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of November 18, 2023

About application of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions)

According to article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine solved:

1. Support the offers on application of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) made by the Security Service of Ukraine.

2. Apply personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) to:

1) to physical persons according to appendix 1;

2) to legal entities according to appendix 2.

3. To provide to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine together with the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine realization and monitoring of efficiency of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions), the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the decision.

4. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to inform competent authorities of the European Union, the United States of America and other states on application of sanctions and to raise before them question of introduction of similar rationing arrangements.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

A. Danilov

Appendix 1

to the Decision of National Council of safety and defense of Ukraine against November 18, 2023 "About application of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions)", No. 759/2023 enacted by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of November 18, 2023

Physical persons to which personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) are applied

See Appendix 1

Appendix 2

to the Decision of National Council of safety and defense of Ukraine against November 18, 2023 "About application of personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions)", No. 759/2023 enacted by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of November 18, 2023

Legal entities to whom personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) are applied

See Appendix 2

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