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It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
August 9, 2023
No. 1349/40405
of June 14, 2023 No. 237
About approval of form of the regulatory reporting of suppliers of electronic communication networks and services
According to the paragraph third "About electronic communications" and Item 14 parts four of article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service DECIDES: parts one of article 20 of the Law of Ukraine
1. Approve enclosed:
Form of the regulatory reporting No. 1-E "Sphere of electronic communications";
2. Declare invalid the decision of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of communication and informatization, of April 5, 2016 No. 180 "About approval of the Procedure for provision by operators, providers of telecommunications of the reporting and information and recognition by NKRS which voided solutions of 04.11.2008 No. 1189 and of 25.12.2008 No. 1283", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 18, 2016 for No. 739/28869.
3. To submit to management of the analysis of the markets and reporting in the procedure established by the legislation this resolution on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. This resolution becomes effective since April 1, 2025.
Acting chairman
V. Troshchenko
Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service of Ukraine of June 14, 2023 No. 237
(Form No. 1-E
(quarter, semi-annual, annual)
Sphere of electronic communications (quarter, semi-annual, annual)
See. Normative reporting
Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service of Ukraine of June 14, 2023 No. 237
1. Form of the regulatory reporting No. 1 - E "The sphere of electronic communications" quarter, semi-annual, annual) (further - form No. 1 - E) it is filled with suppliers of electronic communication networks and/or services which have the right to implementation of activities in spheres of electronic communications according to the Law of Ukraine "About electronic communications" (dalee-Zakon).
2. In this Instruction terms are used in the following values:
the active ID card - the ID card (The SIM card, the USIM card, the R-UIM-card etc.) with which within three last months at least one phone call was made or at least one SMS/MMS the message (except office) was sent or from which at least one was fixed (or more) session of Internet access or session of data transmission, or advance payment of services was performed;
reporting period quarter, half-year, year;
the line of interpersonal electronic communication with use of numbering (voice communication) - set of technical means and the final equipment which provides holding one session of voice communication for the subscriber;
the line (point) of network access Internet and it the line of electronic communication networks which provides possibility of connection of the final equipment of the subscriber to electronic communication network of the supplier of electronic communication networks and/or services providing Internet access;
network of wireless access - the electronic communication network intended for provision of electronic communication services with use of technology of wireless access;
network of convergent communication - the electronic communication network intended for provision of electronic communication services by joint use by suppliers of electronic communication networks and/or services of elements of infrastructure and resources of networks of the fixed and mobile communication;
network of mobile communication - the electronic communication network intended for provision of services of mobile communication;
network of the fixed communication - the electronic communication network intended for provision of services of fixed telephony.
3. Other terms which are used in this Instruction are used in the values given in the Law and other regulatory legal acts.
1. The accounting periods of submission of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E - quarter, half-year, year.
2. Suppliers of electronic communication networks and/or services shall provide the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E in the following terms:
quarter, semi-annual - not later than 30th following the accounting period following the results of year - not later than on February 14 the year following for reporting;
annual - no later than February 14 of the year following for reporting.
3. If the last day of term of provision of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E falls on output, festive or other non-working day, then the first is considered after it the working day last afternoon of term of provision of the regulatory reporting.
1. The regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E moves electronically through electronic regulatory platform (from start date of functioning of electronic regulatory platform).
2. Submission of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1 - E it is electronically performed with imposing of the qualified digital signature (further - KEP) according to requirements of the legislation in the field of electronic confidential services.
3. Completeness and reliability of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E prove to be true Cap with observance of requirements of the legislation in the field of electronic confidential services of the head of the subject of managing or person authorized by it.
4. Date of submission of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E signature date of the regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E by imposing of KEP according to requirements of the legislation in the field of electronic confidential services is considered.
5. Responsibility for the violations connected with submission of the regulatory reporting is established by the Law.
6. The regulatory reporting under form No. 1-E is filled and moves depending on type of the electronic communication services provided according to the Law, according to network of provision of service.
7. The form No. 1-E consists from:
general indicators of activities of the supplier of electronic communication networks and/or services;
Section I "Financial and economic indicators of activities";
Section II "Distribution of certain mobile services on administrative and territorial units";
Section III "Distribution of lines (points) of Internet access on administrative and territorial units";
the Section IV "Distribution of lines of interpersonal electronic communication with use of numbering (voice communication) on administrative and territorial units";
the Section V "There is possibility of the actual provision of mobile communication according to the established quality indicators on administrative and territorial units";
the Section VI "The numbering resource provided to users (with use of network of fixed telephony)".
8. Financial and economic indicators, and also indicators on traffic amounts, ranges of services are filled with the accruing result since the beginning of year as of the end of the last day of the accounting period. Financial and economic indicators are specified excluding tax value added and collection on compulsory national pension insurance with rounding to two signs after comma.
Other (quantitative) indicators are specified as of the last day of reporting quarter.
All indicators are specified in the units of measure specified in the form of No. 1-E.B lines where there are no data for filling zero shall be put down.
1. In the Respondent block are specified:
the name of the subject of managing legal entity or surname, name, middle name (in the presence) for physical persons entrepreneurs;
the location for legal entities or the residence for physical persons - entrepreneurs (the postal index, the area/the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the area, the settlement, the street/lane, the area, etc., No. of the house/case, No. of apartment/office);
code on EGRPOU for legal entities or registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer for physical persons entrepreneurs or series (in the presence) and passport number (for physical persons which because of the religious beliefs refuse acceptance of registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer and notified on it monitoring body and have mark in the passport about the right to make any payments on series (in the presence) and to passport number);
in the presence the legal entity or the physical person - the entrepreneur notes the reference to the website of the organization;
person responsible for filling of form of the normative reporting, her own name, surname, phone and e-mail.
2. The "Identification of Networks of the Supplier of Electronic Communication Networks and/or Services" block is filled by subjects of managing which provide services of Internet access.
In the presence at the subject of managing of the assigned numbers of the autonomous systems selected by InternetAssignedNumbersAuthority the corresponding numbers are specified, and information concerning the assigned blocks of IP addresses is not specified.
If the subject of managing has no the assigned numbers of autonomous systems, he shall specify the assigned/leased blocks of IP addresses in the IPv4 and/or IPv6 formats.
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