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of November 17, 2023 No. 148

About approval of the Regulations on implementation of transactions with test banknotes with participation of authorized banks

According to Articles 7, of 15, of 33, 56 Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", for the purpose of providing economy of the state with repeatedly released cash of proper quality the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on implementation of transactions with test banknotes with participation of authorized banks which is applied.

2. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Alexey Shaban.

3. The resolution becomes effective since December 1, 2023.


A. Magnificent

Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of November 17, 2023 No. 148

Regulations on implementation of transactions with test banknotes with participation of authorized banks

1. This Provision is developed according to the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank) concerning the organization of cash work, transfer of inventories of cash on storage in authorized banks and carrying out transactions with them, and also other regulatory legal acts of National Bank.

2. Terms in this Provision are used in such value:

1) test pack of banknotes - set of banknotes of one nominal containing the prepared banknotes, suitable and not suitable for the address, (worn-out) which are sorted on the equipment by the automated processing of banknotes of National Bank in such ratio: suitable banknotes - 700 pieces not suitable for the address of banknotes - 300 pieces;

2) test banknotes banknotes of various nominals and samples on which setup/testing of the equipment on the automated processing of banknotes is performed;

3) authorized bank - bank on which the Board of National Bank according to requirements of the Regulations on criteria and procedure for selection of banks which can be involved in stock holding of cash of the National Bank of Ukraine and implementation of transactions with them approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 28, 2016 No. 389 (with changes) made the decision on provision to it powers on stock holding of cash of National Bank and carrying out inventory operations of cash of National Bank.

Other terms used in this Provision are used in the values determined by the legislation of Ukraine and regulatory legal acts of National Bank concerning the organization of cash work, transfer of inventories of cash on storage in authorized banks and carrying out transactions with them.

3. This Provision establishes:

1) procedure for transfer of test banknotes by National Bank to authorized bank for further ensuring control of parameters of settings of its own equipment on the automated processing of banknotes and return of test banknotes from authorized bank in National Bank;

2) the list of operations which are performed by authorized bank with the test banknotes issued by National Bank within the limit of inventories of cash set by National Bank stored on each isolated division/division of authorized bank for ensuring settings of own equipment by authorized bank on the automated processing of banknotes.

4. The National Bank provides:

1) forming of test packs of banknotes from the nominals and samples which are in circulation and not withdrawn for their subsequent transfer to cash inventories stored in authorized bank;

2) compliance of the created test packs of banknotes to the signs of damage of banknotes (general pollution, depreciation of banknote) specified in table 1 of the Section I of appendix 5 to the Instruction on procedure for the organization of cash work by banks and carrying out payment transactions by payment service providers in Ukraine approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 25, 2018 No. 103 (with changes) (dalee-Instruktion No. 103);

3) accounting of test banknotes in cash inventories on the 47 index - test banknotes;

4) preparation of administrative acts of issue of test banknotes by National Bank to the isolated divisions/divisions of authorized banks;

5) issue/acceptance of test banknotes (is not more often than once in three months) for reinforcement/export To (from) cash inventories stored in authorized bank complete cartridges in quantity one cartridge of one nominal for one isolated division/division of authorized bank it agrees to the permission provided by National Bank according to the requirements determined by the Regulations on transfer of inventories of cash on storage in authorized banks and carrying out transactions with them approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of September 17, 2021 No. 95 (with changes) (further - No. Provision 95);

6) control of return by authorized bank to National Bank of test banknotes;

7) processing of the test banknotes accepted from authorized bank on own equipment on the automated processing of banknotes according to requirements of the administrative act of National Bank for the organization of issued and cash work in National Bank and their transfer after transfer to the corresponding indexes.

5. Inventory operations of cash stored for authorized bank (test banknotes) are performed within the set limits of inventories of cash stored.

6. The authorized bank shall according to requirements of this provision provide:

1) availability of the blank limits of inventories of cash in the isolated division/division of authorized bank for receipt of test banknotes;

2) receipt of test banknotes to cash inventories stored according to the permission provided by National Bank and according to requirements of the Provision No. 95;

5) export of the used test banknotes within three months from the date of transfer in inventories of cash stored from actual stocks stored in National Bank according to the permission provided by National Bank and according to requirements of the Provision No. 95;

6) accounting of test banknotes in cash inventories stored on the 47 index.

7. The authorized bank carries out check/setup of own equipment on the automated processing of banknotes with use of test banknotes in the following procedure:

1) is notified by National Bank on need for test banknotes by the isolated divisions/divisions of authorized bank;


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