of December 12, 2023 No. 1108
About implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the republican budget for 2024 - 2026"
The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Accept to execution the republican budget for 2024 - 2026, including for 2024, in the following amounts:
1) the income – 20 194 797 994 thousand tenges, including on:
to tax revenues – 15 759 823 678 thousand tenges;
to non-tax receipts – 361 446 610 thousand tenges;
to sales proceeds of fixed capital – 2 750 000 thousand tenges;
to receipts of transfers – 4 070 777 706 thousand tenges;
2) costs – 23 380 144 061 thousand tenges;
3) net budget crediting – 363 477 575 thousand tenges, including:
budget credits – 617 804 497 thousand tenges;
repayment of budget credits – 254 326 922 thousand tenges;
4) balance on transactions with financial assets – 49 929 694 thousand tenges, including:
acquisition of financial assets – 49 929 694 thousand tenges;
5) budget deficit –-3 598 753 336 thousand tenges, or percent 2,7 to country gross domestic product;
6) not oil budget deficit –-8 832 673 336 thousand tenges, or percent 6,5 to country gross domestic product;
7) budget deficit financing – 3 598 753 336 thousand tenges.
2. Approve:
1) the list of the priority republican budget investments financed from the republican budget according to appendix 1 to this resolution;
2) the list of priority republican budget investments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, defenses, Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 2 to this resolution (for office use);
3) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on wages increase of employees of nature protection and special facilities according to appendix 3 to this resolution;
4) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on holding antiepizootic actions according to appendix 4 to this resolution;
5) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to the budget of Mangystau Region on ensuring veterinary safety according to appendix 5 to this resolution;
6) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on acquisition of means (products) and attributes for carrying out identification of farm animals according to appendix 6 to this resolution;
7) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on providing the rights and improvement of quality of life of persons with disability in the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 7 to this resolution;
8) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on ensuring activities of the centers of labor mobility according to appendix 8 to this resolution;
9) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on wages increase of separate categories of civil servants, employees of the organizations containing at the expense of means of the government budget, employees of the state companies according to appendix 9 to this resolution;
10) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on increase in compensation of teachers of the organizations of preschool education according to appendix 10 to this resolution;
11) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on realization of per capita normative financing at the public day comprehensive rural complete schools according to appendix 11 to this resolution;
12) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on increase in the size of the state grant by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education according to appendix 12 to this resolution;
13) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on material equipment of the organizations of health care at the local level within the pilot national project "Upgrade of Rural Health Care" according to appendix 13 to this resolution;
14) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on carrying out capital repairs of health care facilities within the pilot national project "Upgrade of Rural Health Care" according to appendix 14 to this resolution;
15) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on seizure of land for the state needs according to appendix 15 to this resolution;
16) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to the budget of Akmola area on repair of transport infrastructure of the settlements adjacent to the city of Astana, according to appendix 16 to this resolution;
17) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on acquisition of housing of municipal housing stock for socially vulnerable segments of the population according to appendix 17 to this resolution;
18) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to the budget of Mangystau Region on ensuring radiation safety according to appendix 18 to this resolution;
19) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets, budgets of the cities of republican value, the capital on compensation of part of costs of subjects of entrepreneurship on construction of facilities of roadside service according to appendix 19 to this resolution;
20) distribution of the amounts of target current transfers to regional budgets on providing and elections of akims of areas (the cities of regional value) according to appendix 20 to this resolution;
21) distribution of the amounts of crediting of regional budgets to provision of the microcredits to rural population for scaling of the project on increase in the income of rural population according to appendix 21 to this resolution;
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