of October 26, 2023 No. 306
About marking of energy-requiring products
The parliament adopts this organic law.
This law shifts the Regulations (EU) 2017/1369 European parliament and Council of July 4, 2017 establishing basis for energy marking and canceling the Directive 2010/30/EU, published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 198 of July 28, 2017 in the edition adapted and approved by the Decision of Council of Ministers of Energy Community No. 2018/03/MC-EnC of November 29, 2018 about adaptation and enforcement of Regulations (EU) 2017/1369 European parliament and the Council establishing basis for energy marking and some authorized regulations concerning energy-requiring products.
This law establishes the legal base of regulation which is applied to the energy-requiring products put on the market or entered into operation and which provides marking of the corresponding products and provision of standard information on their energy efficiency, about the energy consumed by them and other resources in usage time, and also the additional information about products that allows end users to choose more effective products for decrease in energy consumption.
(1) This law is applied to the energy-requiring products directly or indirectly influencing in usage time energy consumption and on circumstances of other main resources.
(2) This law is not applied:
a) to second-hand products, the second-hand products except for imported;
b) to passenger or to cargo vehicles.
For the purposes of this law the following concepts mean:
the businessman - the retail seller or other physical person or legal entity which offers for sale in hire or for installment purchasing or holds the presentation of products to final consumers or fitters within business activity, on paid or free basis;
technical documentation - documentation allowing supervision bodies to estimate the accuracy of the label and information leaflet of product, including test reports or the similar technical conclusions behind the market;
the label - the graphical chart in printing or electronic type which contains the closed scale consisting of letters from A to G where each letter designates class and each class corresponds to certain level of energy saving, executed in seven various flowers from dark green to red, for informing clients on energy efficiency and energy consumption of product. The concept belongs also to the reclassified labels and labels with smaller quantity of classes and flowers;
the reclassified label - the label for certain group of products which underwent reclassification and which differs from labels before reclassification, with preserving at the same time coordination of visual and perceptual perception of all labels;
the information leaflet of product - the standard document containing data on product in printing or electronic form;
the supplier - the producer who located in the Republic of Moldova being the authorized representative of the producer located outside the Republic of Moldova or the importer entering products on the market of the Republic of Moldova;
group of products - group of products with identical main functionality;
the model identifier - code, usually alphanumeric, distinguishing specific model of product from other models with the same trademark or with the same name of the supplier;
the additional information - the data specified in the applicable technical regulation, concerning functional and ecological product characteristics;
introduction on the market - the first provision in the market of any product;
model - the version of product which all units have the identical technical characteristics corresponding to the label and the information leaflet of product and the identical identifier of model;
equivalent model - model which has the same technical characteristics relating to the label and the same information leaflet of product, but which is entered on the market or is put into operation by the same supplier as other model with other identifier of model;
energy-requiring product or product - the subject put on the market or entered into operation or the system influencing in usage time energy consumption including intended for installation in the detail products influencing in usage time energy consumption, put on the market or entered into operation for final consumers;
commissioning - the first use in the market of product on purpose;
provision in the market - in determination of the Marine life protection act of the rights of consumers No. 105/2003;
reclassification - the action directed to toughening of requirements to inclusion of certain group of products in certain class of energy consumption on the label;
system - combination of several objects which, being connected, perform certain function in the environment intended for them and which energy efficiency can be determined as for single subject;
the admission when checking - the most acceptable deviation of results of measurements and calculations in case of the testing testing which are carried out by supervision bodies behind the market or according to their order from the declared or published parameter values reflecting the variations caused by discrepancies between laboratories;
the end user - any physical person or legal entity which acquires takes in hire or receives product in private use irrespective of whether it is effective or not outside the business, business, craft or professional activity;
remote sale - the offer for sale, in hire or for installment purchasing on correspondence, according to the catalog of goods, on the Internet, by means of telemarketing or any other method in case of which it is supposed that the potential end user cannot see the exposed products.
In the field of the energy-requiring products Government:
a) approves regulations about marking of energy-requiring products;
b) approves programs for stimulation of use of energy-requiring products for two the most often used classes of energy efficiency or for higher classes provided by applicable technical regulations;
c) represents to Parliament of the offer on introduction of amendments to the Code about offenses for the purpose of introduction of mechanisms of ensuring compliance with the law and punishments for violation of this law and applicable technical regulations.
(1) the Central industry body of public management providing realization of public policy in the field of energy-requiring products is the Department of Energy (further - the central industry body).
(2) Central industry body:
a) develops drafts of regulations about marking of energy-requiring products and submits them for approval to the Government;
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