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of November 28, 2023 No. 2008

About approval of Rules of forming and maintaining the register of providers of hosting

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of forming and maintaining the register of providers of hosting.

2. Determine that realization of the powers provided by this resolution is performed within the established extreme number of employees of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, and also budgetary appropriations provided to the specified Service in the federal budget on management and management in the field of the established functions.

3. This resolution becomes effective since December 1, 2023.

 Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2023 No. 2008

Rules of forming and maintaining register of providers of hosting

1. These rules determine procedure for forming and maintaining the register of providers of hosting (further - the register), including the scope of information, included in the register, procedure for inclusion of such data in the register and their exceptions of the register, procedure for provision of the data containing in the register.

2. Maintaining the register, including inclusion in the register and exception of the register of data, is performed by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (further - Service).

4. The register is kept in electronic form by forming in the automated mode of register entries or modification of register entries. Maintaining the register includes collection, systematization, change and storage of register entries. The register is kept in state language of the Russian Federation, at the same time use of letters of the Latin alphabet is possible. In case of maintaining the register by the operator of the register by such operator of the register creation of the information system allowing message the register in the automated mode is provided.

5. The register entry contains:

a) data according to Item 6 of these rules;

b) unique number of the register entry (it is appropriated automatically), date of its inclusion in the register and date of modification of the data containing in the register entry (in the presence).

6. The register joins the following data:

a) information on person providing computing capacities for placement of information in the information system which is constantly connected to the Internet (further - Internet network):

for citizens of the Russian Federation - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), passport data, registration address at the place of residence (stay) and the address of the place of the actual accommodation;

for the Russian legal entities - the complete and reduced (in the presence) names, form of business, the location and the address, identification taxpayer number, the primary state registration number, surname, name, middle name (in the presence) the head of the legal entity, other contact person of the organization;

for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), registration address at the place of residence (stay), identification taxpayer number, the primary state registration number of record about state registration as the individual entrepreneur;

for the foreign organizations - the complete and reduced (in the presence) names, country of incorporation, the tax identifier and (or) the identifier in the trade register of country of incorporation, the location and the address, information on the organization (phone number, number of fax connection (in the presence), the e-mail address (in the presence), and also information on the branches, either representation, or the Russian legal entity functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation according to requirements of the Federal Law "About Activities of Foreign Persons on the Internet in the Territory of the Russian Federation";

for foreign citizens and stateless persons - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), type, number and the country of issue of the identity document, registration address at the place of residence (stay) (in the presence), phone number, number of fax connection (in the presence), the e-mail address (in the presence), and also information on observance of requirements of the Federal Law "About Activities of Foreign Persons on the Internet in the Territory of the Russian Federation";

b) information on availability of unique identifier of set of means of communication and other technical means in Internet network, including number of such unique identifier (in the presence);

c) information on network addresses (range of network addresses) and location of use of network addresses (range of network addresses);

d) information on location of computing capacities, including the address of their arrangement;

e) data on connection to Internet network (in the presence):

the name of the telecom operator with which the service provision agreement of communication or services in accession of communication networks is signed;

agreement number;

date of the agreement;

reservoir of communication link of accession;

accession point address;

e) information on points of exchange of traffic to which infrastructure of provider of hosting is connected (in the presence):

name of point of exchange of traffic;

reservoir of communication link of accession;

state in which there is point of exchange of traffic;

address and (or) information on location of point of exchange of traffic;

g) contact information on responsible persons of provider of hosting:

information on technical support services (phone, e-mail address);

information on persons responsible for information security (surname, name, middle name (in the presence), position, phone, e-mail address);

information on persons responsible for organizational and technical interaction within centralized operation by general use communication network (surname, name, middle name (in the presence), position, phone, the e-mail address);

h) information on the used information security products;

i) data on the used means of communication;

j) information on license for activities in the field of communication services provision (in the presence).


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