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of November 27, 2023 No. 332

About approval of Rules of the direction of money by the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) who arrived on its bank account from producers and importers for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) by payments extend

(as amended on 10-10-2024)

According to the subitem 5) of Item 1 of article 388 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the direction of money as the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) who arrived on its bank account from producers and importers for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) by payments extend.

2. To provide to department of waste management of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order submission to legal department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5. This order becomes effective after sixty calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan



It is approved

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan



It is approved

Ministry of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Approved by the Order of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 27, 2023 No. 332

Rules of the direction of money the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) who arrived on its bank account from producers and importers for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) by payments extend

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of the direction of money the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) who arrived on its bank account from producers and importers for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) by payments extend (further – Rules) are developed according to the subitem 5) of Item 1 of article 388 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Code) and Rules of production incentive in the Republic of Kazakhstan of environmentally friendly automotive vehicles (corresponding to the ecological class established by the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union; with electric motors) and their components, and also the self-propelled agricultural machinery conforming to the ecological requirements determined by technical regulations approved by the joint order of the acting minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 21, 2021 No. 263 and the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 29, 2021 No. 400 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 23867) (further – Rules of stimulation).

2. Rules determine procedure the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) of payments to the subjects of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling concerning waste of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) extend, according to the order of the Minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2022 No. 689 "About approval of the list of separate types of products (goods), made in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) imported on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by physical persons and legal entities on which provide collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, the consumer properties of such products (goods) which are formed after loss" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 30484).

3. Payments are performed by the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers):

1) to the subjects of entrepreneurship performing collection, transportation, conversion and (or) waste recycling of packaging, autocomponents, the electronic electric equipment, lamps by issue of money according to the procedure, provided by the presents to Rules and according to the sizes approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 29, 2023 No. 1250 "About approval of the amount of money payments of the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) by the money which arrived on its bank account from producers and importers, to the subjects of entrepreneurship performing collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, the consumer properties of products (goods) which are formed after loss on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) extend";

2) to owners of VETS and (or) VESSHT for delivery of VETS and (or) VESSHT for conversion and (or) utilization by issue of the discount certificate according to the procedure, provided by these rules and Rules of stimulation;

3) to owners of VETS and (or) VESSHT for delivery of VETS and (or) VESSHT for conversion and (or) utilization by issue of monetary compensation in the amount of equal to nominal of the discount certificate according to the procedure, provided by these rules.

4. In these rules the following main determinations and terms are used:

1) control photofixing – process of implementation of data transmission (photo) according to regulations of Rules, Explanations for work in information system of 1 operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) when transporting by the automotive vehicle;

2) the main base – the main office and (or) factory building, the room, the case with the adjacent territory, necessary for accomplishment of the declared type of activity subjects of entrepreneurship. At the same time office, factory and other buildings or premises of the main base can be combined if it meets standards of system of labor protection and (or) safe engineering in case of work;

3) the fixed territory (the responsible territory) – the territory, within one administrative unit (the village, the settlement, the rural district, the area in the city, the city, the area) on increase on which the receiver of payments performs without fail collection of waste.

4) unified information system (further – EIS) – unified information system of state registration of vehicles, the state information system providing centralized accounting of data on vehicles and their owners and providing centralized accounting of these data with obligatory specifying of vehicle identification number and also the registration certificate of the vehicle (further – SRTS) and the state registration registration plate (further – GRNZ) (further – EIS);

5) the discount certificate – the document confirming delivery for conversion and (or) utilization of VETS and (or) VESSHT, providing the right to discount for acquisition of the environmentally friendly automotive vehicle (corresponding to the ecological class established by the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union with electric motors) or SSHT in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan made in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) completeness – set of all components in design of VETS and (or) VESSHT;

7) finished goods – products made as a result of preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling on which it is developed and are applied the document on standardization (the national standard, the standard of the organization);

8) conversion – the mechanical, physical, chemical and (or) biological processes directed to extraction from waste of the useful components, raw materials and (or) other materials suitable for use further in production (production) of products, materials or substances;

9) stationary place of acceptance of waste – the object (construction, design, the room) established and (or) equipped for acceptance of waste;

10) utilization – process of use of waste in others, in addition to conversion the purposes, including as secondary energy resource for extraction of heat or electrical energy, production of different types of fuel, and also as secondary material resource for the purposes of construction, filling (bookmark, filling) the developed spaces (emptiness) in the earth or subsoil or in the engineering purposes during creation or change of landscapes;

11) the number aggregate – body, the chassis, frame of VETS and (or) VESSHT on which the producer applies identification number or serial registration number;

12) limit of the operator on payments – the amount provided by the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) in its Investment policy for the corresponding year within which the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) performs payments in the corresponding financial year for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sortings, processings, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) who except for left operation of vehicles and the self-propelled agricultural machinery which left operation extend;

13) self-propelled agricultural machinery (further – SSHT) – self-propelled agricultural machinery – the technical tool intended for performance improvement of work in agricultural industry by mechanization and automation of separate transactions or engineering procedures (whether) independently set in motion by means of the internal combustion engine with working amount over 50 cubic centimeters or the electric motor the maximum (total) capacity more than 4 kilowatts (kW);

14) information system of the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sortings, processings, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) (further – information system 1) – the information system of the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) intended for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers), the vehicle which except for left operation and the self-propelled agricultural machinery which left operation extend extend;

15) the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) (further – the Operator) – joint-stock company Zhasyl the lady;

16) producer – the physical person and legal entity performing production in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of products (goods) according to the list of separate types of products (goods) on which (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) extend approved by authorized body in the field of environmental protection according to Item 1 of article 386 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and their components;

17) the request – the request of the receiver of payments for the conclusion of the standard agreement in information system of 1 operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers), in the established form according to appendix 1 to these rules;

18) information system of the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sortings, processings, conversions, neutralizations and (or) utilizations of the vehicle which left operation, and also self-propelled agricultural machinery (further – information system 2) – the information system of the operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) intended for the organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) utilization of the vehicle which left operation, and also self-propelled agricultural machinery;

19) obrazovatel (primary obrazovatel of waste) – physical person or legal entity, in the course of activities implementation which waste are formed;

20) receivers of payments are the subjects of entrepreneurship performing one or several types of activity in the field of waste management namely collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) the utilization which signed the standard agreement with the operator through information system 1;

21) complete cycle – activities of the receiver of payments performing "in one person" collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling of autocomponents, the electronic and electric equipment, metal packaging;

22) the self-propelled agricultural machinery which left operation (further – VESSHT) – the self-propelled agricultural machinery which left operation earlier staying on the registration registry in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan but struck off the registration register for the purposes of the subsequent utilization (further – VESSHT);

23) the vehicle which left operation (further – VETS) – the vehicle which left operation, earlier staying on the registration registry in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but struck off the registration register for the purposes of the subsequent utilization (further – VETS);

24) the request for delivery of VETS and (or) VESSHT – the request for delivery of VETS and (or) VESSHT for the subsequent conversion and (or) utilization and issue of the discount certificate or monetary compensation;

25) identification number VETS – the individual serial number of the vehicle expressed as consecutive alphanumeric symbols, appropriated by the producer of the vehicle, allowing to make vehicle identification in unified information system;

26) the processor of VETS and (or) VESSHT – the legal entity registered in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, performing the activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan conforming to the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these rules to implementation of conversion and (or) utilization of VETS and (or) VESSHT;

27) preparation for conversion of VETS and (or) VESSHT – process of preparation of VETS and (or) VESSHT for the subsequent conversion and (or) utilization, including stages of dekitting (deformation), the excluding recovery (shock bend, cutting, local violation of structural elements, etc.), discharge of the fulfilled lubricating oil, dismantle of wheels, dismantle of the rechargeable battery, analysis of wheels on tires and rims, dismantle of textile details and foam rubber, removal of sheet automobile glass, other stages according to engineering procedure of the processor;

28) collection point for VETS and (or) VESSHT – the production base belonging on the property right or on the right of property hiring (lease) to the processor, conforming to the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and these rules, intended for collection and preparation for conversion and (or) utilization of VETS and (or) VESSHT;

29) the owner of VETS and (or) VESSHT – physical person, the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity having rights at discretion to own, use and dispose of VETS belonging to it and (or) VESSHT;

30) the employee of collection point for VETS and (or) VESSHT – the worker of the legal entity who is the processor authorized to perform acceptance, check and preparation for conversion handed over for conversion and (or) utilization of VETS and (or) VESSHT;

31) the transporter of VETS and (or) VESSHT – the physical person who is the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the legal entity registered in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, performing transportation of VETS and (or) VESSHT from the place of its stay to collection point for VETS and (or) VESSHT according to the procedure and on the conditions determined by these rules;

32) the transporter – the driver of the automotive vehicle performing transportation of waste;

33) the EDS – the digital signature.

5. Action of Rules do not extend to the following waste and the organizations:

1) waste of products (goods), for which the method of calculation of utilization payment approved by the order of the acting minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About approval of the Method of calculation of utilization payment" of November 2, 2021 No. 448 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 25100), the coefficient for calculation of utilization payment is not established or equal to "0" (zero);

2) producers (importers) fulfilling expanded obligations of producers (importers) by the method provided by the subitem 1) of Item 2 of article 386 of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) the specialized organizations performing collection, transportation, sorting and burial of municipal solid waste on polygons within centralized system of collection of municipal solid waste according to requirements of article 367 of the Code and the order of the acting minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 28, 2021 No. 508 "About approval of rules of management of utility waste" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 26341).

6. Process of interaction of the subjects of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting, processing and transportation of waste with the subjects of entrepreneurship performing preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling with the operator and also is among themselves performed through the corresponding information systems of the operator, according to regulations of these rules and Explanations for work in information system of 1 operator of expanded obligations of producers (importers) agrees to appendix of 12 these rules (further - Explanations).

Reliability and relevance of the data completed in information systems and the enclosed documentation is guaranteed by the subject of entrepreneurship and (or) the receiver of payments and (or) the applicant.

Chapter 2. The organization of collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sortings, processings, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) by payments extend

Paragraph 1. General requirements for collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling

7. The subject of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling of packaging (glass, paper and cardboard, polymeric and packagings) in information system 1 chooses the type of activity corresponding only to one standard agreement provided by appendix 3 or 5 to these rules from the combined materials.

The subject of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting, processing, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling of autocomponents of the electronic and electric equipment and metal packaging (complete cycle) in information system 1 chooses the type of activity corresponding to the standard agreement provided by appendix 7 to these rules.

8. The payments provided by these rules are not purchase of goods, works and services according to Item 1 of article 388 of the Code and transportations, preparation for reuse, sortings, processings, conversions, neutralizations and (or) waste recyclings which are formed after loss of consumer properties of products (goods) on which, (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers), and also developments of infrastructure of waste management in the Republic of Kazakhstan extend are paid for the purpose of collection.

9. The subject of entrepreneurship performing collection, transportation, preparation for reuse, sorting, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, the consumer properties of products (goods) which are formed after loss on which (which) expanded obligations of producers (importers) for receipt of payments extend keeps financial accounting and the financial reporting according to requirements of the Code "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget (Tax code)" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting", from the date of the conclusion of the corresponding standard agreement.

10. For confirmation of the related activity and receipt of payments, receivers of payments process the documents confirming acceptance, transfer, weighing, transportation, conversion, utilization, waste disposal, unsuitable for further use and realization of finished goods, the useful components, raw materials and (or) other materials suitable for use further in production (production) of products, materials or substances irrespective of their appointment, the received products according to requirements of the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 20, 2012 to No. 562 "About approval of forms of source accounting documents" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 8265) (further – the Order on approval of forms of source accounting documents), the existing Code "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget (Tax code)" and these rules.

When conducting financial accounting, receivers of payments for collection, sorting, transportation, preparation for reuse, conversion, processing, neutralization and (or) waste recycling keep separate account of the collected, processed and utilizable waste within receipt of payments and other activities.

Paragraph 2. Payment procedure for collection, sorting and transportation of waste

11. For the subjects of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting and transportation of waste for acquisition of the status of the receiver of payments, it is necessary:

1) to have legal capacity (for legal entities) and civil capacity to act (for the individual entrepreneur) and to perform the activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) not to be subject to insolvency proceeding, liquidation and (or) suspension of financial and economic activities;

3) to consist in the state electronic register of permissions and notifications of authorized body in the field of environmental protection;

To have 4) available at least 1 (one) unit:

specially equipped according to the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2020 No. KR DSM-331/2020 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, storage and waste disposal of production and consumption" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 21934) and the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 21, 2022 No. 55 "About approval of Fire safety regulations" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 26867) of the place of temporary warehousing of waste (the platform, warehouse, storage, base); places of the collection of waste (stationary place of acceptance) located in residential, and (or) public (public and business) and (or) suburban and (or) recreational zones and (or) in zones of engineering and transport infrastructures;

the road transport intended for transportation of goods;

the weight equipment with the existing certificate on checking issued according to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About ensuring unity of measurements".

12. The subject of entrepreneurship performing collection, sorting and transportation of waste does not use:

1) places of collection and temporary warehousing of waste (the platform, warehouse, storage, container, фандомат), the equipment, the equipment, storage and production facilities, bases and other objects which belong on the property right and (or) other legitimate right:

to the specialized organizations performing activities within article 367 of the Code and the order of the acting minister of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 28, 2021 No. 508 "About approval of rules of management of utility waste" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 26341);

to the subjects of entrepreneurship fulfilling expanded obligations of producers (importers) by method, provided by the subitem 1) of Item 2 of article 386 of the Code.

2) places of collection (stationary place of acceptance, фандомат), and temporary warehousing of waste (the platform, warehouse, storage, container), the equipment, the equipment except for weight, the storage and production facilities, bases and other production facilities declared by subjects of entrepreneurship to which documents according to Items 19, of 63, of 96 these rules in information system 1 are confirmed;

3) the weight equipment with the expired effective period of the certificate on checking.

13. In case of registration in information system 1, the subjects of entrepreneurship performing activities for collection, sorting and transportation of waste fill in the request, the passport of the subject of the entrepreneurship and the questionnaire (performing activities for collection, sorting and transportation of waste) in the established form according to appendices 1 and 2 to these rules, with appendix of the following documents (copies):

1) about state registration:

for the legal entity – the certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity, branch (representation);

for the individual entrepreneur – the coupon of the notification on the beginning of activities as the individual entrepreneur;

2) data on inclusion in the state electronic register of permissions and notifications of authorized body in the field of environmental protection according to article 337 of the Code;

3) the list of places of temporary warehousing (the platform, warehouse, storage, base), stationary places of acceptance, with indication of the address, coordinates and photo of production facilities (outside and from within), with appendix of supporting documents about the property right and (or) on other legitimate right for the specified objects meeting standards of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the order of the deputy. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2020 No. KR DSM-331/2020 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, to storage and waste disposal of production and consumption" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 21934) and the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 21, 2022 No. 55 "About approval of Fire safety regulations" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 26867), and also on other objects (containers and others) (in the presence), with application of documents, the stationary places of acceptance and (or) containers confirming permission to installation in places of their stay;

4) supporting documents about the property right and (or) on other legitimate right for road transport for transportation of goods, and also on other machinery and equipment (hydraulic press, lines of sorting and another) (in the presence);

5) supporting documents about the property right and (or) on other legal use of the weight equipment, with the existing certificate on checking issued according to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About ensuring unity of measurements";

6) agreements with physical and (or) legal entities on export of waste (in the presence);

14. The operator within 10 (ten) working days from receipt date of documents considers, on:

1) availability of complete document package, stipulated in Item 13 these rules;

2) correct filling of the request, according to these rules;

3) compliance of the submitted documents to these rules;

4) compliance of the data specified in the request, to the data in the enclosed documents;

5) readability of the enclosed documents.

15. Receipt date of the request to the operator is signature date the subject of entrepreneurship in information system of 1 request by means of the digital signature.

16. In case of representation of incomplete document package and (or) their not readability, the operator within 3 (three) working days after receipt of the request, rejects the request with indication of unpresented and (or) unreadable documents.

17. The bases for request variation the operator in information system 1 are:

1) discrepancy to Item 14 of these rules;

2) discrepancies of data in the request and (or) documents in information system 1, determined by the authorized representative of the operator by results of departure;

3) refusal of the subject of entrepreneurship in signing of the report on results of departure of the authorized representative of the operator;

4) absence in information system of 1 confirmation in the admission to production facility of the subject of entrepreneurship on collection, sorting and transportation of waste, the authorized representative of the operator;

5) lack of confirmation in the admission to production facility of the subject of entrepreneurship, the authorized representative of the operator on the arrival of the authorized representative of the operator on production facility;

6) incorrect filling and (or) not signing of the statement of accession in the terms established by these rules;

7) provision in information system of 1 list of places of temporary warehousing (the platform, warehouse, storage, base), places of collection of waste (stationary place of acceptance), the equipment, except for weight, declared by subjects of entrepreneurship to which documents according to Items 19, of 63, of 96 these rules in information system 1 are confirmed.

18. The variation of requests on the bases, stipulated in Item 17 these rules does not interfere with repeated application by the subject of entrepreneurship on condition of elimination of the revealed notes.

In case of request variation the operator on the bases provided by subitems 2), 3) and 5) of Item 17 of these rules, the application is submitted repeatedly not earlier than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of request variation by the operator in information system 1, the term of consideration of the repeated request are estimated again.

19. In case of approval by the operator of compliance of the submitted documents, the operator notifies in information system 1 on date of departure to the subject of entrepreneurship, with visit of production facilities on collection, sorting and transportation of waste, for the purpose of establishment of compliance or discrepancy of activities of the subject of entrepreneurship to the data, documents and other regulations established by these rules, placed in information system 1.

Departure of the authorized representative of the operator to the subject of entrepreneurship, with visit of production facilities on collection, sorting and transportation of waste, is performed within 40 (forty) working days from the date of confirmation by the operator of compliance to the regulations established by Items 11, of 12 and 13 these rules.

20. In case of receipt from the operator of the notification on implementation of departure with indication of the visit period, the subject of entrepreneurship on collection, sorting and transportation of waste, during the working day following behind day of receipt of the notification from the operator confirms the admission to production facilities on collection, sorting, transportation and waste. In case of absence in information system of 1 confirmation from the subject of entrepreneurship in the admission of the operator to production facility during the working day following behind day of receipt of the notification from the operator, the request is rejected by the operator in information system 1."

21. In case of refusal the subject of entrepreneurship in the admission of the authorized representative of the operator on production facility on collection, sorting and transportation of waste in case of arrival of the representative of operator on production facility and discrepancies of the data specified in the submitted documents to the request, data established by the authorized representative of the operator by results of departure, the request is rejected by the operator in information system 1.

22. By results of departure of the authorized representative of the operator, in day of implementation of departure on production facility the report, according to the established form provided by appendix 7 to Explanations, signed by the authorized representative of the operator and the subject of entrepreneurship on collection, sorting and transportation of waste is constituted. In case of refusal the subject of entrepreneurship on collection, sorting and transportation of waste to sign the report, the request is rejected by the operator in information system 1.

23. In case of compliance of the submitted documents to the declared type of activity established in case of visit of production facility on collection, sorting and transportation of waste the operator within 10 (ten) working days from the date of visit of production facility on collection, sorting and transportation of waste approves the request of the subject of entrepreneurship in information system 1.

24. After approval in information system 1 the statement of accession in the established form according to appendix 4 to these rules completed and signed by the subject of entrepreneurship by means of the digital signature no later than 10 (ten) working days from the date of forming of the statement of accession is created. In case of incorrect filling and not signing of the statement of accession at the scheduled time, the request is subject to variation.

25. The standard agreement in the established form according to appendix 3 to these rules, is considered the operator of the entrepreneurship signed by the subject imprisoned after approval of the application in information system 1. Consideration of the application by the operator is performed 1 (one) working day in time.

After the conclusion of the standard agreement, the subject of entrepreneurship acquires the status of the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste. During action of the standard agreement the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste, performs all actions within receipt of payments, is exclusive through information system 1, according to these rules and Explanations.

26. Reflection of data on collection of waste in information system 1 is performed by the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste within 1 (one) day from the moment of making of transaction on collection, sorting and transportation of waste, with execution of the receipt order of inventories, according to appendix 25 to the Order on approval of forms of source accounting documents, for each transaction, signed by the digital signature:

1) from the obrazovatel registered in information system 1;

2) from obrazovatel from the places of collection (stationary places of acceptance and (or) containers) specified in biographical particulars of the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste in case of application for the conclusion of the standard agreement, including the changes made to biographical particulars.

27. Payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste to the receiver of payments are not performed from solid waste landfills, waste sorting complexes (objects) and places or containers established within centralized system of collection of municipal solid waste according to article 367 of the Code.

28. Collection of waste from the obrazovatel registered in information system 1, is performed according to the request of obrazovatel for transfer of waste, on condition of stay within administrative borders of the village, settlement, area in the city, the cities, the region of the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste and observance by obrazovatel of the following regulations:

1) to perform clarification and sorting of cumulative waste separately by each type of waste of packaging (glass, paper and cardboard, polymeric, from the combined materials);

2) the minimum lot of waste of packaging for application for transfer of waste:

for physical persons – at least 10 (ten) kilograms for each type of waste of packaging;

for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs – at least 30 (thirty) kilograms for each type of waste of packaging;

3) packaging waste net and dry, does not contain liquid, food remaining balance, food wastes, fabric, foil, multiodds, and also not waxed, not bituminized, not oiled, not gummed, not metallized, is not impregnated with chemicals, with sealing wax, not emery, not rotten and not burned;

4) waste is formed as a result of life activity or during implementation of business and (or) economic activity by it (as the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity), and not acquired on any bases at the third-party subjects of entrepreneurship performing activities for waste management and (or) on solid waste landfills according to article 348 of the Code.

29. The receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste independently chooses obrazovatel. In case of discrepancy of waste of obrazovatel to regulations of Item 28 of these rules, the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation refuses export of waste, and the obrazovatel, upon the demand of the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation, refunds transportation expenses to the receiver of payments for the collection, sorting and transportation of waste suffered when implementing departure to obrazovatel. Relations between obrazovatel and the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation concerning transfer of waste, conditions of loading, unloading, rise and descent to floors, procedure for weighing and payment term, and also procedure for compensation of transportation expenses are regulated by obrazovatel and the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste independently.

30. Obrazovatel – physical person by transfer of waste, signs documents by means of introduction of codes in mobile application to information system 1, transmitted through the short text message (further – the SMS), obrazovatel – the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur by transfer of waste, signs by means of the digital signature.

31. Collection of waste from places of collection (stationary places of acceptance and (or) containers) is performed by the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste in the following procedure:

1) in information system 1 the transport leaf, according to appendix 1 to Explanations is written out;

2) assembled waste is weighed on the confided weight equipment;

3) by results of weighing in information system 1 the receipt order of inventories, according to appendix 25 to the order on approval of forms of source accounting documents is filled in;

4) the receipt order of inventories is signed by means of the digital signature.

32. The receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste in process of collection, sortings of waste for their realization on preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, places in information system 1 announcement of sale of the collected and sorted waste with indication of the price for 1 (one) ton of waste, for the subsequent conclusion of the delivery agreement of waste, according to appendix 2 to Explanations, with the receiver of payments for preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling. Effective period of the announcement of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of placement in information system 1.

If on the expiration of the specified term waste is not realized, the announcement moves to archive of information system 1. Announcements on waste takes place, it is exclusive in case of their availability at the receiver of payments for collection, sorting and transportation of waste.

In case of need announcements it responds and adjusted to the conclusion of the delivery agreement of waste, according to appendix 2 to Explanations, with the receiver of payments for preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling.

33. Receivers of payments for preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling leave comment on the announcement with consent to purchase of waste at the specified price or offer the price, and also specify delivery address of waste.

34. After approval of the price in information system 1 the delivery agreement of waste, according to appendix 2 to Explanations, between the receiver of payments for collection, sorting, transportation and the receiver of payments for preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, by signing by the parties by means of digital signatures is signed.

35. After agreement signature of delivery of waste, according to appendix 2 to Explanations, with the receiver of payments for preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, waste are transported from places of collection and temporary accumulating of waste on production facilities on preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) waste recycling, according to Explanations.

36. Transportation of waste on production facilities on preparation for reuse, processing, conversion, neutralization and (or) utilization will be organized by the receiver of payments for collection, sorting, transportation of waste independently according to regulations of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 No. 546 "About approval of Rules of transportation of goods by road transport" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 12463) and these rules.

The receiver of payments for collection, sorting, transportation of waste chooses the transporter from among registered in information system 1.

37. For registration in information system 1 transporter provides copies of the following documents:

1) the car driver license confirming the right to control of vehicles of category "C" and (or) "SE" and (or) subcategory of "C1" and (or) subcategory of "C1E";

2) registration certificate of the cargo vehicle;

3) data on inclusion in the state electronic register of permissions and notifications of authorized body in the field of environmental protection according to article 337 of the Code;

4) the document confirming the employment or civil relations of the driver with the subject of entrepreneurship who received the coupon about acceptance of the notification of subjects of entrepreneurship in the field of waste management;

5) the existing documents confirming compulsory insurance of civil responsibility of the driver.

38. The operator within 3 (three) working days from receipt date of documents of the transporter considers, on:

1) availability of complete document package, stipulated in Item 37 these rules;

2) correct filling of the request, according to these rules;

3) compliance of the submitted documents to these rules;

4) compliance of the data specified in the request, to the data in the enclosed documents;


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