of October 24, 2023 No. PP-343
About additional measures for further enhancement of system of drinking water supply and the sewerage
For the purpose of further acceleration of the consecutive measures taken on providing consumers of the republic with clear and high-quality drinking water and improvement of services of the sewerage, expansion of scope with services of drinking water supply and the sewerage, transformation process acceleration, and also further strengthening of financial and economic condition of the companies of this sphere:
1. Determine priority tasks of step-by-step reforming of the sphere of drinking water supply and removal of sewage:
beginning implementation of effective system from production before supply of drinking water to the final consumer, accounting of drinking water, complete installation of metering devices of water and reduction of losses, digitalization of the sphere, ensuring rendering uninterrupted, high-quality and safe services;
radical improvement of corporate management system, providing independent accomplishment of financial and economic functions by the organizations of system;
widespread introduction of the principles of public-private partnership in processes of distribution of drinking water and attraction to the sphere of private investments by creation of the attractive investment circle in the field of;
establishment of complete control of amount of water by installation of metering devices of water on the operating water constructions, networks and to final consumers, and also reduction of cost and costs of production and delivery due to widespread introduction in the field of energy-saving technologies and renewable sources;
improvement of financial condition of the companies of drinking water supply by establishing system work on increase in operating efficiency and to reducing receivables and payables of data of the companies;
enhancement of tariff policy on the basis of the best foreign practices with ensuring interrelation of capital investments and assets with strategic management and by means of it step-by-step transfer of the sphere into self-financing;
holding public campaigns for strengthening of payment discipline of consumers and to rational use of water resources, cooperation with mass media, and also updating of the standard rates and standards applied in the field of on the basis of modern requirements.
2. Approve the offer of the Ministry of Economics and finance, the Ministries of Construction and Housing and Communal Services (further - the Ministry) and Agencies on management of the state assets about creation till April 1, 2024 based on JSC Uzsuvtajminot and the companies in its structure of the following joint-stock companies in the separate directions:
the regional organizations of the main water supply in the form of joint-stock company - on production of drinking water, supply of water on high-level networks, development and ensuring operation of the water objects connected with production of water and high-level networks;
the regional organizations of drinking water supply in the form of joint-stock company in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent (further - the regional organizations of drinking water supply) - on rendering services of supply of water to consumers in networks of drinking water supply (except for high-level networks) and (or) transport, removals of sewage, and also to development and operation of the relevant networks and systems of the sewerage.
Determine JSC Uzsuvtajminot the shareholder of the joint-stock companies created according to this Item as holding.
3. Assign to JSC Uzsuvtajminot of task of approval of target operational model, development of tariff policy, rendering services in financial accounting, finance, management, digitalization, purchases, advanced training of personnel and to other directions for the organizations in its structure.
4. Determine that since January 1, 2024:
rates for services of drinking water supply and removal of sewage are created proceeding from cost amount, the included in product cost, current expenses, costs for development and upgrade of objects of system, finance costs, taxes (except for taxes for above-standard technological expenses and losses of water) and other obligatory payments, and also maintenance costs of JSC Uzsuvtajminot and level of profitability of the organizations;
in case of determination of the Republic of Karakalpakstan by the Jokargi Kenes, Kengashami of People's Deputies of areas and the city of Tashkent of rates for services of drinking water supply and removal of sewage less cost amount provided in the paragraph the second this Item the difference between them becomes covered from the Government budget on the basis of the state order.
5. Approve:
"Road map" on enhancement of system of drinking water supply and the sewerage according to appendix No. 1 *;
structure of the Republican coordination working group on acceleration of processes of transformation of system of drinking water supply and the sewerage according to appendix No. 2 *;
Mechanisms of reorganization of the separate economic societies and companies which are part of JSC Uzsuvtajminot according to appendix No. 3 *;
The program of improvement of drinking water supply of the makhally republic with hardly accessible drinking water supply in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 4 *;
The program of measures for laying of networks of drinking water supply to households in regions of the republic in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 5 *;
The list of settlements in which drinking water supply by provision of the state social orders in 2024 - 2026, according to appendix No. 6 * is adjusted;
The program of providing the population with services of drinking water supply and the sewerage for the project account realized by JSC Uzsuvtajminot with participation of the international financial institutions in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 7 *;
Summary parameters of the Development program of systems of drinking water supply in areas with the low level of scope centralized water supply in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 8 *;
The schedule of installation of metering devices of drinking water to consumers in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 9 *;
The schedule of installation of solar panels on objects of the companies of system of JSC Uzsuvtajminot in 2024 according to appendix No. 10 *;
The schedule of replacement of the pumps which are available on objects of the companies of system of JSC Uzsuvtajminot on energy saving pumps in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 11 *;
The program of improvement of material and technical resources of laboratories as a part of JSC Uzsuvtajminot in 2024 - 2026 according to appendix No. 12 *;
The list of objects of system of drinking water supply and the sewerage transferred to JSC Uzsuvtajminot and the companies of its system according to appendix No. 13 *;
The list of substations of the companies of JSC Uzsuvtajminot transferred to JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti according to appendix No. 14 *;
Separate rules in the course of transformation of JSC Uzsuvtajminot and the organizations in its structure according to appendix No. 15*.
At the same time the means required for the actions specified in appendix No. 5 * to this resolution are allocated with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and JSC Uzsuvtajminot in equal shares.
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