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of December 29, 2023 No. 1416

About approval of the list of buildings of industrial and agricultural purpose, objects of power, transport, communication and defense, warehouses to which the minimum requirements to energy efficiency of buildings do not extend and which are not subject to certification of energy efficiency

According to part four of article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "About energy efficiency of buildings" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the list of buildings of industrial and agricultural purpose, objects of power, transport, communication and defense, warehouses to which the minimum requirements to energy efficiency of buildings do not extend and which are not subject to certification of energy efficiency, according to appendix.

2. Declare invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 11, 2018 No. 265 "About approval of the list of buildings of industrial and agricultural purpose, objects of power, transport, communication and defense, storage facilities to which the minimum requirements to energy efficiency of buildings do not extend and which are not subject to certification of energy efficiency of buildings" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2018, No. 33, of the Art. 1161).

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2024.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2023 No. 1416

The list of buildings of industrial and agricultural purpose, objects of power, transport, communication and defense, warehouses to which the minimum requirements to energy efficiency of buildings do not extend and which are not subject to certification of energy efficiency

Class on the nation-wide qualifier of buildings and constructions of Oil Company 018:2023

Type of the building (construction)


The buildings for temporary residence which are earlier not classified


Halls for fairs, auctions, sales exhibitions, the covered markets, buildings of participants of traffic


Buildings of the civil and military airports, railway stations, bus stations, sea and river stations, funiculars and stations of ropeways
Buildings of the centers of radio - and telecastings, telephone exchanges, the telecommunication centers, etc.

Hangars for airplanes, buildings of alarm boxes, locomotive and
car repair sheds

Phone booths
Buildings of beacons
Buildings of air traffic control (tower)


Garages (land and underground) and the covered car parks
Canopies for bicycles


The buildings used for industrial production, for example, factories, workshops, slaughterhouses, breweries


Reservoirs and reservoirs

Reservoirs for oil and gas
Silos for grain, cement and other dry products
Refrigerators and special warehouses
Storage facilities


Archive buildings


Buildings of meteorological stations, observatories


Buildings of hospitals, correctional facilities, prisons and armed forces
The buildings used for thermal and salt treatment, functional rehabilitation, Items of blood transfusion, Items of donorship of breast milk, veterinary hospitals, etc.


The buildings used in the sports purposes (basketball and tennis halls, pools, gyms, skating rinks or hockey arenas, etc.) in which the equipment for the audience and participants is provided


The buildings intended for agricultural activities, for example, cowsheds, stables, pigsties, sheep-folds, stables, nurseries, industrial hen houses, granaries, hangars and economic constructions, cellars, wineries, wine tubs, greenhouses, agricultural silos


Churches, chapels, mosques, synagogues, etc.
Cemeteries and funeral constructions, ritual halls, crematoriums


Buildings of correctional facilities, prisons, pre-trial detention centers, military barracks

Such objects as public transport stops, public toilets, laundries, baths


Public roads of the state value, including intersections and traffic intersections of different levels
Devices for lighting, alarm systems, protection and parkings


Main railway tracks, sidings, railroad switches, railway crossings, station and marshaling sidings
Devices of lighting, alarm system, safety and electrification


Railway tracks of the subway (underground, land, elevated)
Elevated and trestle railroads, separate city networks of rail transport public, tram ways
Lighting, signaling, security and elektrifikatsionny devices


Landing strips for take-off, landing, maneuvering and the parking of aircrafts
Light-signal and security devices


Automobile and railway bridges from metal, steel concrete or other materials, including trestle designs Lighting, signaling and security devices

Mobile bridges, viaducts, bridges through field and forest roads, pedestrian bridges


Tunnels of highways, railroads and subways
Lighting, signaling and security devices


Constructions of sea and river ports (moorings, docks, moorings, moorings, etc.)
Ship canals

Constructions on the rivers and canals (locks, bridges via channels, tunnels of canals, moorings, embankments and towing ways)
Constructions of military ports

Ship-repair and ship-building companies


Dikes, dikes and similar water-retaining constructions of any appointment: hydropower, irrigation, regulation of drain,
protection against floods, dikes, shore protection constructions


Irrigation canals and other subjects to water supply
for needs of agricultural industry

Drainage and storm constructions


The bulk surface, underground or underwater distribution lines for transportation of oil products and natural gas
Pumping points


The bulk surface, underground or underwater distribution lines for water transportation

Pumping, filtrational and
water intaking stations


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