of October 13, 2022 No. 592
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of national pensions
For the purpose of further enhancement of system of social protection of the population, improvement of quality of the state services to destination to citizens of national pensions, strengthenings of principles of social justice, increases in targeting and efficiency of programs of social protection of the population, and also ensuring execution of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 29, 2021 No. ZRU-726 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan", of February 9, 2022 No. ZRU-752 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with further strengthening of guarantees of the rights of citizens and subjects of entrepreneurship", of May 17, 2022 No. ZRU-770 "About modification of some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with enhancement of system of medico-social services in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and of September 19, 2022 No. ZRU-791 "About introduction of amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" the DECIDES: Cabinet of Ministers
1. Take into consideration that:
according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 29, 2021 No. ZRU-726 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for the period till January 1, 2005 length of service is established on the basis of available in the service record (the electronic service record) of records about years of service of person without reclamation of supporting documents, pensions are paid to persons at their choice of the off-budget Pension fund by district (city) departments under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the place of permanent residence or the place of temporary stay, check (studying) and deduction (collection) of excessively paid amounts on the granted and (or) counted pensions, according to in addition submitted documents, for the period three and more years preceding start date of conducting check (studying) is not allowed;
according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 9, 2022 No. ZRU-752 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with further strengthening of guarantees of the rights of citizens and subjects of entrepreneurship" pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter is paid to disabled children of the died supporter before achievement of 18 years by them and if these children are pupils or students of the educational organizations - the entire period of their training, but before achievement of 23 years by them, in case of calculation of pension the 6-year period of child care leave is set off as length of service, during introduction in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the quarantine connected with origin and spread of infectious diseases, dangerous to the person, person is granted pension from the date of emergence of the right to it during the quarantine;
according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 17, 2022 No. ZRU-770 "About modification of some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with enhancement of system of medico-social services in the Republic of Uzbekistan" recognition of person by person with disability is performed by medico-social commissions of experts;
according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 19, 2022 No. ZRU-791 "About introduction of amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" since January 1, 2023 for pension calculation is accepted average monthly earnings in the amount not over the twelvefold size of basic size of calculation of pension.
2. Approve Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of national pensions according to appendix No. 1, providing:
procedure for the address for purpose of national pensions, submission of the documents necessary for purpose of pensions;
procedure for calculation of working life in case of purpose of national pensions, including working life on preferential reasons for separate category of citizens;
procedure for charge of allowances in case of purpose of national pensions;
procedure for change of type, recalculation and recovery of the granted national pensions;
payment procedure of the granted national pensions and implementation of assignments.
2-1. Approve Regulations on procedure for recalculation of the earnings accepted for calculation of pension using individual coefficients of earnings according to appendix No. 1-1, providing:
procedure for recalculation of the earnings accepted for calculation of pension using individual coefficients of earnings;
formula of individual coefficient of earnings.
3. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2*.
4. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments in two-month time to bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution.
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister on financial and economic questions and reducing poverty - the Minister of Economic Development and reducing poverty of Kuchkarov D. A. and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ishmetov T. A.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
A. Aripov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 13, 2022 No. 592
1. This Provision according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" (further - the Law) determines procedure for purpose of national pensions, applications of pension privileges, recalculation, recovery, payment of national pensions, deduction from pension, regulations of the questions connected with provision of pensions of citizens and other payments.
2. For the purpose of this provision the following terms and determinations are used:
busy person - the physical person which is independently providing itself with work and which working hours do not give in to accounting, the entrepreneur, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan working abroad based on the employment contract, the physical persons gaining income from the employer to whom the obligation on calculation and tax withholding, physical person which spouse (a) pays in voluntary procedure the social tax for the spouse (u) for the period after June 1, 2021 person for who the social tax by organization on execution of the punishment is paid for accomplishment of any works, self-employed person according to the legislation, person who is engaged in business activity without formation of legal entity, the person occupied in personal subsidiary and Dehkan farm, which is directly performing cultivation of cattle, production and realization of livestock and other agricultural products is not assigned and also subject of family entrepreneurship and workmanship;
length of service - the general duration of the labor and other activity granting the right to provision of pensions according to the legislation, irrespective of the available work stoppages, determined by the service record (the electronic service record) and other documents issued from place of employment, service, study or archive;
earnings - the earnings of person accepted for calculation (recalculation) of pension;
special length of service - duration of the labor activity granting the right to preferential provision of pensions according to the legislation in certain industries of the national economy, professions and positions;
benefit - the monthly money payment provided to persons who do not have rights of receipt of national pension in accordance with the terms and the regulations established by the Law in connection with occurrence of retirement age, disability or loss of the supporter;
pension - monthly money payment which right is determined in accordance with the terms and the regulations established by the Law and which is provided to persons in connection with occurrence of retirement age, disability or loss of the supporter;
the location of pension case - district (city) department of the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Pension fund) in the place of residence of the pensioner (further - department of the Pension fund);
case with pension documents (pension case) - the stitched set of documents based on which pension is granted to person who addressed for pension, and/or pension documents and/or these persons, addressed for pension, in electronic form, stored in the information system "Pension" of the Pension fund (further - information system);
the request for award of pension - filing of application in department of the Pension fund about award of pension, recalculation of the size of pension, the transfer from one type of pension to other type, and also recovery (renewal) of payment to earlier suspended (stopped) pension in accordance with the established procedure;
person - the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also the foreign citizen or the person without citizenship who is constantly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan and received the residence permit in accordance with the established procedure;
the residence - the apartment house, the apartment, office premises, specialized houses (the hostel, boarding house, the special house for lonely aged, the house boarding school for persons with disability, veterans and others), and also other premises in which the physical person who addressed for pension constantly lives (it is registered in the place of permanent residence) as the owner, according to the employment contract (subhiring), the lease agreement or on other bases, stipulated by the legislation, and in case of lack of the place of permanent residence (registration in the place of permanent residence) - the place of temporary stay (registration in the place of temporary stay);
the legal representative - parents, the adoptive father, person which accepted on education in family (patronage) of the child the orphan and/or the child, without parental support, the guardian or the custodian recognized as those according to the procedure, established by the legislation;
the sheet - the document electronically containing data on surname, name and middle name, the residence, passport data (data of the identification ID card), terms and the amount of pension payment and/or benefits of the pensioner and/or receiver of benefit, represented to the organization to which delivery (delivery) of pension, and branch of commercial bank for pension payment and/or benefits is assigned.
3. To person having at the same time pension entitlement under the Law and according to the legislation on provision of pensions of separate categories of citizens, the stipulated in Article 5 Laws one type of pension at its choice is appointed.
4. Appointment and pension payment, and also consideration of other questions connected with provision of pensions of citizens is performed by department of the Pension fund based on the conditions and regulations provided by acts of the legislation and/or this Provision.
5. The administration of the organization shall prepare documents for award of pension to the workers acquiring pension entitlement in advance and if necessary to take measures at the request of the organizations of missing documents.
Based on all collected documents the administration of the organization draws up representation to award of pension and sends to department of the Pension fund of the residence of the receiver of pension via the interdepartmental hardware and software "Single National System of Work" (further - MAPK "ENST").
6. The administration of the organization shall inform no later than day of achievement of retirement age by the worker him on emergence of pension entitlement.
The administration of the organization according to the legislation shall introduce in MAPK "ENST" the information about the worker, necessary for award of pension (working life, the salary, etc.) and to process necessary documents.
In case of submission by the worker of the statement for award of pension the administration of the organization within 10 days from registration date of this statement completely processes necessary documents and representation with subsequent acquaintance of the applicant (on receipt in representation).
Documents and representation together with the statement of the worker go to department of the Pension fund of the residence of the applicant. In that case if the administration of the organization collects not all documents, necessary for award of pension, in department of the Pension fund the available documents are given, and missing documents are submitted in addition within terms, stipulated in Item the 10th this provision.
If to the worker it is refused representation to award of pension, to him it is reported about it in writing with indication of causes of failure. In case when the worker who addressed for pension does not agree with the decision of administration, he submits the application for award of pension in form according to appendix No. 22 to this Provision to department of the Pension fund of the residence.
7. The application for award of pension is submitted by person having pension entitlement according to the legislation to department of the Pension fund of the place of his residence.
In case of award of pension to the worker and members of his family (pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter) the application for award of pension is submitted to department of the Pension fund of the residence of the applicant through administration of the organization for the place of the latest work of the worker or the died supporter (in case of appointment to members of his family of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter).
In case when person who is granted pension is minor or incapacitated, the application is submitted by his legal representative in the place of their residence.
8. The statement for appointment (recalculation, recovery, transfer from one type of pension to other type) pensions to the persons condemned to imprisonment, serving sentence in colonies settlements moves directly in department of the Pension fund of the colony settlement location.
The statement of person for appointment (recalculation, recovery, transfer from one type of pension to other type) pensions moves administration of colony settlement in department of the Pension fund of the colony settlement location. Together with the statement for purpose (recalculation) of pension data on length of service are in addition represented.
Department of the Pension fund:
on the basis of data on length of service of person gives practical help in collection of the documents, necessary for purpose (recalculation) of pension, specified in Items 12 - the 14th this provision;
will request from pension case in the relevant department of the Pension fund based on the statement for recovery or prolongation of pension payment.
9. The request for award of pension can be performed after emergence of pension entitlement, without restriction with any term at any time.
10. The department of the Pension fund considers question of award of pension in case of the address of person with the corresponding statement.
The address about award of pension can be submitted by person to department of the Pension fund in attendance procedure and/or through e-mail.
The statement of person is registered in information system of the Pension fund.
The department of the Pension fund to the applicant or the representative of the organization issues the receipt with indication of date of reception of an application, and also the list of the received and missing documents.
Day of the request for pension day of reception of an application with all necessary documents is considered.
If the statement is sent by mail and at the same time all necessary documents are also attached, then the date specified on postage stamp of departure of this statement is considered day of the request for pension.
When not all necessary documents are enclosed to the application, the department of the Pension fund in 5-day time in writing reports administration of the organization or the applicant or by means of the direction of the SMS message on number of the mobile phone of the applicant what documents shall be submitted in addition. If they are provided no later than three months from the date of receipt of the notice on need of submission of additional documents, then day of the request for pension day of reception of an application about award of pension is considered.
The department of the Pension fund shall provide to the applicant and/or administration of the organization of explanation and the information concerning purpose (recalculation) of pension.
Also Pension fund reveals information and data on provision of pensions of citizens through mass media.
11. In case of doubts in justification and reliability of the documents submitted by the applicant the department of the Pension fund has the right to pass the decision on verification of the submitted documents for award of pension. Check is made in the organization or in archive, issued supporting documents. By results of check the statement in duplicate which is certified by the signature checking and the official of the organization or archive, and also seal of the organization or archive is drawn up.
One copy of the act remains in the organization or in archive, the second copy - in department of the Pension fund. In the act information on the one who issues supporting documents, and about the location of documents at the time of check without fail is specified.
In case when the department of the Pension fund passes the decision on verification of the submitted documents for award of pension, day of the request for pension date of the initial request for pension, irrespective of date of termination of check is considered.
Adoption by department of the Pension fund of the decision on verification of the available data for award of pension is not allowed in case of receipt of the data necessary for purpose (recalculation) of pension from:
funded pension system;
the electronic centralized register of individual accounting of the assessed insurance premiums in the Pension fund;
the electronic centralized register of the personalized accounting of accrued payroll of citizens, MAPK "ENST" and information systems of other ministries. At the same time exception cases of availability of data on length of service and the citizen's earnings for the periods after 2005 in MAPK "ENST", but absence constitute them in information systems, the specified in paragraphs five and pole of this Item.
12. To the statement of person who addressed for award of pension on age, shall be enclosed:
the document confirming length of service, including special length of service;
certificate of earnings;
Besides, in necessary cases are represented:
a) the reference confirming military service, stay in guerrilla groups and connections, service in the state security agencies and law-enforcement bodies, issued by relevant organ;
b) the diploma or the reference confirming resident instruction in the highest educational organizations (including in the military and educational organizations in which training is equated to military service, and also at party schools), postgraduate study (institute of trainees-researchers-job seekers), doctoral studies (institute of the senior scientific employees job seekers) and clinical internship, basic doctoral studies and doctoral studies (institute of postgraduate education), including abroad;
c) the reference confirming time of child care before achievement of age by it three years, issued by the organization (organizations) with which the woman was in employment relationships during the period since the birth of the child and before achievement of age by it three years, with application of a copy of orders on provision of child care leave and return from it;
d) the reference confirming the period of accommodation of wives of faces of officers, ensigns, warrant officers and the military personnel of extra urgent service with husbands in areas where there is no possibility of their employment;
e) the reference confirming the period of accommodation of spouses of employees of diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also persons affiliated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on quota vacancies in international intergovernmental organizations abroad, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
e) the document certifying that the applicant is participant of war or person equated to it;
g) the certificate of treatment and prevention facility that the applicant is sick hypophysial nanizm (Liliputian) or the disproportional dwarf;
h) document on change of surname, name, middle name;
i) the verdict of not guilty or determination (resolution) of court on diversion or the resolution of the prosecutor (investigator) on diversion, and also the reference of investigating bodies or law-enforcement bodies about the period of the conclusion of person under guards as measure of restraint in the pre-trial detention center (prison), serving sentence in the form of arrest or imprisonment, and also documents on rehabilitation (the certificate of judicial authorities, bodies of prosecutor's office, inquiry and the investigation of pronouncement of the verdict of not guilty or resolution (determination) on the termination of criminal case of the rehabilitating bases);
j) idea of the district (city) Center of assistance of employment of the population of the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan of recognition of person by the unemployed;
k) the original or the duplicate of the temporary labor certificate for self-employed citizens.
In case of availability in MAPK "ENST" of the data provided by this Item, references are not attached.
13. To the statement of person who addressed for award of pension on disability, the following documents shall be enclosed:
the document confirming length of service, including special length of service;
certificate of earnings.
Besides, in necessary cases the documents specified in subitems "an" - "and" and "l" of Item 12 of this provision are submitted.
In case of availability in MAPK "ENST" of the data provided by this Item, references are not attached.
14. To the statement of person who addressed for award of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter, the following documents shall be enclosed:
the documents confirming the related relations of the family member with the died supporter (the reference of judicial authorities or officials of foreign states);
the copy of the judgment about unknown absence of the supporter;
the document confirming length of service, including special length of service of the died supporter;
the certificate of earnings of the died supporter.
Besides, in necessary cases are represented:
the certificate that the member of the family of the died supporter aged from 18 up to 23 years is pupil or the student of the educational organization outside the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the document on accident and other damage of health on production or other official document if the death of the supporter came owing to labor mutilation;
the documents specified in subitems "an" - "and" and the "l" of Item 12 of this provision which are drawn up (written out) addressed to the died supporter.
In case of the death of the supporter pensioner the necessary documents specified in this Item, except for the documents which are available in pension case of the dead shall be submitted.
Data on the death of person, the related relations with the died supporter of person which are granted pension (stay in scrap, annulment of marriage) age of person which is granted pension turn out department of the Pension fund by means of the direction of electronic request in the information system "ZAGS Single Electronic Archive" of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, documents and references confirming these facts, are also accepted from the face, addressed for award of pension.
In case of availability of references (data) provided by this Item, in MAPK "ENST" and pension case of the died supporter pensioner, they are not enclosed to the application of person who addressed for award of pension.
The fact that the member of the family of the died supporter aged from 18 up to 23 years is pupil or the student of the educational organization in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is established by department of the Pension fund by means of the direction of electronic request in information system of the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
15. In case when person who addressed for award of pension, does not submit necessary documents for award of pension, the department of the Pension fund renders assistance on reclamation them at the relevant organizations.
At the same time the department of the Pension fund by means of the direction of electronic request independently receives from base of the centralized electronic register of the Tax Committee under the Ministry of Economics and finance, according to the rules established by this Provision, the following data for purpose (recalculation) of pension:
a) about the civil passport (the identification ID card) of person (legal representative) which is granted pension;
the references issued by medico-social commission of experts (further - MSEK) Inspections of medico-social examination under the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Inspection):
that person is child with disability aged to 18 years or about recognition-faced with disability of the I group needing leaving;
that the child was recognized the child with disability aged to 8 years;
that the adult family member having the right to pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter is person with disability;
that the applicant is disabled veteran of I or II groups;
about recognition-faced with disability I, II or III groups;
b) the information provided by tax authorities of the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for self-employed person:
for the period till January 1, 2019 - about payment of insurance premiums in the Pension fund;
from January 1, 2019 till December 31, 2019 - about payment of single social payment;
for the period after January 1, 2020 - about payment of the social tax.
16. In the presence of the rights to establishment of the allowance (surcharge) to pension shall be enclosed to the application for award of pension:
a) the document certifying that the applicant is participant of war or person equated to it;
b) the document certifying that the applicant worked and carried out military obligations in the back during war of 1941-1945;
c) the reference issued by relevant organ confirmatory that the death of the serviceman, the employee of law-enforcement bodies, National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan is connected with fulfillment of duties of military service, service in law-enforcement bodies and National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
d) copy of the document on assignment of rank "Uzbekiston Kakhramoni";
e) copy of the certificate of assignment of honorary title.
In case of availability in MAPK "ENST" of the documents and data provided by this Item they are not attached.
17. In case of the request for award of pension the passport (the identification ID card, the residence permit) of person which is granted pension shall be provided.
The passport copy (the identification ID card, the residence permit) of the person condemned to imprisonment, serving sentence in colony settlement is submitted administration of colony settlement in department of the Pension fund of the colony settlement location.
The legal representative together with the statement shows the passport or the identification ID card.
The fact that the legal representative is custodian or guardian of person is established based on the data received on the electronic inquiry sent by department of the Pension fund to the information system "Guardianship, Guardianship and Adoption of Children" of the Ministry of preschool and school education.
18. As the document, confirmatory that the applicant is participant of war, the certificate of the participant of war of 1941-1945, the certificate on the right to privileges granted to soldiers internationalists and also other documents confirming equating with the participant of war are accepted.
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