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of December 29, 2023 No. 2399

About approval of Rules of carrying out exit assessment, stipulated in Article 24.2-3 Federal Laws "About Production Wastes and Consumption"

According to article 24.2-3 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of carrying out exit assessment, the stipulated in Article 24.2-3 Federal Laws "About Production Wastes and Consumption".

2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2024 and is effective till January 1, 2030.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2023 No. 2399

Rules of carrying out exit assessment, stipulated in Article 24.2-3 Federal Laws "About Production Wastes and Consumption"

1. These rules establish procedure for carrying out exit assessment of reliability of the data specified in the statement for inclusion of data in the register of the legal entities, individual entrepreneurs performing waste recycling from use of goods (further respectively - utilizers, the register of utilizers), about the goods (products) made by utilizers with use of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them about availability at the utilizers of the equipment and (or) installations used in case of waste recycling from use of goods (further - the equipment and (or) installations), about their production capacity (including with use of means of remote interaction if technically possible) (further respectively - the statement for inclusion of data, exit assessment) and procedure for use of means of remote interaction when carrying out exit assessment.

In case, stipulated in Item the 9th article 24.2-3 of the Federal law "About Production Wastes and Consumption" (further - the Federal Law), exit assessment is carried out according to these rules.

2. The basis for carrying out exit assessment is the statement for inclusion of data which at the same time is the statement for carrying out concerning utilizer of exit assessment.

3. Exit assessment is carried out by Federal Nature Management Supervision Service (its territorial authority).

The Federal Nature Management Supervision Service (its territorial authority) involves the public company on forming of complex system of the address with solid utility waste "The Russian ecological operator" in participation in check of utilizer and the documents submitted by it according to Item 2 of article 24.2-3 of the Federal Law for the purpose of confirmation of absence stipulated in Item the 7th article 24.2-3 of the Federal Law of the bases for refusal in inclusion of data in the register of utilizers and in carrying out exit assessment in the cases and procedure approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to Item 10 of article 24.2-3 of the Federal Law.

4. Subject of exit assessment is assessment:

a) reliability of the data specified in the statement for inclusion of data and the documents provided by the procedure approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to Item 18 of article 24.2-3 of the Federal Law attached to it;

b) availability at utilizer of the data of the equipment and (or) installations specified in the statement for inclusion;

c) compliance of the equipment and (or) installations to the indicators of their production capacity specified in the statement for inclusion of data;

d) availability of possibility of production of the data of goods (products) specified in the statement for inclusion with use of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them, compliance made (planned to production) the goods (products) with use of waste from use of goods and (or) the secondary raw materials received from them to the list, stipulated in Item the 6th article 24.2-1 of the Federal Law.

5. The documents confirming installation of automatic gages and accounting of the used energy resources (passports, agreements of operation of metering devices, the used energy resources and other documents) are researched during exit assessment in case of equipment of the equipment by them and (or) installations.

6. The decision on carrying out exit assessment is drawn up by the act of Federal Nature Management Supervision Service (its territorial authority).

7. In the act of Federal Nature Management Supervision Service (its territorial authority) of carrying out exit assessment the following data are specified:

a) surnames, names, middle names (in the presence), positions of persons authorized on carrying out exit assessment and also the representatives of the public company on forming of complex system of the address with solid utility waste "The Russian ecological operator" involved according to Item 3 of these rules;

b) the name and the location of utilizer concerning which exit assessment is carried out, data of utilizer (for the legal entity - the complete and reduced (in the presence) name of the legal entity, identification taxpayer number, legal address, data (address) on the location of object for utilization; for the individual entrepreneur - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), identification taxpayer number, the residence, data (address) on the location of object for utilization) concerning which exit assessment is carried out;

c) terms (start and end dates) of carrying out exit assessment.

8. The Federal Nature Management Supervision Service (its territorial authority) not later than 2 working days about day of carrying out exit assessment sends the notification on carrying out exit assessment to utilizer on which the decision on carrying out exit assessment is made by means of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)". In addition the notification on carrying out exit assessment goes Federal Nature Management Supervision Service by means of the electronic service "personal account" of single federal state information system of accounting of waste from use of goods or electronic service provided on the official site of Federal Nature Management Supervision Service if the application for inclusion of data is submitted with use of the specified services.

9. The term of carrying out exit assessment shall not exceed 7 working days from the date of its beginning. The specified term can be prolonged no more than for 10 working days in case of need of request of the additional information at authorized federal executive bodies and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of confirmation of reliability of data and the documents submitted in the statement for inclusion of data.


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