of final uses |
annual |
in general on elements of final uses | |
1.8. Indexes of physical amount of gross value added |
quarter |
in general by types of economic activity |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity | |
1.9. Indexes of physical amount of taxes on products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.10. Indexes of physical amount of subsidies for products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.11. Index deflator of gross domestic product |
quarter |
in general on elements of final uses |
annual |
in general on elements of final uses | |
1.12. Index deflator of gross value added |
quarter |
in general by types of economic activity |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity | |
1.13. Index deflator of taxes on products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.14. Index deflator of subsidies for products |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.15. Compensation of hired employees |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.16. Other net production duties |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.17. Consumption of fixed capital |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.18. Gross profit and gross the mixed income |
annual |
in general by types of economic activity |
1.19. Expenses on final consumption of households |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.20. Expenses on final consumption of public administration |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.21. Expenses on final consumption of public administration (on individual goods and services) |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.22. Expenses on final consumption of public administration (on collective services) |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.23. Expenses on final consumption of the non-profit organizations servicing households |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.24. Gross accumulating |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.25. Gross accumulating of fixed capital |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.26. Change of inventories of material current assets |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.27. Statistical discrepancy |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.28. Commodity export and services |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.29. Commodity import and services |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.30. Net commodity export and services |
quarter |
in general |
annual |
in general | |
1.31. Gross internal product per capita |
annual |
in general |
1.32. Gross internal product on one busy |
annual |
in general |
1.33. Gross internal product per capita at par purchasing power |
annual |
in general |
2. Industry | ||
2.1. Industrial production | ||
2.1.1. Industrial output |
monthly |
in general |
by types of economic activity | ||
annual |
in general by types of economic activity | |
2.1.2. Indexes of industrial production |
monthly |
in general by types of economic activity |
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