of November 15, 2023 No. 59
On regulation of activities in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation
Based on paragraphs of the second or fifth subitem 10. 1, subitems 10.3 and 10.4 of Item 10, of paragraphs of third and fourth Item 24 of the Regulations on licensing of activities in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of the ionizing radiation approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 5, 2021 No. 137, of subitem 9.4 of Item 9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 14, 2022 No. 405, of Item 16 of the Regulations on procedure for issue of permissions to the right of conducting works when implementing activities in the field of use of atomic energy approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 14, 2015 No. 854, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Determine:
the list of the works performed for users of sources of ionizing radiation and services rendered to users of sources of ionizing radiation which can exert impact on radiation safety on which accomplishment and rendering special permission (license) for the right of implementation of activities in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation, according to appendix 1 is required;
the list of the nuclear materials, materials and objects contaminated by transuranium elements on use, conversion, transportation (transportation) which storage is required special permission (license) for the right of implementation of activities in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation, according to appendix 2.
2. Approve Regulations on procedure for the admission to conducting examination of safety in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation it (is applied).
3. Make changes to the following resolutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus:
3.1. in the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of April 29, 2016 No. 25 "About establishment of form of permission to the right of conducting works when implementing activities for use of atomic energy":
in the name of the word "on use" shall be replaced with words "in the field of use";
state preamble in the following edition:
"Based on Item 16 of the Regulations on procedure for issue of permissions to the right of conducting works when implementing activities in the field of use of atomic energy approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 14, 2015 No. 854, of subitem 9.4 of Item 9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 14, 2022 No. 405, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:";
in Item 1 of the word "on use" shall be replaced with words "in the field of use";
in appendix to this resolution:
shall be replaced with words the words "on use" "in the field of use";
after the word "positions" to add with the word of "employee";
after the word "position" to add with the word of "employee";
3.2. in the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of April 25, 2019 No. 35 "About lists of works (services) and the equipment for subjects to use of atomic energy":
in preamble of the word "7.4 Items 7" and "on December 29, 2006 No. 756" to replace respectively with the words "9.4 Items 9" and "on November 14, 2022 No. 405";
the paragraph one of Item 1 to state in the following edition:
"1. Determine:";
in appendix 1 to this resolution:
"operational" to exclude the word from Item 5;
add Item 6 with words ", burial Items";
in Item 11:
in paragraph one of the word "on use of atomic energy" shall be replaced with words "in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation";
third after words of "public administration" to add the paragraph with the words "in the field of safety when using atomic energy";
in paragraph five to replace the word of "personnel" with the word of "workers";
in appendix 2 to this resolution:
"operational" to exclude the word from Item 15;
in Item 19 of the word "to 3rd class" shall be replaced with words "to 2 and 3 classes";
to add Item 22 after words of "radioactive waste" with words ", burial Items";
3.3. in the resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of September 24, 2021 No. 65 "About establishment of forms of statements and assessment of conformity":
in the name of the word of "forms of statements" shall be replaced with words "application forms";
in preamble of the word "7.4 Items 7" and "on December 29, 2006 No. 756" to replace respectively with the words "9.4 Items 9" and "on November 14, 2022 No. 405";
state Item 1 in the following edition:
"1. Establish the application form about issue of the duplicate of special permission (license) for the right of implementation of activities in the field of use of atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation according to appendix.";
in appendix 2 to this resolution:
in signature stamp of the word "Appendix 2" to replace with the word "Appendix";
after words" (further – the legal entity)," to add with the words "and also its separate divisions in which the licensee has the right to perform the licensed activities";
to replace words of "separate divisions" with the word of "representations";
" (including representative offices of the foreign organization)" to exclude words;
"valid to" shall be replaced with words words "valid on";
after the word "positions" to add with the word of "employee";
in the Instruction about procedure for evaluating compliance of the job seeker of special permission (license) for the right of implementation of activities in the field of use of the atomic energy and sources of ionizing radiation to dolitsenzionny requirements and conditions, the licensee to licensed requirements and conditions approved by this resolution:
in Item 2:
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