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of October 27, 2023 No. 809

About approval of the Program of support of female entrepreneurship

Based on Item and) parts (1) article 9 of the Law No. 179/2016 on the small and medium companies (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 306-313, 651), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

1) the Program of support of female entrepreneurship, according to appendix No. 1.

2) the Plan of accomplishment of actions within the Program of support of female entrepreneurship, according to appendix No. 2.

2. To charge program implementation of support of female entrepreneurship to public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship".

3. To public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship" to develop necessary operational management for accomplishment of the Program of support of female entrepreneurship in which stages and procedure for its implementation will be determined, and also to provide publication of management on participation in the specified Program on the official web page of organization.

4. Financing of the actions provided within the Program of support of female entrepreneurship to perform for the account and within assignments from the government budget, and also from other sources, according to the legislation.

5. To public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship" to take measures for search of sources of financial resources from external financial aid for the purpose of replenishment of the budget of the specified Program.

6. Activities for financing within the Program of support of female entrepreneurship are the scheme of the little significant help and fall under action of provisions of the Law No. 139/2012 on government assistance and the Regulations on the little significant help approved by the Resolution of the Plenum of Competition council No. 01/2020.

7. Regulations of the Order of the Government No. 1064/2016 on approval of the Women in Business Program (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 314, Art. 1142), with subsequent changes, will remain in force only for the agreements on non-paid financing signed within this Program before entry into force of this resolution, before their completion.

8. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalizations.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and digitalizations


Dmitry Alayba

Minister of Finance

Pyotr Rotaru


Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 27, 2023 No. 809

Program of support of female entrepreneurship

Chapter I General provisions

1. The program of support of female entrepreneurship (further - the Program) is directed to stimulation and assistance to development of female entrepreneurship.

2. General purpose of the Program is development of female entrepreneurship due to increase in number of female entrepreneurs and increase in cost efficiency of the micro, small and medium companies headed by women.

3. Specific purposes of the Program are:

1) assistance to creation and development founded and the beginning companies managed by women by provision of the caused non-paid financial support in the amount of, not exceeding 200.000 lei;

2) improvement of competitiveness of the developing and growing companies managed by women by provision of the caused non-paid financial support in the amount of, not exceeding 600.000 lei;

3) support of activities of the companies managed by women in the field of electronic trading by provision of the caused non-paid financial support in the amount of, not exceeding 50000 lei;

4) improvement of management skills of female entrepreneurs by assistance to information access, training, consultations and mentorship;

5) increase in level of understanding of opportunities and contribution of female entrepreneurs to economic development and provision of the relevant information.

4. For the purpose of this Program the following basic concepts are determined:

female entrepreneurship - activities for opening and/or management and business development by women for the purpose of profit earning and economic development;

the female entrepreneur - the woman who opens and/or will organize business, manages it and develops it;

the beginning female entrepreneur - the woman who for the first time performs business activity and/or has no control or share in the amount of at least 51% in the company which performs economic activity within more than 24 months.

5. Within this Program the following principles of financing are applied:

1) transparency - provision to all interested persons of information on participation in the Program, and also about requirements to assessment and the conclusion of agreements;

2) the competition - providing conditions under which each female entrepreneur has rights to be beneficiary of financial support, according to the law and this Program;

3) the equal relation - non-discriminatory use of selection criteria of the file on demand about non-paid financial support for providing equal, objective and fair conditions for all declarants;

4) variety - the impartial and non-discriminatory attitude towards all declarants of non-paid financial support, irrespective of belonging to ethnos, religion, race and nationality, according to eligibility criterions;

5) responsibility - observance of regulated standards of submission of the reporting and disclosure of confidential information for the purpose of ensuring responsibility for process of acceptance of finance solutions and operational assessment, proceeding from key performance indicators for all lifecycle of the Program;

6) not retroactivity - exception of possibility of allocation of non-paid financial support on investment of declarants which were complete before date of submission of the file for request of non-paid financial support;

7) joint financing - financial contribution of the declarant in the amount of, specified in the conditions of this Program, in addition to the allocated non-paid financial support.

Chapter II Criteria, conditions and spheres of the acceptability and compliance

6. This Program is intended for the women who are going to create business or owning and managing directors of the company determined according to provisions of the Law No. 179/2016 on the small and medium companies, except for the state and municipal companies.


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