Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 1, 2023 No. 851

About approval of the Concept of the information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property" and the Regulations on information resource created by the information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property"

Based on subitems c) and d) article 22 of the Law No. 467/2003 on informatization and the state information resources (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 6-12, 44), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

1. Create the Information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property".

2. Approve:

1) the Concept of the Information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property", according to appendix No. 1;

2) Regulations on the information resource created by the Information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property" according to appendix No. 2.

3. To bodies of public management, except for specified in Item 4, to represent to the Agency of public property through the specified system once a year, till March 30 of the year following after accounting year, reports on book value of the public state-owned property which is in their management, subordinated bodies and organizations, on methods and results of its use, as of January 1 every year, signed by the digital signature, according to the samples specified in appendices No. 1, 2 and 6 to the Provision.

4. To bodies of local public authority of the second level / to the autonomous territorial entity Gagauzia to represent to the Agency of public property through the specified System once a year, till March 30 of the year following after accounting year, centralized reports on book value of the state-owned property which is in management, including in management of bodies of local public authority of the first level, as of January 1 every year, signed by the digital signature, according to the samples specified in appendices No. 1 and 6 to the Provision and also till May 30 of the year following directly after accounting year, reports on book value of property of the municipal companies and commercial societies with public or public private equity according to the samples specified in appendices No. 3 and 4 to the Provision.

5. To represent to the bodies of the central public management exercising control of the state companies and commercial societies with fully or partially state capital till May 30 of the year following after accounting year, to the Agency of public property through the specified System the reports on book value of state-owned property of appropriate subjects signed by the digital signature according to the samples specified in appendices No. 3 - 5 to the Provision.

6. Determine that the commercial societies having property of the state in economic maintaining will provide to the Agency of public property till May 30 of the year following the accounting period, reports on book value of the state assets which are in economic board as of January 1 every year, and also methods of their use, according to appendix No. 5 to the Provision.

7. To the agency of public property:

1) to provide processing/verification of information from the submitted reports and to enter the corresponding records in the Register of public property which is component of the specified System according to the rules of its maintaining established in the Provision;

To represent 2) to the Government till June 20 the year balance of public property as of January 1 every year.

8. In cases when information on state-owned property and methods of its use is the state secret, bodies of public management represent such data according to the regulations established by the legislation.

9. Before commissioning of the specified System:

1) bodies of public management and other subjects submit reports with the cover letter signed by the head of the executive subject / body of administrative and territorial unit;

2) subregisters No. 1 - 6 Registers of public property are kept in manual form within one accounting year after the date of entry into force of this resolution, and electronically - through the Automated information system "The register of public property";

3) records in the Register of public property will be performed by loggers with indication of the basis for registration, and primary documentation based on which registration is made will be archived and be stored as appropriate.

10. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 675/2008 about the Register of public property (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, No. 106, the Art. 690), with subsequent changes.

11. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and digitalizations


Dmitry Alayba


Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 1, 2023 No. 851

Concept of the Information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property"


In spite of the fact that development of the integrated automated information system is provided to be realized till 2024, according to obligations assumed in "The strategy of management of the public property in the field of the state companies and commercial societies with completely or mainly public capital for 2023-2030" approved by the Order of the Government No. 911/2022, development of the integrated automated information system has crucial importance not only for ensuring accomplishment of the obligations undertaken in documents of strategic planning, but first of all for ensuring efficiency and transparency in accounting, management and administration of state-owned property. Thus, the Agency of public property needs the integrated automated electronic decision, such as GRP (resource planning) which would facilitate activities of all divisions of the Agency, would reduce information volume, processed manually, would eliminate redundancy, would replace the data written on papers with the data written in digital format and would facilitate accounting, the analysis and interpretation of data, providing information with the high level of reliability for support of decision making process, and also transparency of organization.

Chapter I General provisions

1. Name of system - The information system "Register of Public Property and Management of State-owned Property" (in abbreviated form - the IC RPIUGS).

2. Determination of system - the IC RPIUGS represents set of the interdependent information resources and technologies, methods and personnel intended for support of the activities performed within the Agency of the public property (further - the FPÖ) promoting digitization of management processes, accounting, control and the reporting by collection, preserving, processing and recovery of legal and financial information about existence, methods and results use of state-owned property of the Republic of Moldova in its territory and abroad according to Law No. 467/2003 provisions "About informatization and the state information resources".

3. Tasks of the IC RPIUGS are:

1) strengthening of capacity of the FPÖ on use of the principles of proper management in the sector of the companies with the state capital;

2) effective management of the state assets;

3) increase in transparency of use of the state assets;

4) enhancement of institutional base for increase in efficiency of corporate management, compliance to the advanced practice and responses to recommendations of partners in development;

5) integration of the Automated information system of "The register of public property" into the IC RPIUGS and maintaining it it is exclusive in electronic form;

6) digitization and automation of systems of accounting and reporting;

7) elimination of the human factor arising during the work with documents and their manual input in different registers and systems;

8) optimization of use of human resource in bodies of the central public management, in the companies with the state capital, way of digitization, namely reducing the repeating actions, such, as: information seal from application interface and the subsequent manual input of the same information in other appendix or repeated creation of reports for informing the different public institutions containing the same information;

9) creation of the organized electronic archives available to authorized personnel, and digitization of the archives existing in paper format.

10) possibility of provision of necessary information in real time through specialized platform;

11) increase in efficiency and support of organizational processes within the FPÖ;

12) ensuring access of the general public to information by provision of data which can be indexed or organized according to information needs of the general public;

13) providing all data with network service (viewing, generation and change);

14) minimization of human errors in case of input of primary information and decrease in risks of loss of data because of maintaining the register in manual type in the absence of information system;

15) strict access control to data and information security support during the forming and operation of the IC RPIUGS information resource.

4. The basic principles of the IC RPIUGS are:

1) the principle of legality which implies structure, procedure for forming, management and storage of the IC RPIUGS according to provisions of the Law No. 467/2003 on informatization and the state information resources;

2) the principle of accuracy of the data, operational safety and resistance to errors, system shall provide the guaranteed provision of services;

3) the principle of enhancement of data which implies provision of high-quality and complete network services on the IC RPIUGS, according to the rules of creation of network services approved by the Law No. 467/2003;

4) the principle of confidentiality of data in case of which the system shall ensure safety and integrity of the transmitted data obtained on communication links;


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