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of December 12, 2023 No. 147

About the inventory and (or) types of goods, cases and (or) conditions when transportation of goods according to customs procedure of customs transit is not subject to tracking using navigation seals

According to the subitem 1 of Item 2 of article 3 of the Agreement on application in the Eurasian Economic Union of navigation seals for tracking of transportations of April 19, 2022 (further - the Agreement) and Item 159 of appendix No. 1 to the Regulations of work of the Eurasian economic commission approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of December 23, 2014 No. 98, Council of the Eurasian economic commission DECIDED:

1. Approve the enclosed inventory and (or) types of goods, cases and (or) conditions when transportation of goods according to customs procedure of customs transit is not subject to tracking using navigation seals.

2. Determine that the list approved by this Decision is applied from the effective date decisions of the Eurasian economic commission, stipulated in Item the 5th article 18 of the Agreement and before start date of tracking of transportations of the goods specified in subitems 3 and 4 of Item 6 of article 18 of the Agreement is not prolonged and is subject to revision.

3. This Decision shall enter into force upon the expiry of 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Members of council of the Eurasian economic commission:

From the Republic of Armenia

M. Grigoryan

From the Republic of Belarus


I. Petrishenko

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

S. Zhumangarin

From the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Kasymaliyev

From the Russian Federation

A. Overchuk

Approved by the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of December 12, 2023, No. 147

The inventory and (or) types of goods, cases and (or) conditions when transportation of goods according to customs procedure of customs transit is not subject to tracking using navigation seals

1. The goods intended for humanitarian and technical assistance on condition of submission to customs authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively - state members, the Union) in which territories the room of such goods under customs procedure of customs transit, the corresponding confirmation of authorized body of state member in which there is receiver of these goods is performed.

2. Live animals.

3. Incubatory eggs.

4. The goods moved on heavyweight and (or) large-size automotive vehicles on condition of submission by carrier to customs authority of state member in the territory of which the room of such goods under customs procedure of customs transit, special permission to journey of heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicles is performed.

5. International mailings.

6. The arms, military equipment, ammunition and other appliances moved through customs border of the Union on condition of submission to customs authority of state member in the territory of which the room of such goods under customs procedure of the customs transit, the military omission or other official document replacing it issued according to the legislation of state member is performed.

7. The traction railway rolling stock, other rail vehicles (railway rolling stock) in empty condition going in goods quality on the axes.

8. The goods moved with physical persons in the accompanied baggage in goods quality for private use.

9. The goods moved with railway transport in tank cars, container tanks in bulk and embankment and also in universal and specialized closed cars, containers in embankment and in bulk.

10. The goods moved on open railway rolling stock and also in open cargo sections of automotive vehicles in embankment and in bulk.

11. Goods which receivers are diplomatic representations and consular establishments, data on which are specified in transport (transportation) documents.

12. The goods moved with railway transport en route through customs area of the Union from the third countries to the third countries (except for transportations of goods on the territory of the Republic of Armenia).

13. Bodies and tissues of the person.

14. The goods intended for the prevention and liquidation of natural disasters and other emergency situations including vaccines for people and the vaccines applied in veterinary science on condition of submission to customs authority of the written confirmation of state body of the state member authorized in the field of emergency situations and (or) health care (or veterinary science) in which such goods follow, that the moved goods are intended for the prevention and liquidation of natural disasters and other emergency situations.

15. Goods which are transported from one part of customs area of the Union on other its part through the territories of the states which are not members of the Union.

16. Goods as which customs applicant the Authorized Economic Operator acts (except for the goods imported through the Belarusian site of customs border of the Union and (or) placed in the Republic of Belarus under customs procedure of customs transit).

17. The goods transported according to the Customs Convention about international delivery of loads using the book of MDP (except for the goods imported through the Belarusian site of customs border of the Union and (or) placed in the Republic of Belarus under customs procedure of customs transit).

18. The goods transported in one vehicle on which the amount of ensuring discharge of duty on payment of customs duties, taxes and the amount of ensuring discharge of duty on payment of the special, anti-dumping, compensatory duties in total does not exceed the amount equivalent of 500 euros at the currency rate operating on the date of registration of the transit declaration.

19. The goods intended for the organization and holding official international exhibitions on condition of submission to customs authority of state member in which the official international exhibition, by authorized body (organization) of this state member within which competence questions of the organization and holding such actions, the written confirmation of purpose of such goods with indication of actions, for the organization are and which carrying out they are intended, of the name, quantities and costs of goods, the information about person moving goods, the information about the customs applicant of such goods, and also the data necessary for identification of goods in case of their customs declaring is held.



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