Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1

About the state secret

(as amended on 08-08-2024)

The preamble voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 04.08.2023 No. 432-FZ

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Coverage of this Law

This Law governs the relations connected with reference of data to the state secret, their classification or declassification and protection of the state secret for the benefit of safety of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

the state secret - the data protected by the state which distribution can cause damage to safety of the Russian Federation;

carriers of the data which are the state secret - material objects, including physical fields in which the data which are the state secret find the display in the form of symbols, images, signals, technical solutions and processes;

system of protection of the state secret - set of the bodies of protection of the state secret used by them means and methods of protection of the data which are the state secret and their carriers, and also events held for this purpose;

the admission to the state secret - the right of person to access to the data which are the state secret, and the companies, organizations and the organizations - on work, such data connected with use which is drawn up (is renewed) in accordance with the established procedure;

access to the data which are the state secret - acquaintance of the particular person with the data which are the state secret authorized by the authorized official;

security classification - the details testimonial of degree of privacy of the data containing in their carrier, which are put down on the carrier and (or) in the accompanying documentation on it;

means of information protection - the technical, cryptographic, program and other means intended for protection of the data which are the state secret, means in which they are realized, and also control facilities of efficiency of information security;

the privacy mode - set of requirements, rules, the organizational, technical and other measures directed to protection of the data which are the state secret;

the list of the data which are the state secret - set of categories of data according to which data belong to the state secret and are coded on the bases and according to the procedure, established by the federal legislation.

Article 3. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret

The legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and includes this Law, the Federal Laws governing the relations connected with protection of the state secret, and also other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accepted according to them.

Article 4. Powers of public authorities and officials in the field of reference of data to the state secret and their protection

1. Chambers of Federal Assembly:

perform legislative regulation of the relations in the field of the state secret;

consider Articles of the federal budget regarding the funds allocated for implementation of state programs in the field of protection of the state secret;

determine powers of officials in offices of chambers of Federal Assembly by ensuring protection of the state secret in chambers of Federal Assembly.

2. President of the Russian Federation:

approves state programs in the field of protection of the state secret;

approves structure, structure of the interdepartmental commission on protection of the state secret and regulations on it on representation of the Government of the Russian Federation;

approves on representation of the Government of the Russian Federation the List of officials of the public authorities and organizations allocated by powers on reference of data to the state secret, the List of positions in case of which replacement persons are considered allowed to the state secret, and also the List of the data carried to the state secret;

signs the international contracts of the Russian Federation on joint use and protection of the data which are the state secret;

determines powers of officials by ensuring protection of the state secret and procedure for providing the mode of privacy in Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, including questions of registration, renewal and termination of the admission of officials to the state secret, access to the data which are the state secret to Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and also questions of departure from the Russian Federation of the employees of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation allowed or who were earlier allowed to the state secret;

within the powers resolves other issues arising in connection with reference of data to the state secret, their classification or declassification and their protection.

3. Government of the Russian Federation:

will organize execution of the Law of the Russian Federation "About the state secret";

submits for approval to the President of the Russian Federation structure, structure of the interdepartmental commission on protection of the state secret and regulations on it;

submits for approval to the President of the Russian Federation the List of officials of the public authorities and organizations allocated by powers on reference of data to the state secret, the List of positions in case of which replacement persons are considered allowed to the state secret, and also the List of the data carried to the state secret;

establishes procedure for development of the List of the data carried to the state secret;

will organize development and accomplishment of state programs in the field of protection of the state secret;

determines powers of officials by ensuring protection of the state secret in the Russian Government Office;

establishes procedure for provision of social guarantees to the citizens allowed to the state secret on permanent basis and the staff of structural divisions on protection of the state secret if social guarantees or procedure for provision of such social guarantees are not established by the Federal Laws or regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation;

establishes procedure for the damage assessment which was caused unauthorized distribution of the data which are the state secret and also damage caused to the owner of information as a result of its classification;

signs intergovernmental agreements, takes measures for accomplishment of international treaties of the Russian Federation on joint use and protection of the data which are the state secret, makes decisions on possibility of transfer of their carriers to other states or the international organizations;


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