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of October 5, 2023 No. 1701

About establishment of order of registration or refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration

According to part 21 of article 82 of the Law "About Customs Regulation" Government of the Republic of Armenia decides:

1. Establish order of registration or refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective for the tenth day following behind day of its official publication, except for the regulations on implementation of the actions in electronic system provided by this decision, which are becoming effective on "National Single Window of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Armenia" electronic platform (, available in day of start of the corresponding electronic system for realization of the actions provided by this resolution.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia

M. Grigoryan


to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of October 5, 2023 No. 1701

Procedure registration or refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration

1. This Procedure governs the relations connected with registration and refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration by customs authorities, except as specified applications of the passenger customs declaration as the transit declaration.

2. In case of submission of the passenger customs declaration as the customs transit declaration in the cases established by the customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the code) approved by appendix No. 1 to the Agreement on the Customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union of April 11, 2017, registration of such declaration or refusal in registration is made according to the procedure, provided by the code for registration or refusal in registration of the transit declaration.

3. Transactions on registration or refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration are performed by customs authority, authorized to adopt passenger customs declarations.

4. The passenger customs declaration is registered the official of customs authority by assignment of the declaration of registration number.

5. Registration of the customs declaration given in paper form is made by customs authority after filling with the official of customs authority in system of electronic declaring of the following data:

1) name, surname, middle name of the physical person acting as the customs applicant or person acting for and on behalf of the customs applicant in the cases established by the Eurasian economic commission;

2) the name of the customs representative if the declaration was submitted by the customs representative, and also data on the documents confirming powers to act on behalf of the customs applicant;

3) passport data of physical person (series, number);

4) method of transportation of goods for private use;

5) when declaring money or monetary instruments - the information about them.

6. The data specified in Item 5 of this procedure are entered into the system of electronic declaring by the official of customs authority within 15 minutes after submission of the declaration by physical person.

7. After filling in electronic system of the data specified in Item 6 of this order, the passenger customs declaration is registered customs authority, and other data included in the passenger customs declaration, not specified in Item 5 of this order are subject to registration. it is entered by customs authority into the system of electronic declaring after registration of the declaration, further until the end of the working day of customs authority, and in case of registration of the declaration - up to 4 hours before the termination of the working day of customs authority, data are filled in until the end of the working day following behind day of registration of the declaration.

8. Registration number of the passenger customs declaration has the following format:

"1. _____ "/" 2. ____ "/" 3. ____ "/" 4. ____", where:

1) under the first component the code of the customs authority which registered the passenger customs declaration is filled;

2) under the second component registration date of the passenger customs declaration is filled;

3) under the third component the sequence number of registration of the passenger customs declaration is filled;

4) under the fourth component the method of movement of goods for private use through customs border in the following procedure is filled:

and. in case of crossing of customs border of physical person with the accompanied baggage date "1" is filled,

. in case of crossing of customs border of physical person with unaccompanied baggage date "2" is filled,

century in case of the goods for private use delivered by carrier date "3" is filled.

9. In case of impossibility of filling of the data specified in Item 5 of this Procedure, in electronic system of customs declaring in connection with availability of force majeure, the official of customs authority in the corresponding column on paper copy of the passenger customs declaration fills in registration date of the declaration, the signature and personal number seal of the official of customs authority.

10. In the case specified in Item 9 of this Procedure after elimination of effects of force majeure by the official of customs authority filling of the data which are available in electronic system of customs declaring in the customs declaration and forming of registration number of the declaration after elimination of such effects before the termination of the working day of customs authority is performed and if elimination of effects of force majeure happened during up to 4 hours before the termination of the working day, filling of data in the passenger customs declaration and forming of registration number of the declaration is performed until the end of the next working day.

11. The refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration is performed in the presence of one of the bases, stipulated in Item the 5th article 111 of the Code.

12. In case of refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration provided by paper method, the official of customs authority in the column "For Office Marks" of the passenger customs declaration makes entry "Is refused registration on the following basis: _ _ _ "with indication of the basis and date of refusal, and also assures personal number seal of the official of customs authority.

13. In case of refusal in registration of the passenger customs declaration provided by electronic method, the official of customs authority in the column "For Office Marks" of the passenger customs declaration makes entry "Is refused registration on the following basis: _" with indication of the basis and date of refusal, and also does mark about the official of customs authority.


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