Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 21, 2021 No. PP-5155

About the measures aimed at the development of the furniture industry in regions of the republic

(as amended on 27-12-2024)

For the purpose of satisfaction of the product demand of the furniture industry growing owing to increase in level of living of the population and increase in number of new housing under construction, support of activities of producers of furniture, and also expansion of production of the furniture products conforming to international standards competitive in the internal and external markets:

1. Agree with offers of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, the Ministries of investments and foreign trade and the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty about creation of the small industrial zones specialized on production of furniture products by cluster method (further - small industrial zones) in regions according to appendix No. 1.

2. Determine that:

a) floor spaces in small industrial zones are implemented by means of electronic online auction on the basis of the property right;

b) on floor spaces in small industrial zones on the basis of the master plan in priority procedure objects of production and realization of furniture and its component parts are placed. At the same time on lots in which any applicant on electronic online biddings for the first time did not participate it is allowed to place other projects in the directions of the industry and rendering the services which are not doing harm to production of furniture products;

c) the part of proceeds from sales of land used in agricultural industry in small industrial zones by means of electronic online auction on the basis of the property right sent to local budgets is created as additional income of budgets from which at least 30 percent are spent for introduction in agricultural turnover of new land in the corresponding territories;

d) actions for construction of external engineering and communication networks, the created small industrial zones, are performed for the account:

the means provided in the Government budget for 2021 - 2023 - for works on construction, reconstruction and repair of networks of drinking water and the sewerage, highways;

means of the supplying companies in accordance with the established procedure - for works on construction, reconstruction and repair of networks of the electric power and natural gas, communication lines.

3. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas:

in ten-day time to provide allocation of land specified in the application No. 1, according to the procedure installed by the legislation for creation of small industrial zones;

in a month together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade (A. Voitov) to provide in accordance with the established procedure development and approval of borders and master plans of the territories of small industrial zones;

in two weeks together with the Ministry of Agriculture (Zh. Hodzhayev) with involvement of subjects of entrepreneurship to approve the address list of land introduced into agricultural circulation at the expense of means of local budgets. At the same time land newly introduced into agricultural circulation in each region shall be twice more at least than the area of the small industrial zone created in the respective region.

4. Determine that the compensation payments on compensation of losses of agricultural and forestry and landscape production connected with allocation of land under creation of small industrial zones according to the procedure of exception are not levied.

5. To the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the Ministry of Finance to approve the Address program for providing the created small industrial zones with necessary engineering and communication infrastructure in a month.

6. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.12.2024 No. UP-228

7. Apply for a period of up to January 1, 2024 zero rate of customs duty when importing raw materials, spare parts, fitment and accessories used in production of furniture according to appendix No. 2.

8. To the ministry of investments and foreign trade together with other interested ministries and departments in two-month time to submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers the "Development Programs of the Furniture and Woodworking Industry in Uzbekistan for 2021 - 2024" project providing:

implementation of new types and packets of consumer loans for equipment of the new apartment houses which are under construction in regions of the republic, first of all domestic furniture production proceeding from population wishes;

approval of the Schedule of updating of furniture stock of the state organizations in regions of the republic, including the preschool educational organizations, average general and average special educational institutions and healthcare institutions for 2021 - 2024;

cultivation of types of the trees used as raw materials in all directions of the furniture industry taking into account climatic conditions of the republic, and also construction of plantations of types of the trees used as raw materials in the furniture industry of the republic;

start in the republic of production capacities large producer companies of furniture of the foreign states (China, Turkey and the states of Europe);

projects implementation in the regions of the republic together with the Ministry of innovative development and JSC Uzkimyosanoat directed to production of plates of MDF, the HPL panels, and also the raw materials, spare parts, fitment and accessories specified in appendix No. 2 to this resolution.

9. Approve the offer of Association of the furniture and woodworking industry, the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty on the organization and carrying out since 2022 annually in May of the International furniture sales exhibition ("Uzbek International Furniture Fair") with involvement of representatives of the domestic and foreign enterprises, potential investors, experts and other professional specialists of industry.

To the ministry of investments and foreign trade (A. Voitov) together with Association of the furniture and woodworking industry (A. Nuritdinov) in two-month time to develop and start program implementation of measures for preparation and carrying out at the high level of the International furniture sales exhibition.

10. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas, and also khokimiyats of areas (cities) specified in appendix No. 1, together with the Ministry of employment and employment relationships and other interested ministries and departments in two-month time to organize short-term and medium-term training courses on production of furniture in the organizations of professional training located in areas (cities) specified in appendix No. 1, with involvement of subjects of entrepreneurship.


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