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of December 25, 2023 No. PP-407

About measures for expansion of the territory of the free economic zone Namangan

According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 20, 2018 No. UP-5517 "About creation of the free economic zone Namangan, for the purpose of expansion of the territory of the free economic zone Namangan, implementation of modern technologies, creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, and also creation of capacities of production of import-substituting and export-oriented products:

1. Agree with offers of khokimiyat of the Namangan region, the Ministry of investments, the industry and trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Agency on the inventory about:

transfer of 70,0 of hectares of the empty irrigated parcels of land of agricultural purpose in the territory of array Ibrat included in structure of lands of inventory of khokimiyat of Turakurgansky district from category of lands of agricultural purpose in category of lands of the industry, transport, communication, defense and other appointment according to appendix;

expansion of the territory of the free economic zone Namangan due to allocation of 70,0 of hectares of the empty parcels of land in Turakurgansky district.

2. To khokimiyat of the Namangan region:

a) together with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agency according to the inventory in a month proceeding from requirements of this resolution to make corresponding changes to data of the State land cadastre;

b) together with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services and the Ministry of investments, the industry and trade at the expense of means of the State unitary enterprise "Directorate of the free economic zone Namangan to provide development and approval of the master plan of the new territories of the free economic zone Namangan in a month (further - the new territories of SEZ "Namangan").

At the same time:

the customer of project development of the master plan determines the State unitary enterprise "Directorate of the free economic zone Namangan;

project development of the master plan is performed at the expense of means of the local budget of the Namangan region;

the project organization for project development of the master plan is determined by results of the tender (competitive) biddings;

c) take measures for development in the three-year time of the new lands the area equal to the fivefold size of land area of agricultural purpose allocated under expansion of the free economic zone Namangan.

3. Determine that in the new territories of SEZ "Namangan":

allocation of the parcels of land under implementation of investment projects is performed according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 21, 2018 No. UP-5600 "About Measures for Further Enhancement of System of Coordination and Management of Activities of Free Economic Zones" by means of electronic online auction;

financing of works on construction of infrastructure facilities is made according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 18, 2020 No. PP-4929 "About measures for further development of engineering and communication infrastructure in regions";

tasks of the customer of construction repair work of infrastructure facilities are carried out by the organizations determined by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 30, 2021 No. PP-5101 "About measures for further development of engineering and communication infrastructure of special economic and small industrial zones";

on the lands allocated for use in the nonagricultural purposes, compensation payments on compensation of losses of agricultural production according to the procedure of exception are not levied.

4. To the ministry of investments, industry and trade, the Ministry of Economics and finance, to the Ministry of digital technologies, Committee on highways, JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti, JSC Hududgaztajminot and JSC Uzsuvtajminot together with khokimiyat of the Namangan region based on the approved master plan of the new territories of SEZ "Namangan":

in three-months time to approve the List of the objects which are subject to providing with engineering and communication and road infrastructure in 2023-2024;

till March 1, 2024 to develop and complete works on approval in accordance with the established procedure of the project documentation of objects under construction.

5. And finance after approval of the list of objects to provide to the Ministry of Economics assignment, necessary for development of their project documentation in a month.

6. To provide to the ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change conducting in accordance with the established procedure the state environmental assessment of the master plan of the new territories of SEZ "Namangan" and to establish the state control of strict observance of acts of the legislation on conservation in these territories.

7. Assign to the minister of investments, the industry and trade L. Sh. Kudratov and hokim of the Namangan region of Sh. Sh. Abdurazakov the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.

Implementation of coordination and control of activities of the departments responsible for execution of this resolution to assign to the deputy prime minister Zh. A. Hodzhayev.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev



to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 25, 2023 No. PP-407

The list of the empty irrigated parcels of land of agricultural purpose in the territory of array Ibrat included in structure of the lands of inventory of khokimiyat of Turakurgansky district of the Namangan region transferred from category of lands of agricultural purpose to category of lands of the industry, transport, communication, defense and other appointment

Name of the territory

Name of the land user

Numbers of contours

Total area of the parcels of land


From them

Point of site class of the soil

Sowing lands


Other lands


SGM "Ettikon"

Khokimiyat of Turakurgansky district











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