of December 19, 2023 No. 965
About special economic measures in the fuel and energy sphere in connection with unfriendly actions of some foreign states and the international organizations
Due to the unfriendly and contradicting international law actions of the United States of America and the foreign states and the international organizations which adjoined them directed to introduction of rationing arrangements concerning citizens of the Russian Federation and the Russian legal entities for the purpose of protection of national interests of the Russian Federation and according to the Federal Laws of December 30, 2006 No. 281-FZ "About special economic measures and enforcement powers", of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ "About safety" and of June 4, 2018 No. 127-FZ "About corrective actions (counteraction) on unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign states" I decide:
1. Determine that in connection with threat of emergence of emergency situation of natural and technogenic nature, threats to national interests and economic safety of the Russian Federation which are connected with development of the Southern Russian oil-gas condensate field and sale of the got products apply the following special economic measures:
a) The government of the Russian Federation creates the Russian limited liability companies (further - jointly Societies, separately - Society) to which based on this Decree pass all rights and obligations of Severneftegazprom open joint stock company, Gazprom URGM Trading joint-stock company, Gazprom YuRGM Development joint-stock company (further - jointly the Companies, separately - the Company), namely:
from Severneftegazprom open joint stock company to Severneftegazprom limited liability company;
from Gazprom URGM Trading joint-stock company to Gazprom URGM Trading limited liability company;
from Gazprom YuRGM Development joint-stock company to Gazprom YuRGM Development limited liability company;
b) Societies are created according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The government of the Russian Federation is not founder (participant) of Societies;
c) the property of each Company is subject to immediate transfer into the ownership of the relevant Society;
d) the size of the authorized capital of each Society is determined as the equivalent size of the authorized capital of the relevant Company and it is considered completely paid, at the same time shares in the authorized capital belong:
in Severneftegazprom limited liability company:
to the Russian shareholders of Severneftegazprom open joint stock company it is pro rata to the number of the ordinary shares owned by them in the authorized capital of Severneftegazprom open joint stock company;
To society it is pro rata to the number of the ordinary shares in the authorized capital of Severneftegazprom open joint stock company belonging to other shareholders of Severneftegazprom open joint stock company;
in Gazprom URGM Trading limited liability company, Gazprom YuRGM Development limited liability company:
to the Russian shareholders of the relevant Company - 99,99 of percent of the authorized capital of the relevant Society;
to the relevant Society - 0,01 of percent of the authorized capital of the relevant Society;
e) members of Society have the same rights and obligations which shareholders of the Company had, taking into account other provisions provided by this Decree and taking into account changes of form of business;
e) the shares in the authorized capital of Societies belonging to Societies owing to the subitem "g" of this Item are subject to assessment and are offered to acquisition to the following buyer on market value according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation:
the share in the authorized capital of Severneftegazprom limited liability company is on sale to SOGAZ joint-stock company;
the share in the authorized capital of Gazprom URGM Trading limited liability company is on sale to SOGAZ joint-stock company;
the share in the authorized capital of Gazprom YuRGM Development limited liability company is on sale to SOGAZ joint-stock company;
g) the money obtained from sale of shares in the authorized capital of societies according to the subitem "e" of this Item is enlisted by the buyer of such shares for the accounts of type "C" opened by each Society addressed to the corresponding shareholders of the Company according to the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2022 for No. 95 "About temporary procedure for obligation fulfillment before some foreign creditors" in proportion to share value in the authorized capital of the relevant Companies belonging to the corresponding shareholders of the Company. The procedure for the order the corresponding shareholders of the Company the specified money is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Central bank of the Russian Federation.
2. The government of the Russian Federation appoints as the CEO of each Society of this Decree of the CEO of the relevant Company existing at the time of entry into force who performs functions of sole executive body of Society from the date of creation of Society and about day of election of sole executive body of Society. If the CEO acting at the time of entry into force of this Decree does not agree with its appointment as the CEO of the relevant Society, the Government of the Russian Federation designates as the CEO of the relevant Society person from among the acting deputy directors general of the relevant Company or in case of their disagreement with appointment the other person. At the same time the citizen of the Russian Federation can only be the CEO of Society.
3. The CEO of Society shall make transfer of all employees of the relevant Company in the relevant Society.
4. During creation of each Society Government of the Russian Federation approves its charter which is effective about day of approval of the new charter of Society by members of Society. Members of each Society approve the new charter of Society from the date of transition of the property right to all shares belonging to the relevant Society and SOGAZ joint-stock company in a month.
5. In a month from the date of transition of the property right to all shares belonging to the relevant Society and SOGAZ joint-stock company, the relevant Company is subject to liquidation according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
6. All corporate contracts and agreements between shareholders of the Company stop from the effective date this Decree.
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