of November 27, 2023 No. UP-200
About measures for further enhancement of system of anti-corruption and increase in system effectiveness of public control over activities of state bodies and the organizations
For the purpose of increase in efficiency of the carried-out work in the sphere of prevention and anti-corruption, further expansion of scale and providing easy access to open data on important social problems, and also realization of the tasks determined by Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030":
1. Approve the offer of National council on anti-corruption of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - National council), anti-corruption Agencies (further - the Agency) and the Prosecutor General's Office about implementation of the following system of prevention of corruption crimes:
The agency carries quarterly out the analysis of the committed corruption crimes by state bodies and the organizations and for the purpose of determination of urgent measures brings subjects to obligatory consideration with participation of staff of the Agency of submission to the state bodies and the organizations which allowed increase in indicators of corruption crimes;
at meetings of National council each half a year critical discussion of the taken measures for prevention of crimes and elimination of the factors creating conditions for them with participation of the first heads of the relevant state bodies and organizations is carried out.
2. Approve the State program on anti-corruption for 2023-2024 according to appendix No. 1.
3. Add the List of the socially important data which are subject to placement as open data, the data since December 1, 2023:
about single online queue of the pilgrims consisting in queue for departure in "Hajj" by regions (date of statement in queue of the statement of person leaving for implementation of pilgrimage, its sequence number in the list);
about queue (list) of the applications submitted for acceptance of children to the state preschool educational organizations (date of statement of the statement in queue, sequence number in the list, age group and number of the organization);
about the interdepartmental procedure for procurement commission (provision, the regulations, the instruction or other interdepartmental act) establishing procedures of implementation of public procurements in state bodies and the organizations;
about vacancies in the central, regional organizations and the organizations of system, employment conditions, requirements to candidates which are subject to representation documents;
about the grants and drafts of the social order provided by state bodies and the organizations to non-state non-profit organizations including about the non-state non-commercial winner organizations and reports on the work which is carried out by them within the order.
4. Approve the offer of the Agency on implementation of procedure for broadcasting on the air on the Internet of processes of carrying out:
a) protection of theses for degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and the doctor of science (DSc) which are carried out by Scientific council (except for the closed scientific works);
b) testings in all average-special and professional educational institutions (including the military and academic lyceums "Temurbeklar of Maktaba"), and also admission examinations in Presidential, creative and specialized schools;
c) the following stages of competitive selection in case of acceptance on faculties of military training (military department) based on the highest educational institutions:
estimates of general physical training;
estimates of level of knowledge of the program of preconscription basic training.
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