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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 9, 2023

No. 1948/41004


of October 2, 2023 No. 275

About approval of the standard agreement on interchange by information resources

According to part four of article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "About official statistics", the subitem 17 of item 4 of the Regulations on public service of statistics of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 23, 2014 No. 481, for the purpose of ensuring realization of state policy in the sphere of statistics and streamlining of interchange with information resources between the Public service of statistics of Ukraine and public authorities, local government bodies and other legal entities performing the activities connected with collection and use of official state statistical information and administrative data, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Standard agreement on interchange by the enclosed information resources.

2. To department of coordination of process of data collection of Public service of statistics of Ukraine (A. F. Right court) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.


I. Verner


It is approved:

The first vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - the Minister of Economic Affairs of Ukraine


Yu. Sviridenko

Minister of Finance of Ukraine

S. Marchenko

Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine of the Vice-chairman of Public service of special communication of information security of Ukraine

A. Magnificent

First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine

O. Vyskub

Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights

D. Lubinets

Approved by the Order of Public service of statistics of Ukraine of October 2, 2023 No. 275

The standard agreement concerning interchange by information resources (with appendices)

See. The standard agreement concerning interchange by information resources (with appendices)

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