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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

October 13, 2023

No. 1791/40847


of October 12, 2023 No. 221/23

About approval of the Procedure for withdrawal from open access of the declaration of person authorized on accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government

According to Item 5 parts one of Article 12, Article parts one 47, Item 2-11 of the Section X ІІІ "Final provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Procedure for withdrawal from open access of the declaration of person authorized on accomplishment of functions of the enclosed state or local self-government.

2. Recommend to persons specified in Item 3 of the Procedure for withdrawal from open access of the declaration of person authorized accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government approved by this order direct to the National agency concerning prevention of corruption idea of withdrawal from open access of declarations within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the Law of Ukraine of September 20, 2023 to No. 3384-І X "About introduction of amendments to some laws of Ukraine on determination of procedure for submission of declarations of persons authorized on accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government, in the conditions of warlike situation" for possibility of withdrawal of such declarations before completion of the term determined by the paragraph third Item 3 of the Section II "Final provisions" of this Law.

3. To submit to management of conducting complete checks this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the vice-chairman of the National agency concerning prevention of corruption Artem Sytnik.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication and is effective during the period of action of warlike situation in Ukraine.

The chairman of the National agency concerning prevention of corruption

A. Novikov


It is approved:

Chief of Head department of investigation of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine lieutenant general


K. Budanov

First Deputy Chairman of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine

D. Makovsky

Head of administration of the Public special service of transport major general

B. Cooper

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

I. Klimenko

First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine

O. Vyskub

Minister of Defence of Ukraine

R. Umerov

Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights

D. Lubinets

Head of department of the state protection of Ukraine

S. Rud

Approved by the Order of the National agency concerning prevention of corruption of Ukraine of October 12, 2023, No. 221/23

Procedure for withdrawal from open access of the declaration of person authorized on accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of withdrawal of the declaration of person authorized on accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government (further - the declaration), from open access of public part of the Unified state register of declarations of persons authorized on accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government (further - the Register), based on Item 2-11 of the Section X ІІІ "Final provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption" (further - the Law), and also the direction mechanism in the National agency concerning prevention of corruption (further - the National agency) idea of withdrawal of the declaration from open access of the Register (further - representation).

2. Withdrawal of the declaration from open access of the Register during action of martial law in Ukraine imposed by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 64 "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine", the approved Law of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 2102-І X "About approval of the Presidential decree of Ukraine "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine" is performed by National agency on representation of persons specified in Item 3 presents of the Procedure.

3. Establishment of the subject of declaring which declaration based on Item 2-11 of the Section X ІІІ "Final provisions" of the law is subject to withdrawal from open access of the Register and the directions in the National agency of representation are assigned on:

1) the head (deputy manager) of state body concerning the subjects of declaring determined by parts nine, the tenth, twelfth or fourteenth article 45 of the Law, working (serving) in such body and also concerning the subjects of declaring specified in subitems 3-11 of this Item sent to such bodies;

2) the head (deputy manager) of state body concerning the subjects of declaring determined by parts nine, the tenth, twelfth or fourteenth article 45 of the Law, working (serving) at the state companies (organizations) relating to the sphere of management of such body and also concerning the subjects of declaring specified in subitems 3-11 of this Item sent to such companies (organizations);


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