Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of January 3, 2024 No. 1
Some questions of optimization of activities of the central executive bodies in the sphere of the state energy supervision (control) in the natural gas market
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Determine that implementation by the State inspectorate of energy supervision of the powers and functions assigned to it on realization of state policy in the sphere of supervision (control) in the natural gas market regarding conducting technical investigation of circumstances and origins of the accidents connected with use of gas in the life, implementation of planned and unplanned actions of the state supervision (control) according to the procedure determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the basic principles of the state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity" begins after implementation of actions for approval of new structure, the staff list of the office of Inspectorate, the estimate and filling at least 30 percent of vacant positions on which fundamental job responsibilities provide implementation of the state energy supervision (control) in the natural gas market, but not later than in 60 calendar days from the date of entry into force of this resolution.
About start date of implementation by the State inspectorate of energy supervision of the specified powers and functions the inspectorate issues the order which will be promulgated on its official website.
2. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
3. To Department of Energy in two-month time from the date of entry into force of this resolution to develop and approve rules of technical operation of gas supply systems which will determine, in particular, requirements to the subjects of managing performing works on maintenance of smoke and ventilating channels of household objects, apartment and public houses.
4. To the Ministry of Economics in two-month time from the date of entry into force of this resolution to develop and approve rules concerning safety and health of workers in case of operation of gas supply systems, and also to recognize invalid the Safety rules of gas supply systems approved by the order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of May 15, 2015 No. 285.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 3, 2024 No. 1
1. Item 10-1 of the Procedure for investigation and accounting of accidents of the non-productive nature approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 22, 2001 No. 270 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2001, No. 13, Art. 543; 2007, No. 90, Art. 3306; 2016, No. 16, to the Art. 644) to state in the following edition:
"10-1. Technical investigation of origins of the accident connected with use of natural gas in life is conducted in accordance with the established procedure by Gosenergonadzor within powers.".
2. The paragraph third the subitem 27 of item 4 of the Regulations on Public service of Ukraine concerning work, No. 96 approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 11, 2015 (2015, No. 21, the Art. 584) to exclude the Official Bulletin of Ukraine.
3. In the Regulations on the State inspection of energy supervision of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 14, 2018 No. 77 "Some questions of the state inspection of energy supervision of Ukraine" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2018, No. 18, Art. 610; 2019, No. 94, Art. 3099; 2020, No. 52, Art. 1628, No. 89, Art. 2866; 2021, No. 42, Art. 2547; 2022, No. 66, Art. 3099):
Item 1 after the word "heat supply" to add 1) with words ", and also in the natural gas market";
Subitems 1-3 of Item 3 after the word "heat supply" to add 2) with words ", and also in the natural gas market";
3) in item 4:
in subitem 2:
the paragraph one after the word "supervision" to add with the word "(control)";
add the subitem with paragraphs of the following content:
"observance by subjects of the natural gas market and other persons (further - participants of the natural gas market) requirements of regulatory legal acts concerning technical operation and technical condition of gas-distribution systems, intra house gas supply systems, gas networks of internal gas supply, safety of use in life of devices and metering stations of natural gas, smoke and ventilating channels of apartment and public houses, their testing and repair, and also performance of works for safety of use of natural gas in life;
observance by subjects of the natural gas market, including on objects of its production, requirements of regulatory legal acts concerning technical condition of devices and metering stations of natural gas;";
in subitem 3:
state paragraph two in the following edition:
"in work of the commissions on investigation of the reasons and consequences of accidents and the fires on the equipment of power networks of participants of the market of electrical energy, subjects of the relations in the sphere of heat supply and participants of the natural gas market who led to violation of operating modes of other participants of the market of electrical energy, subjects of the relations in the sphere of heat supply and participants of the natural gas market;";
third after the word "energies" to add the paragraph with the words "and natural gas";
add Item with subitems 8-2-8-5 of the following content:
"8-2) makes technical investigation of circumstances and origins of the accidents connected with use of natural gas in life and also issues by results of such investigations obligatory to execution by executive bodies, local government bodies, companies, organizations, organizations, citizens of the decision;
8-3) records the accidents connected with use of gas in life;
8-4) exercises control of observance by subjects of managing of requirements for ensuring proper performance of works on maintenance of smoke and ventilating channels of household objects, apartment and public houses by issue of conclusions of compliance according to the procedure, the approved Ministry of Energy;
8-5) performs settlement of the relations connected with maintenance of intra house gas supply systems within powers;";
4) in Item 6:
state subitem 1 in the following edition:
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