Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of October 9, 2023
About condition of ensuring food security
According to provisions of article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine", having considered condition of ensuring food security, for the purpose of effective opposition to the revealed threats and stabilization of situation in this sphere in the period of warlike situation the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine solved:
1. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
1) to work and make changes to the Actions plan on strategy implementation of ensuring biological safety and biological protection by the principle "single health" for the period till 2025 approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 27, 2019 No. 1416-r, the Actions plan on strategy implementation of biosafety and biological protection for 2022-2025 approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 7, 2022 No. 573-r in a month, having provided measures for providing requirements of biosafety and biosecurity in the conditions of warlike situation and on post war period;
To activate 2) cooperation with the World food programme of the UN, in particular concerning receipt of the help by vulnerable segments of the population, especially in a month that which suffered as a result of war, destruction of dike of Kakhovsky hydroelectric power station;
3) together with regional military authorities, local government bodies, representatives of agrarian business to develop the actions plan on recovery of agrarian production in a month in the disoccupied territories which will provide, in particular, actions for assistance to free supply to agroproducers of the disoccupied territories of the materials necessary for conducting agricultural activities;
4) taking into account basic requirements and criteria of NATO regarding providing continuity of deliveries to the population of drinking water and food to approve in a month the program of first-priority measures for counteraction to threats of food security of Ukraine which resulted from destruction of dike of Kakhovsky hydroelectric power station which, in particular, will provide:
providing regular supply of drinking water to the population and production enterprises of agro-industrial complex in the settlements which appeared in catastrophic crash zone with use of water resources of Dnieper, the small rivers, waters of the underground horizons;
development and projects implementation of renewal of supply of water for needs of irrigation in the territories where there is such technical capability;
implementation of measures for increase in the debit of the small rivers by clearing of bed and coastal strip;
development of steppe (vypasny) livestock production;
development by National academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine sustainability programmes of the South of Ukraine taking into account tasks as necessary optimization of water use for needs of agricultural sector, ensuring proper water supply of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea after its deokkupation, diversification of agrarian specialization of the southern regions of Ukraine;
To work 5) taking into account requirements of stock forming of food resources by the State agency of reserve of Ukraine for ensuring food security of the priority directions of conversion of agrarian products for the purpose of prolongation of terms and simplification of conditions of its storage in a month: production of grain, pasta, canned and vegetable meat, sublimated products, etc., increase in production of forages;
To carry out 6) to three-months time the corresponding marketing search and to determine the possible needs for purchase/obtaining as international aid of complete compact industrial complexes for adjustment of reserve of Ukraine by the State agency of conversion of agricultural products according to certain priorities, to use the acquired information for recommendations about receipt of international aid to the agrocompanies, communities and so forth;
7) to consider in two-month time question of implementation of the program of financial aid in the territories disoccupied and affected by fighting:
to subjects of managing in the field of crop production in the form of partial compensation of cost of purchase of landing material, fertilizers and remedies of the plants necessary for carrying out field works;
to subjects of managing in the field of livestock production in the form of partial compensation of cost of purchase of breeding material, and also young growth of the cattle and bird;
to farms of the population for purchase of seeds and landing material, and also stock for processing of the soil and plants;
to subjects of beekeeping and bee-keepers in the form of partial cost recovery of the acquired breeding material of bees and certification of apiary;
to family farms of irretrievable financial aid on implementation of the investment project;
to subjects of managing in the field of aquaculture in the form of partial compensation:
costs for cultivation of fish stock for the purpose of its further realization;
fish stock costs for stocking of reservoirs for the purpose of production of products;
8) to provide in the project of Strategy of food security of Ukraine implementation of system of national and regional monitoring of food security taking into account the estimative and predicted changes of population of the territories, and also systems of identification and the early prevention of threats of food security;
To work 9) till December 1, 2023 measures of the state support of producers of seeds;
To provide 10) in 2024 development and approval of the Concept of the State target economic development program of livestock production for the period till 2033 in which to provide, in particular:
recovery of livestock production by determination of the priority directions of stimulation of increase in livestock of farm animals, in particular cattle;
assistance to development of krupnotovarny industrial production of livestock production;
support of orientation of farms to production of livestock production;
support to development on the cooperative beginnings of the farms of the population performing production of livestock products;
assistance to development of family farms;
support to the personal peasant economy containing cows by ensuring access to high-quality sterns, consultations on questions of performance and safety of products, and also necessary veterinary servicing.
2. To the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine:
1) to handle in two-month time issue of implementation of forward public and local purchases of agricultural products of new harvest for the purpose of requirements satisfaction of the domestic market in socially important food and bioenergy raw materials;
2) together with the Ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructures of Ukraine, regional military authorities, local government bodies to enter system of provision of information and methodical support in the relation into two-month time:
encouragement of increase in number of cattle in agricultural enterprises and creation of conditions for development of milk cattle breeding in farms;
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