of December 21, 2023 No. UP-209
About measures for cardinal increase in role of institute waved in society and to ensuring its functioning as primary link of the problem resolution of the population
For the purpose of further enhancement of support to the makhally, effective organization of activities and ensuring interaction of persons responsible for work "makhallabay", and also creations according to article 127 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan of necessary conditions for functioning of self-government institutions of citizens, assistance in realization of the powers determined by the law by them:
1. Agree with offers of chambers of Oliy Majlis, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministries of employment and reducing poverty, and also chairmen of descents of citizens of makhally:
about forming of Republican council on support makhally, councils on support of the makhally Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, city of Tashkent and areas (cities);
about creation of Association makhally Uzbekistan (further - Association), its managements on the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent, and also departments of areas (cities);
about the organization in executive structure of the Cabinet of Ministers of the department of activities support of "the makhallinsky seven" consisting of 5 established posts.
2. Determine the main objectives of Association:
rendering assistance in formation waved as the independent and authentic national structure performing function of "bridge" between the people and the state;
transformation waved in basic link of public management and control, strengthening of its place and role in society, ensuring active participation of the population in management of makhally;
implementation of propaganda and explanatory work on further strengthening at each citizen of responsibility for future and financial provision of the family, for own and family wellbeing, eradication of accustoming to dependency;
taking measures to strengthening of role waved in appeal of citizens to content of the house and street in purity, to respect of national values and traditions, spiritual and educational work, strengthening of the atmosphere of mutual respect and consent among the population;
rendering assistance in identification of "the makhallinsky seven" internal resources waved, and also their mobilization for provision of social services and the help;
consolidation, coordination and the direction of efforts of representatives of state bodies and organizations in makhallyakh for timely and effective solution of problems waved;
increase in financial opportunities waved, providing the target and address direction of the budgetary funds and other funds allocated for the needing families;
improvement of material logistics makhally, centralized distribution of the funds allocated by it, implementation to the sphere of modern information and communication technologies;
advanced training of responsible persons waved, assistance to forming at them modern management skills.
3. Determine that:
in Republican council on support makhally the Prime Minister, in councils on support of the makhally Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, the city of Tashkent and areas (cities) respectively - the Chairman of the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokima presides;
the chairman of Association according to the status, conditions of medical, transport and consumer services is equated to the deputy prime minister;
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