Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 25, 2023 No. PP-405

About additional measures for development of protection, scientific studying and promotion of non-material cultural heritage

In the country for the purpose of further enhancement of the activities connected with non-material cultural heritage, in particular protection, scientific studying and promotion of arts of makom and bakhsha, broad promoting of national values and also strategy implementation "Uzbekistan - 2030":

1. Determine the priority directions of further development of careful preserving, scientific studying and promotion of non-material cultural heritage in the Republic of Uzbekistan:

comprehensive protection of non-material cultural heritage, and also identification, inclusion in lists, digitalization, promotion and preserving its samples with involvement of the general public;

further development of protection, scientific studying and promotion of arts of makom and bakhsha;

achievement of inclusion in the international lists of the unique and being under the threat of disappearance samples of non-material cultural heritage and the best practices of protection of heritage within the International convention about protection of non-material cultural heritage;

the organization of ethno-folklore expeditions of republican and international level, support of research works, ensuring allocation of fundamental and target grants for the purpose of the organization of studying of non-material cultural heritage on permanent basis;

the organization of studying of non-material cultural heritage at all steps of education and training of qualified personnel for this area.

2. To the Ministry of Culture (O. Nazarbekov):

organize scenic statements and demonstration in theaters of the republic of the folklore dramatized representations with participation of the famous masters of art of bakhsha;

take measures for creation of animated movies for children on the basis of national dastan and fairy tales.

3. Establish procedure for ensuring careful preserving and transfer to future generations of non-material cultural heritage according to which since April 1, 2024:

a) on the unique and (or) being under the threat of disappearance samples of non-material cultural heritage:

The Ministry of Culture at the first stage reveals 20 people - carriers of samples of non-material cultural heritage of the above-stated category, renders assistance to their activities for careful preserving, promoting and transfer to future generations of samples of non-material cultural heritage, determines indicators of assessment of their activities in this direction;

persons - the carriers of samples of non-material cultural heritage which executed these indicators are monthly encouraged in the amount of 5 million sum at the expense of means of off-budget fund of the Ministry of Culture;

b) on especially valuable samples of non-material cultural heritage:

state orders on creation of 50 audiovisual works for the purpose of record and broad promotion of samples of non-material cultural heritage, including the publication on the Internet and social networks are annually provided;

state orders on creation of audiovisual works are provided by the Ministry of Culture based on direct agreements.

4. Approve the offer of the Ministry of Culture, Academy of Sciences, Hunarmand Association and Agency of cultural heritage on development of samples of non-material cultural heritage on the basis of the complete continuous system "preparation-training-reconstruction-preserving-promoting".

At the same time according to the procedure of experiment the khokimiyat of the Fergana region together with the Ministry of Culture and Hunarmand Association is provided in the International center of pottery in Rishtansky district and the Center of workmanship in the city of Margilan respectively:

production, training of youth in production in the principle "the mentor - the pupil", carrying out scientific research, exhibitions and displays, and also the organization of trade in products from the atlas and adras, pottery;

creation of permanent exposures, and also purchase for the state museums of the best samples of products from the atlas, adras and ceramics within the public share "My Contribution to National Property!".

To the Ministry of Culture till January 1, 2026 to carry out the analysis of results of experiment and to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on distribution of this system on other samples of non-material cultural heritage and their financial support.

5. Approve the Plan of establishing interaction for complex development of separate samples of non-material cultural heritage on scientific and practical basis according to appendix No. 1*.

To the Ministry of Culture (O. Nazarbekov) to organize activities of scientific and practical and creative schools for complex development of the samples of non-material cultural heritage approved in appendix No. 1 * to this resolution, and also having studied their efficiency, to make the offer in the Cabinet of Ministers on adjustment of this system for other types of samples of non-material cultural heritage till January 1, 2025.

6. Take into account formation of Research institution of cultural studies and non-material cultural heritage (further - Institute) and to approve its main objectives according to appendix No. 2*.

7. Create laboratory of ethno-folklore in which to adjust at Institute:

reconstruction of disappearing unique samples of non-material cultural heritage and related tools, artifacts, cultural spaces;

change modeling eventually and conditions it is in the future model non-material cultural heritage;

transformation to modern format and audiovisualization of the materials storing samples of non-material cultural heritage, means of data carriers, and also the material collected by ethno-folklore expeditions according to change of technologies.

8. Determine that:

The institute is specialized state research establishment to which employees the payment terms of work and material stimulation established for the corresponding positions of research establishments of Academy of Sciences extend;

The Ministry of Culture (O. Nazarbekov), Academy of Sciences (B. Yuldashev), the Republican center of spirituality and enlightenment (M. Hodzhimatov) and organizations of its system are main customers of works and services (goods) which are carried out and rendered by Institute;

at Institute the relevant specialized scientific councils perform activities;

The republican center of art of bakhsha is given to system of Institute;

The republican center of art of bakhsha since 2024 is transferred to system of financing at the expense of means of the republican budget and is placed in the building located in the city of Tashkent and belonging to the Ministry of Culture on the basis of the right of free use.

To the Ministry of Culture in two-month time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the Government decision on the organization of activities of Institute, including about creation of the ethno-folklore laboratory equipped with the modern equipment.

9. To provide to the ministry of the higher education, science and innovations:

annual allocation to Institute since 2024 on the basis of the paid contract at least on 3 quotas - for basic doctoral studies, at least on 2 quotas - for trainees-researchers;

forming of the state order on research of samples of non-material cultural heritage, in particular research works on arts as poppy and bakhsh.


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