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of April 17, 2001

According to the petition of Kurulush-Bank joint stock bank for recognition unconstitutional and inappropriate to Item 1 of Article 4, to Item 3 of Article 15, to Article 38, to Item 2 of Article 88 and article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by the resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 7, 2000 on case on the claim of the business owner Vorobyov B. D. to Kurulush-Bank joint stock bank and the Insan-Dayvoo company joint Kyrgyz Korean about recognition invalid the purchase and sale agreement of the pishchekombinat signed on March 29, 2000 between Kurulush-Bank joint-stock commercial bank and the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo" and also Item 3 of Article 158 of the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic

Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic in structure: Chairman Bayekova Ch. T., vice-chairman Sutalinov A. A., P.N., Kenensariyev A. S. sudeydryzhaka., Togoybayeva Zh. Zh., Esenaliyeva K. E. and Esenkanova K. E.,

Having heard the report of the judge Esenaliyev K. E., speeches of representatives: joint stock bank "Kurulush-Bank" of Karaulova L. K. and Makeeva G. G., the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic - Tyurina V. I., having researched case papers, the Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic


In the Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic the petition of Kurulush-Bank joint stock bank for recognition unconstitutional and inappropriate to Item 1 of Article 4, to Item 3 of Article 15, to Article 38, to Item 2 of Article 88 and article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic of the law-enforcement practice established by the resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 7, 2000 on case on the claim of the business owner Vorobyov B. D. to Kurulush-Bank joint stock bank and the Insan-Dayvoo company joint Kyrgyz Korean about recognition invalid the purchase and sale agreement of the pishchekombinat signed on March 29, 2000 between Kurulush-Bank joint-stock commercial bank and the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo" and also Item 3 of Article 158 of the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic arrived on December 22, 2000.

The following arguments are given to reasons for the petition. By the decision of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek of May 3, 2000 it is refused satisfaction of the claim of the business owner Vorobyov B. D. for recognition invalid the purchase and sale agreement of the pishchekombinat located in the village Military Antonovka of the Sokuluksky district concluded on March 29, 2000 between Kurulush-Bank joint-stock commercial bank and the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo". This judgment is left by the resolution of appellate instance of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek of June 22, 2000 without change.

The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, having considered case according to the procedure of supervision on Vorobyov B. D. claim, the resolution of November 7, 2000 cancelled the decision and the resolution of appellate instance of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek and being guided by Item 3 of Article 158 of the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic made the new decision on satisfaction of the claim of Vorobyov B. D. on recognition of the above-named purchase and sale agreement with invalid on case.

Item 3 of Article 158 of the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and the law-enforcement practice established by the resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of November 7, 2000 are unconstitutional, contradict Item 1 of Article 4, to Item 2 of Article 88 and article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic. The decision of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, being final and unliable to appeal, violates shareholder rights on judgment appeal, and also breaks the constitutional principles of justice general and single for all courts and judges that entailed violation of shareholder rights on property, on providing with justice and judicial protection, guaranteed by articles 15 and 38 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In judicial session representatives of Kurulush-Bank joint stock bank of Karaulov L. K. and Makeev G. G. ask to satisfy the petition.

Representative of the Supreme Arbitration Court Tyurin V. I., without having agreed with petition arguments, asks the constitutional legal proceedings to stop on this case.

Constitutional court of the Kyrgyz Republic, having discussed arguments of the parties and having researched case papers, considers the petition subject to satisfaction on the following bases.

From the provided materials it is visible that by the decision of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek of May 3, 2000 it is refused the claim of the business owner Vorobyov B. D. for recognition invalid the purchase and sale agreement of pishchekombinat, at the address: the village Military Antonovka of the Sokuluksky district concluded on March 29, 2000 between Kurulush-Bank joint-stock commercial bank and the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo". Satisfied the claim of the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo" for reclamation of property from others adverse possession of the business owner Vorobyov B. D., having obliged him to return пищекомбинат to the Insan-Dayvoo company joint Kyrgyz Korean.

This judgment is left by the resolution of appellate instance of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek of June 22, 2000 without change.

The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic, having considered case according to the procedure of supervision on the claim of the business owner Vorobyov B. D., the resolution of November 7, 2000 cancelled the above-stated court decrees of Arbitration Court of the city of Bishkek and on case made the new decision, nullified the agreement signed on March 29, 2000 between Kurulush-Bank joint-stock commercial bank and the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo" about purchase and sale of pishchekombinat. Refused satisfaction of the counter action of the joint Kyrgyz-Korean business "Insan-Dayvoo" about reclamation of pishchekombinat from others adverse possession.

In case of adoption of the resolution of November 7, 2000 the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Kyrgyz Republic was guided by Item 3 of Article 158 of the Arbitral Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic granting it the right to cancel decisions of subordinate courts and to make the new decision on the substance of dispute, without submitting the case on new trial.


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