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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

September 20, 2023

No. 1660/40716


of September 4, 2023 No. 51

About approval of Criteria of estimation of the publishing products permitted to import and distribution in the territory of Ukraine

According to the paragraph of Item 2 of the Section II "Final provisions" of the Law of Ukraine of June 19, 2022 No. 2309-IX "About introduction of amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning establishment of import restrictions and distribution of the publishing products concerning the state aggressor, the Republic of Belarus, temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine" of article 28-1 of the Law of Ukraine "About publishing" and based on Item 8 of the Regulations on the State committee of the television and broadcasting of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 13, 2014 No. 341, I ORDER third:

1. Approve Criteria of estimation of the publishing products permitted to import and distribution in the territory of Ukraine which are applied.

2. Declare invalid the order of the State committee of television and broadcasting of Ukraine of March 3, 2017 No. 47 "About approval of Criteria for evaluation of the publishing products permitted to distribution in the territory of Ukraine", No. 586/30454 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 11, 2017.

3. In accordance with the established procedure to provide to legal department submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Chairman of the State committee of television and broadcasting of Ukraine Chervak B. A.


O. Nalivayko


It is approved:

Century of the deputy. Minister of Cultural Affairs and information policy of Ukraine


R. Karandeev

The television and broadcasting of Ukraine of September 4, 2023 No. 51 are approved by the Order of the State committee

Criteria for evaluation of the publishing products permitted to import and distribution in the territory of Ukraine

1. These Criteria determine general approaches to the analysis and estimation of publishing products of the state aggressor, the Republic of Belarus, temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and/or issued to the world by state language of the state aggressor concerning its reference to such which is not permitted to import to customs area of Ukraine and distribution to its territories (further - publishing products).

2. These Criteria are held for use Advisory council of the State committee of television and broadcasting of Ukraine concerning the analysis and assessment of publishing products of its reference to such which is not permitted to import to customs area of Ukraine and distribution to its territories, and Goskomteleradio's device.

3. It cannot be imported on customs area of Ukraine and the publishing products containing materials (statements, appeals, narrativa, images, etc.) which content is directed on are distributed to its territories:

liquidation of independence of Ukraine, violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, undermining its safety;

change of the constitutional system in the violent way, illegal capture of the government;

incitement of race, regional, racial or religious strife and hatred, humiliation of national honor and advantage;

damnification to national unity, approval of the Ukrainian national and civil identity;

denial or the relation under doubt of existence of the Ukrainian people, (nation), the Ukrainian statehood and Ukrainian;

humiliation or neglect to state language;

humiliation or neglect to the state symbols of Ukraine, in particular their charging in any kind;

propaganda of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime, the armed aggression of the state aggressor against Ukraine, forming of positive image of the state aggressor, its bodies, public forming and persons who publicly support the armed aggression of the state aggressor against Ukraine;

justification, recognition lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the state aggressor against Ukraine begun in 2014, including by representation of the armed aggression of the state aggressor against Ukraine as internal civil conflict;

justification, recognition lawful, denial of temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine;

glorifikation of persons performing the armed aggression of the state aggressor against Ukraine begun in 2014, representatives of paramilitary groups of the state aggressor, irregular illegal armed groups, the armed gangs and groups of the mercenaries created, subordinated, managed and financed by the state aggressor and also representatives of occupational administration of the state aggressor which is constituted by its state bodies and structures functionally responsible for management of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and representatives of the self-proclaimed bodies under control to the state aggressor who usurped accomplishment of imperious functions in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;

promotion of symbolics of military invasion of the Russian Nazi totalitarian regime into Ukraine;

promotion of imperial geopolitical doctrines which provide consolidation of the people around the state aggressor of its state language, cultures, and form the dominating religious faith ideological basis of return of Ukraine to the sphere of domination of the state aggressor;

promotion of discrimination and intolerance to citizens on signs of race, skin color, language, political, religious and other convictions, age, sex, disability, ethnic and social origin, property status, the residence, other signs;

promotion communistic and/or national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian modes and their symbolics;

promotion of war of aggression, extremism, separatism, cult of violence and cruelty, making of acts of terrorism, genocide;

falsification of history and forming of stereotype about superiority of culture, language, the dominating religious faith of the state aggressor;

infringement of human rights and freedoms, health of the population;

promotion of the use of drugs, psychotropic substances;

promotion of ill treatment of animals.

The head of department of the allowing procedure and control on distribution of publishing products

S. Oleynik


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