of December 29, 2023 No. 2386
About the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere"
According to articles 6.12 and 6.13 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere".
2. Determine that the actions provided by the Provision approved by this resolution are performed by federal executive bodies, organizations and Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation subordinated to them within the established powers and within the budgetary appropriations provided by the Federal Laws on the federal budget and the budget of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation for the corresponding financial year and planning period on management and management in the sphere of the established functions.
3. To fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation:
a) provide implementation of actions on creation, commissioning, maintenance and development of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere";
b) before complete commissioning of the third queue of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" to provide data migration from the state information systems which operator is the Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation, and information systems of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere";
c) before complete commissioning of the third queue of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" to organize data migration from the state information system which operator is the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Bureau of Medico-social Examination" of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, information systems of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation which functionality will be replaced with the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere", in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere";
d) provide bringing to public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, the organizations which are under authority of the public authorities and local government bodies using own information systems in case of appointment and provision of measures of social protection (support), social services within social servicing and the government public assistance, other social guarantees and payments to citizens according to parts 5 and 6 of article 6.12 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance", formats of information exchange (their changes) at least in 6 months prior to integration of their own information systems with the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere";
e) provide quarterly placement on the official site of the operator of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" on the Internet of statistical data concerning the information about persons recognized as disabled people, about the number of disabled people on groups of disability, the made money payments to disabled people and about other measures of social protection (support) on subjects of the Russian Federation and in general across the Russian Federation.
4. To provide to federal state budgetary institution "Federal Bureau of Medico-social Examination" of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation before complete commissioning of the third queue of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" data migration from information systems of federal institutions of medico-social examination in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere".
5. To federal executive bodies, Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation to bring the acts into accord with this resolution in 3-month time from the date of entry into force of this resolution.
6. Recommend to executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation to bring acts of subjects of the Russian Federation into accord with this resolution in 3-month time from the date of entry into force of this resolution.
7. The data determined by the Section 15 of the structure of information placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere", given in appendix No. 2 to the Provision approved by this resolution concerning categories of the citizens provided by subitems "an" - "e" Item 57 of the Provision approved by this resolution for the period till July 1, 2024 are placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, the organizations providing measures of social protection (support), the social services provided within social servicing and the government public assistance, other social guarantees and payments till January 1, 2025, except for the data placed by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.
8. Data on reference of the citizen to category of the students mastering the main general education programs or educational programs of secondary professional education from January 1, 2020 till July 1, 2024 are placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" according to part 2 of article 12 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2023 No. 293-FZ "About modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation and recognition voided separate legal acts (provisions of legal acts) of the Russian Federation".
9. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation places the data determined by the Section 15 of the structure of information placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere", given in appendix No. 2 to the Provision approved by this resolution concerning the citizens provided by subitems "an" and "v" of Item 57 of the Provision approved by this resolution, for the period till December 31, 2024 inclusive since January 1, 2025.
10. Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation, federal state budgetary institution "Federal Bureau of Medico-social Examination" of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, federal state institution "Main Bureau of Medico-social Examination of Federal Medical Biological Agency", federal institutions of medico-social examination for the purpose of ensuring setup and uninterrupted implementation by participants of the relations arising in connection with the creation, functioning and development of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" determined by part 1 of article 6.13 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance", the functions and powers including provisions of the state services having the right to use information systems of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation till July 1, 2024 federal state budgetary institution "Federal Bureau of Medico-social Examination" of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation which functionality will be replaced with the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere".
11. Recognize invalid acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and separate provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to appendix.
12. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2023 No. 1910 "About approval of Rules of informing the citizen on the rights arising in connection with event which approach gives it opportunity of receipt of measures of social protection (support), of the social services provided within social servicing and the government public assistance, other social guarantees and payments and also about conditions of their appointment and provision" (The Russian Federation Code, 2023, No. 47, the Art. 8422) to add with Item 2 (1) the following content:
"2(1). Determine that based on part 1 of article 13 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2023 No. 293-FZ "About modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation and recognition voided separate legal acts (provisions of legal acts) of the Russian Federation" in the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow informing regarding measures of social protection (support), the social services provided within social servicing and the government public assistance, other social guarantees and payments which provision is provided by budget funds of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow and (or) within delegated powers is performed by authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow using regional information systems and infrastructure, created and operated by the subject of the Russian Federation - the federal city of Moscow, including the regional portal of the state and municipal services.".
13. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2024, except for:
(in the part concerning subitems "an" - "e" Item 11 of part 3 of article 6.12 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance"), Items 38 - the 40th Section IV, subitems "an" - "e" Item 57, Items 61 - the 69th Section V of the Provision approved by this resolution, Sections 15 and 18 of the structure of information placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere", given in appendix No. 2 to the Provision approved by this resolution, which are becoming effective since July 1, 2024;
(in the part concerning provision of the data provided by Sections 14, of the 15 and 18 structure of information placed in the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere", given in appendix No. 2 to the Provision approved by this resolution), Item 70 of the Section V and Item 82 of the Section VI of the Provision approved by this resolution, which are becoming effective since January 1, 2025.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2023 No. 2386
1. This Provision determines structure of the state information system "Single Centralized Digital Platform in the Social Sphere" (further - single digital platform), powers of participants of the relations arising in connection with creation, functioning and development of single digital platform (further - participants of information exchange), structure of information placed on single digital platform and sources of such information, procedure for the direction of the data provided by the Federal Law "About the Government Public Assistance" on single digital platform, procedure for ensuring access to the data containing on single digital platform, procedure for identification of the citizens needing receipt of measures of social protection (support), and also accounting and use of information about such citizens, procedure for information exchange of single digital platform with other information systems, regulations of functioning of single digital platform other provisions necessary for ensuring functioning of single digital platform.
2. Ensuring creation, functioning and development of single digital platform is performed according to the provisions determined by the Federal Law "About the Government Public Assistance" and also according to provisions of the Federal Law "About Information, Information Technologies and on Information Security", the Federal Law "About Personal Data", other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and this provision.
3. Creation and functioning of single digital platform are performed on the basis of the following principles:
a) momentariness of placement on single digital platform of information similar on content;
b) recurrence of use of information placed on single digital platform, participants of information exchange;
c) application of the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of the information systems used for implementation of the state and municipal functions and provision of the state and municipal services electronically;
d) continuity and uninterruptedness of functioning of single digital platform;
e) obligation of use of the strengthened qualified digital signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in case of placement of information on single digital platform the suppliers of information specified in part 6 of article 6.13 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance";
e) completeness, reliability, relevance of information placed on single digital platform.
4. The single digital platform is created for the purpose of:
a) ensuring processes of implementation by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation, federal institutions of medico-social examination of functions and provision of services;
b) automation of processes of provision of measures of social protection (support), social services within social servicing and the government public assistance, other social guarantees, including provision of pensions, and the payments provided to citizens in the Russian Federation (further - measures of social protection (support), conducting medico-social examination, accounting of actions for rehabilitation (abilitation) of disabled people and handicapped children, including on providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and provision by it of services, and also accounting of actions for rehabilitation of injured labor accidents and occupational diseases;
c) providing citizens, and also public authorities, local government bodies, the organizations providing measures of social protection (support), information on measures of social protection (support).
5. Functions of single digital platform are:
a) automation of processes of appointment and provision to citizens of measures of social protection (support), provision of pensions of citizens, conducting medico-social examination, and also accounting of information about disabled people, handicapped children and actions of rehabilitation (abilitation) of disabled people, handicapped children and workers, including injured labor accidents and occupational diseases, providing disabled people, handicapped children with technical means of rehabilitation and provision of services by it;
b) ensuring conducting the individual (personified) accounting of information about citizens provided by the Federal Law "About the Individual (Personified) Accounting in Systems of Mandatory Pension Insurance and Compulsory Social Insurance";
c) ensuring processes of provision of the state services and implementation of the state functions in the sphere of mandatory pension insurance, compulsory social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases and compulsory social insurance on case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, and also timely accounting of cross liabilities of insurers and the insurer;
d) forming and maintaining the unified register of subjects of mandatory pension insurance, compulsory social insurance on case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, compulsory social insurance from labor accidents and occupational diseases;
e) ensuring conducting processes of management of means of pension accruals of persons insured in system of mandatory pension insurance;
e) ensuring acceptance and processing of the data necessary for individual (the personified accounting) in systems of mandatory pension insurance and compulsory social insurance;
g) ensuring identification of events which approach gives to citizens opportunity of receipt of measures of social protection (support), and informing such citizens on the rights arising at them in connection with approach of such events;
h) ensuring registration of decisions on reference of citizens to categories of the citizens having the right to measures of social protection (support), and accounting of information about such citizens specified in subitems "an" - Item 11 of part 3 of article 6.12 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance";
i) forming, processing and storage of information about the citizens necessary for determination of their rights to measures of social protection (support);
j) forming and maintaining databank about legal representatives of persons having the right to measures of social protection (support);
k) implementation of process of identification of the citizens needing receipt of measures of social protection (support), and also accounting of information about such citizens;
l) implementation of processes of appointment and provision of measures of social protection (support);
m) forming and maintaining the qualifier of measures of social protection (support), the list of categories of receivers of measures of social protection (support), other qualifiers, reference books and registers of single digital platform applied for the purpose of implementation of functions, provision of services and automation of the processes determined by part 1 of article 6.12 of the Federal law "About the Government Public Assistance";
o) ensuring control of the guaranteed amount of provision of measures of social protection (support);
o) provision to participants of information exchange of information on the bases, conditions, methods, forms and the facts of provision of measures of social protection (support) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal regulatory legal acts, and also data on the organizations providing measures of social protection (support);
p) ensuring access of citizens to the data containing on single digital platform with use of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (further - the Single portal of the state and municipal services);
c) ensuring interaction with insurers on compulsory pension and social insurance;
r) ensuring government relations (state bodies), local government bodies, the organizations which are under authority of public authorities and local government bodies (further - bodies and the organizations) in the course of provision of measures of social protection (support) with use of single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, including the federal state information system "Single Information Platform of National Management System Data";
s) forming of the reporting under activities of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation and federal institutions of medico-social examination, and also reporting on measures of social protection (support);
t) automation of the processes providing financial and economic activities of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation, and also activities for property management of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and federal institutions of medico-social examination.
6. Functioning of single digital platform is provided according to regulations of functioning of single digital platform according to appendix No. 1.
7. The single digital platform represents set of information containing in databases and information technologies and technical means providing its processing by means of the interacting information systems consisting of the subsystems and services intended for ensuring processes of implementation of functions by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, implementation of functions and provision of services of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation by Fund, federal institutions of medico-social examination, and also provision processes to citizens of measures of social protection (support) by bodies and organizations.
8. The single digital platform includes:
a) the information system "Unified Basic Registers of the Sphere of Social Security" intended for data management of receivers of services, insurers, and also for data management of single base of normative reference information;
b) the information system "Front Office Unified Information System" intended for ensuring work of operators of client offices in case of personal visits of citizens and insurers by means of automation of processes of client servicing (registration of addresses, entering of data into information system, the direction of addresses for execution, reconciliation of data, document creation on papers, etc.);
c) the information system "Single Show-window of Interaction with Citizens" intended for ensuring address pro-active informing citizens on their social rights in case of approach of the corresponding vital events, the status and amount of their realization;
d) the information system "Unified Information System of Automation of Processes of Social Security" (including the components "Electronic Leaf of Disability", "Direct Payments of Insurance Coverage" of federal state information system "The single integrated information system "Social insurance") intended for realization of processes of social security of citizens including by means of automatic detection of the right of the citizen to measures of social protection (supports), purposes of measures of social protection (support) and the notification of the citizen, provision of measures of social protection (support) and accounting of provision of measures of social protection (support);
e) the information system of conducting medico-social examination and accounting of actions for rehabilitation intended for automation of processes of conducting medico-social examination and accounting of information about disabled people, handicapped children and actions of rehabilitation (abilitation) of the disabled people, handicapped children and workers who were injured on production;
e) the unified information system of accounting of obligations of insurers intended for ensuring interaction of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation with insurers in the automatic mode regarding processing of the requests and reports arriving from insurers, remote monitoring of obligations of insurers taking into account data of subsystem "The register of insurers" and interaction history with the insurer;
g) the information system "Single Show-window for Insurers (Legal Entities)" intended for ensuring address informing insurers on their obligations, the status and amount of their execution, providing access to insurers (legal entities) to the services and services of single digital platform and services realized on single digital platform;
h) the integration information system intended for ensuring information exchange between the information systems which are part of single digital platform and also with other information systems of bodies and organizations;
i) the information system of storage, processing and data analysis intended for collection and storage of information on single digital platform (the information about citizens and insurers and processes of interaction with them), for provision of tools for receipt of the high-quality and consistent statistical and analytical reporting, and also forming of single space of consistent data in case of migration of historical data from various information systems and when implementing actions for replacement and integration of information systems of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation and federal institutions of medico-social examination in structure of single digital platform by consolidation and normalization of data;
j) the unified information system of automation of administrative activities intended for consolidation and ensuring automation of the providing processes of activities, transition to electronic document management;
k) the complex system of ensuring information security intended for implementation of information security during creation, ensuring functioning and development of single digital platform;
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