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of July 28, 2021 No. PP-5200

About additional measures for implementation of cluster system in wine growing development, the state support of attraction of advanced technologies to this sphere

(as amended on 03-06-2024)

For the purpose of further development of wine growing and creation in the country of cluster system of cultivation and conversion of grapes, production of finished goods, providing the republic with high-quality products with broad implementation of effective mechanisms of regulation of the alcoholic market, building-up of the export potential and increase in investment appeal of industry, and also development of wine tourism (enoturizm):

1. Determine the main directions of development of wine growing:

determination of the most optimum areas in favorable areas for the purpose of specialization on cultivation of grapes;

development of cultivation of grapes as national culture proceeding from the national culture of dekhkanstvo and values of our people created throughout centuries;

creation of chain of value added in industry by cultivation of grapes on large squares cluster and cooperation by methods, and also stimulation of storage, selection and conversion of grapes;

expansion of export by creation of national brands of domestic grades of grapes and promotion on the new markets;

cultivation of grapes on scientific basis, development of school of sciences of wine growing for the purpose of creation of new high-yielding stoneless grades of grapes, and also establishing close integration of science and production.

3. Determine that:

since August 1, 2021 the parcels of land of agricultural purpose (irrigated and not irrigated bogharic lands) are leased for construction of vineyards and development of wine growing on the basis of open tender;

the parcels of land are leased for a period of 30 years by results of open tender;

the parcels of land leased on the basis of open tender are used only for the purpose of construction of vineyards and development of wine growing, failure to carry out of this condition is the basis for early agreement cancelation of lease;

the obligation of landing of the certified saplings of grapes and implementation of water saving technologies on the reserved space on the basis of recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture, organization of work - competent authority in the field of protection of plants is assigned to initiators;

for construction of vineyards with creation of farm on open tender the parcels of land by Ploshchad 0,06 - 1 of hectares, for construction of large vineyards complete contour - of 1 - 30 hectares are exposed.

4. To provide to deputy prime ministers Sh. Ganiyev and D. Kuchkarov, the Minister of Agriculture Zh. Hodzhayev together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokimama of areas allocation at least 2 000 hectares of land in each of 48 areas which edaphic-climatic conditions are optimum for wine growing (cultivation of table grades).

5. Create since September 1, 2021 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and areas permanent project offices on development of wine growing, numbering from two to ten workers, without the status of the legal entity.

Determine that:

project offices are created with involvement (preserving the salary) of ranking officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agency on quarantine and protection of plants and other interested departments;

The Ministry of Agriculture involves qualified specialists from the states of the developed wine growing by fund of development of wine growing.

Determine the main objectives of project offices:

construction of vineyards intensive method, including cluster and cooperative;

implementation of monitoring of construction by initiators of vineyards on reserved land and provision of recommendations about landing of the certified grapes saplings;

choice of the parcels of land suitable for construction of vineyards, organization of their exposure to open tender in accordance with the established procedure;

rendering assistance in the organization of delivery of saplings and mineral fertilizers for vineyards, rendering agroservices and sales of products.

6. Determine that since September 1, 2021 the new mechanism of expansion of cultivation of grapes on personal plots of the population and in махаллях takes root. According to this mechanism Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of support also families waved:

determines initiators of cultivation of grapes on personal plots of the population, creates their address program;

allocates to initiators of projects funds according to the address program at the expense of Fund of support of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots;

develops and approves "Road map" on landing and cultivation of saplings of grapes by regions, to rendering services in protection of plants and purchase of grape products through Tomorka hizmati LLC by cooperation method proceeding from edaphic-climatic features of regions.

To the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of implementation of measures, determined in this Item to allocate in the current year in addition 100 billion sum of credit resources within the Development program of family entrepreneurship.

7. To the ministry of support also families (R. Mamatov), to the Ministry of Agriculture waved (Zh. Hodzhayev), to Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan (A. Haitov) to take measures for the organization of landing of cultivation of grapes for the purpose of rational use of personal plots of the population, lands near multi-storey apartment houses, internal streets makhally and roadsides of large roads.

8. Found since 2022 the republican review competition on wine growing held once each two years on such nominations as "The best grade of grapes", "The best intensive vineyard", "The best grade of domestic grapes" and "The best wine products".

Determine that rewarding of winners of review competition with cash prizes and other mementoes is financed by extrabudgetary funds of the Ministry of support also families, the Ministries of Agriculture, and also Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan waved.

To the Cabinet of Ministers in two-month time to approve provision of this review competition.

9. Establish procedure according to which since September 1, 2021:

a) for the purpose of creation of complete cycle of cultivation, drying, packaging, conversion of grapes, production of finished goods and export of grapes proceeding from edaphic-climatic conditions of regions vinogradarsky and wine-making clusters are created;

b) land is allocated to vinogradarsky and wine-making clusters according to the procedure, No. UP-6243 "About Measures for Ensuring Equality and Transparency in Land Relations, Reliable Protection of Land Rights and Their Transformation into Market Asset" established by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 8, 2021.

At the same time integrity of contours of the allocated land is provided;

c) The chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and hokima of areas are responsible for selection and the organization of activities of vinogradarsky and wine-making clusters with the following provisions:

availability of the business plan or feasibility statement on implementation of investment projects of cultivation, packaging, sorting, conversion of grapes and implementation of resource-saving technologies;

availability of the infrastructure facilities necessary for activities implementation (on the basis of right of possession, use or full authority of property), qualified personnel and other means, and also financial stability.


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