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of December 7, 2018 No. PP-4055

About measures for the organization of activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 28-12-2023)

In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 7, 2018 No. UP-5590 "About Complex Measures for Radical Enhancement of Health Care System of the Republic of Uzbekistan":

1. Determine the main objectives and activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Ministry) and its territorial authorities:

implementation of single state policy in the field of the protection of public health directed to increase in role and responsibility of bodies and organizations of the Ministry in ensuring full and timely rendering medical services to the population including in the amounts guaranteed by the state, full support of private sector development in health care system and forming of healthy competition among the state and non-state medical organizations;

forecasting of prospects of demographic shifts and development of health care, carrying out the complex analysis of the state of health and population morbidity;

providing priority of preserving public health, motivation of the population to maintaining healthy lifestyle, increase in medical culture and literacy of the population in education of sense of responsibility for the health and for health of people around;

for the purpose of improvement of gene pool of the nation creating favorable conditions for the birth and education of healthy generation, increase in medical culture in family, improvement of quality and increase in life expectancy, development of the main directions of state policy in the field of health protection and sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;

expansion of amounts of medical care, the scale of primary health care rendered to rural population is direct in primary organizations of the medical and sanitary help, including complete transition to system of early identification and prevention of consequences of the diseases which are most extended among the population, and also the organization of rendering the practical help in creation of system of specialized services on the basic, to often found diseases at the level of district link;

increase in convenience and efficiency of primary, emergency, emergency and specialized medical care rendered to the population due to its approach to the served population, widespread introduction of information technologies, telemedicine, clinical protocols of treatment, transfer of experience of the leading foreign and domestic experts to medical personnel of the territorial medical organizations, and also growth in volumes and improvement of quality of the medical services rendered by the specialized medical centers in regions;

implementation of measures for state regulation of drug circulation, standardization and certification of medicines, products of medical appointment and medical equipment, and also the equipment allowed for use in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

realization of state policy and enhancement of regulatory framework in the sphere of preparation of medical personnel with implementation of methodical management of medical educational institutions, system of postgraduate education and advanced training and retraining of specialists of health care;

development of strategy and forecasting of development of medical science on the basis of combination of domestic experience and the best world achievements, increase in efficiency of scientific medical research, implementation of achievements of science, the equipment and the best practices in practice of health care, development of system of medical education and advanced training of personnel;

implementation of the modern, approved in the international practice methods of management of health care system providing single organizational and methodical management and quality control of the provided medical services in health care system and also cardinal reducing excessive paperwork and prevention of corruptogenic factors by digitalization of medicine;

prevention, prevention and identification of cases of illegal expenditure and waste of budgetary funds.

2. For the purpose of ensuring the coordinated realization of the priority directions of state policy of health care to determine that:

a) the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan bears the personal responsibility for:

implementation of state programs of development in the sphere of protection of public health, development and deployment of modern approaches, standards and standard rates, and also other measures for prevention, diagnostics and treatment of diseases, forming of healthy lifestyle and increase in medical culture of the population;

creation of essentially new system of preparation, selection and the arrangement of managerial personnel aimed at involvement of comprehensively developed specialists having skills of management of the medical organizations and high moral qualities;

organization of effective work of the Ministry and territorial authorities of management of health care, creation of efficient system of coordination and control of the medical organizations, ensuring openness of their activities and establishment of direct address dialogue with the population, implementation of monitoring system and assessment of satisfaction of citizens with quality of medical attendance;

development of medical education and medical science, implementation of innovations and systems of "electronic health care", development and deployment of programs of compulsory medical insurance, development of medical tourism and public-private partnership;

forming and timely updating of the list of socially important medicines and products of medical appointment for the purpose of complete covering of requirements of the population and the medical organizations;

b) heads of territorial authorities of management of health care bear the personal responsibility for:

the organization of effective activities of territorial network of the medical organizations, quality and availability of primary medical and sanitary, specialized and emergency medical care, ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the subordinated territory;

timely and high-quality implementation of regional development programs in health sector, regular supply of the medical organizations, and also the populations medicines and products of medical appointment, effective functioning and timely updating of the medical and special equipment;

the organization of objective system of the direction of patients in the medical organizations of various level (type) by rational and reasonable routing of their flows on the basis of the principles of succession and staging of medical care;

ensuring control of observance of the rights of citizens in the field of health protection, implementation of systems of quality management in the medical and pharmaceutical organizations;

providing healthcare institutions with qualified personnel, acceptance of timely measures on their retraining and advanced training;

c) heads of district (city) medical associations bear the personal responsibility for:

effective implementation of actions on health protection of family, motherhood and the childhood, prevention of diseases, medical examination, patronage and household bypasses, forming of healthy lifestyle and increase in responsibility of citizens for the health;


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