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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 4, 2023
No. 2099/41155
of October 31, 2023 No. 729
About approval of the Procedure of check of compliance of material and technical resources of the license applicant to production requirements to implementation of economic activity on management of dangerous wastes, rules of technical operation of installations and production schedules
According to part three of article 44 of the Law of Ukraine "About waste management" PRIKAZYVAYU:
2. Department of digital transformation, electronic public services and waste managements (Evgenia POPOVIC) to provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister concerning digital development, digital transformations and digitalization Sergey VLASENKO.
R. Strelets
It is approved: Century of the deputy. Heads of the State ecological inspection of Ukraine |
I. Zubovich |
Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine |
A. Kucher |
First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine |
O. Vyskub |
The first vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine |
Yu. Sviridenko |
The vice-Prime Minister on recovery of Ukraine - the Minister of development of communities, the territories of infrastructure of Ukraine |
A. Kubrakov |
Minister of strategic questions of industries of Ukraine |
A. Kamyshin |
Minister of Health of Ukraine |
V. Lyashko |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of environment protection of natural resources of Ukraine of October 31, 2023, No. 729
1. This Procedure determines the procedure of carrying out by authorized officers of Mindovkolya of check of compliance of material and technical resources of the license applicant to production requirements to implementation of economic activity by management of dangerous wastes, rules of technical operation of installations and production schedules and is obligatory for accomplishment by license applicants.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following values:
the act of check - the document processed in accordance with the established procedure which is constituted by authorized officers of Mindovkolya by results of check of compliance of material and technical resources of the license applicant to production requirements to implementation of economic activity on management of dangerous wastes, rules of technical operation of installations and production schedules;
refusal of the license applicant in conducting check - making of obstacles from the license applicant in access for authorized officers Mindovkolya on its territory and/or to buildings, constructions, rooms of the license applicant which are used for placement of material and technical resources, for implementation of economic activity on management of dangerous wastes, creation of obstacles in work of authorized officers of Mindovkolya from the license applicant, not appointment as the license applicant of person authorized by it which has the right to represent the license applicant during conducting check in case of absence of the head of the license applicant of the legal entity, his deputy or other authorized person or the license applicant of the physical person - the entrepreneur, refusal in provision of documents, information concerning check subject upon the demand of authorized officers of Mindovkolya.
Other terms used in this Procedure are used in the values given in the Laws of Ukraine "About waste management", "About licensing of types of economic activity", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 11, 2021 No. 1065 "About the single ecological Ecosystem platform.
3. Material and technical resources compliance to production requirements to implementation of economic activity on management of dangerous wastes, rules of technical operation of installations and production schedules is established by authorized persons of Mindovkolya based on information which was specified in the statement of the license applicant, concerning each place of implementation of economic activity on management of dangerous wastes and documents of Mindovkolya filed according to the written requirement of authorized officers, by creation of the inspection statement.
4. The basis for conducting check of material and technical resources of the license applicant to the established requirements is the application of the license applicant which is submitted to Mindovkolye electronically by use of management information system by waste (further - System) which is the functional module of the single ecological Ecosystem platform and is created automatically by System software on the basis of information which was entered by the subject of managing during creation of accounting record in System and/or in case of filing of application about conducting check of compliance of material and technical resources to the established requirements according to appendix 1 to this Procedure, electronically in System. After automatic creation of the specified statement in the PDF format on it the digital signature which is based on the qualified certificate is imposed.
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