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of September 6, 2023 No. 650

About approval of Strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030

Based on Item and) Article 5 and Item h) article 6 of the Law No. 136/2017 on the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve the Strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030 it (is applied).

2. To the public bodies and subjects responsible for realization of provisions of Strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030, annually, till March 31 to represent to the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalizations information on the progress made in realization of the indicators established in the specified Strategy.

3. To the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalization to prepare and provide to the Government:

1) annually, till April 30, the report on monitoring of strategy implementation of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030;

2) till September 1, 2031 the report on final assessment of strategy implementation of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030.

4. To assign coordination, control and monitoring of accomplishment of this resolution to the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalizations.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and digitalizations


Dmitry Alayba

Minister of Finance

Veronika Siretsyanu


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 6, 2023 No. 650

The strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030

Chapter I Introduction

The fourth industrial revolution exerts fundamental impact on global development and will transform society unprecedented rates. The pandemic of COVID-19 emphasized dependence on digital tools and permanent need of digital conversion which became one of the main priorities for societies, including the Republic of Moldova. Digital conversion means integration of digital technologies into all aspects of any kind of activities. It radically changes this sector and provides additional value to concerned parties. At the same time digital conversion requires change of organization culture, constantly calling in question the status quo and aiming to find the best solutions for optimization. Digital conversion is also customer focus. In other words, digital conversion causes or influences radical changes in all aspects of human life.

With completion of the period of implementation of the National development strategy of information society "Digital Moldova 2020" approved by the Order of the Government No. 857/2013, the Republic of Moldova reached the moment when it is necessary to rethink possibilities of digital conversion, from the complete point of view, at the level of all society, by determination of new opportunities by means of which people, business, local public authority, and also stimulation of demand for digital skills and decisions will interact.

The program of activities of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in which digital conversion is determined as one of the major political tasks for the next four years corresponds to the Agreement on Association with the European Union and the Agenda of the United Nations for 2030 concerning sustainable development. Recent assignment to the Republic of Moldova of the status of the candidate country on the accession to the European Union (on June 23, 2022) is one more mobilizing factor for integration of the country into the legal base of the European Union and the digital single market. In this context it is necessary to accelerate already begun converting processes, to bring measures of national policy into accord with the European and global tendencies and to implement the new politicians based on the newest transversal priorities of the European Union, and also specific needs of the Republic of Moldova.

The Republic of Moldova continues to try to obtain progress in creation of main components of digital economy and society about what witness numerous recent international and local estimates. For example, Assessment of digital readiness of the Republic of Moldova, (Digital ReadinessAssessment) which is carried out by PROON recognizes Moldova as the country having all premises for bystry and productive digital conversion.

Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to draw conclusion that key pillars of successful digital conversion for sustainable human development in the Republic of Moldova are:

1) population, the most valuable resource, catalyst of digital conversion and main beneficiary of this conversion;

2) business environment which is considered as driving force of digital conversion, thanks to permanent and bystry implementation of technologies and development of innovative products and services in all sectors of national economy;

3) the Government, by creation of conditions for development of inclusive digital society, development of favorable policy and regulations, creation and support of infrastructure for support of digital conversion;

4) normative legal regulation which provides favorable legal and political basis for digital conversion and eliminates barriers on the way to digital conversion;

5) infrastructure which is basis of digital conversion and provides bases for any reform in the field of digital conversion.

Thus, having concentrated efforts on digital conversion on these pillars, constantly strengthening digital bases and providing catalysts of digital inklyuziya, the Republic of Moldova has all premises for inclusive digital conversion, using innovative approach in scales of all society.

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Figure No. 1. Architecture of strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2022-2030

The public consultations held in mining process of Strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030 showed that all concerned parties (bodies of the central public management, bodies of local public authority, the sphere of business, scientific community, civil society, etc.) consider expedient development of new national strategy and consider it as the important tool for the direction of efforts of the Republic of Moldova on digital conversion.

The main activities planned within the Strategy of digital conversion of the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2030 (further - Strategy) correspond to activities of digital compass of the European Union (, including transversal measurement of integration into the single digital market:

1) the population with digital skills and highly skilled professionals in the field of digital technologies;

2) safe and steady digital infrastructures;

3) digital conversion of the companies;

4) digitization of the state services;

5) integration into the single digital market of the European Union.

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Figure No. 2. Strategy main activities

Strategy is oriented to citizens and its main objective - conversion of economy and society of the country by means of digital tools is directed to improvement of welfare of people, and.

For support of digital conversion of economy and society of the Republic of Moldova, authors of Strategy combined strategic thinking and long-term vision, having given to the document sufficient flexibility for adaptation to bystry rate of changes in digital medium to increase probability of achievement of effective objectives.

In the document the strong management structure and coordination with accurate functions and obligations, comprehensive mechanisms of monitoring and the reporting, with effective management of risks for ensuring uninterrupted realization and achievement of target tasks is offered. The management structure for strategy implementation will be created under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalization as the organization responsible for forming of policy in the field, and also the agencies and organizations responsible for realization of policy in target areas. Also will enter National council on digitalizations, Coordination council on cyber security, Economic council in case of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova management structure and strategic divisions on strategy implementation.

The structure of monitoring and assessment is founded on the Index of digital economy and society (DESI), used in the European Union, by adaptation of this methodology for the Republic of Moldova and inclusion of other corresponding indicators for measurement. Such structure will allow to evaluate objectively implementation progress, investment soundness and to reveal the potential for improvement.

Strategy serves as the directing document for the central bodies of public management, local authorities of public management, business community, scientific community, civil society, strategic partners in development and serves for determination of the purposes, planning, financing, realization and monitoring of the program of digital conversion till 2030.

By 2030, thanks to Strategy implementation, the Republic of Moldova will have the innovative and inclusive digital society with digital skills founded on modern digital infrastructure with digital control and business community which as much as possible uses digital opportunities.

Chapter II Analysis of situation

The II.1 Digital medium in the Republic of Moldova

The pandemic turned digital conversion from priority into global imperative. It belongs also to the Republic of Moldova. In the last two years the pandemic of COVID-19 increased dependence on technologies and accelerated inevitable process of digital conversion as many aspects of life passed into online. Transition to the improved technological potential and integration is opportunity to construct the best and more interconnected future, considering "new regulation".

For the last two decades, efforts of the Republic of Moldova on digital conversion went several national and industry strategy, such as the National strategy of creation of information society - "Electronic Moldova" approved by the Order of the Government No. 255/2005, the National development strategy of information society "Digital Moldova 2020", approved by the Order of the Government No. 857/2013, the Strategic program of technological upgrade of management (E-conversion) approved by the Order of the Government No. 710/2011, Strategy of Development for the Information Technology Industry and Digital Innovative Ecosystem for 2018-2023, approved by the Order of the Government No. 904/2018, Strategy of Information Security of the Republic of Moldova for 2019-2024, the National program in areas of researches and innovations for 2020-2023 approved by the Order of the Government No. 381/2019 and the Management program radio-frequency range for 2021-2025 and the minimum values of cost of reference frequency blocks in case of exposure to the procedure of competitive selection approved by the Order of the Government No. 987/2020.

The program of activities of the Government includes digitalization in number 15 of industry priorities. The national development strategy "The European Moldova — 2030" approved by the Law No. 315/2022, approved as with the Agreement on association with the European Union, and with the Agenda of the United Nations for 2030 for sustainable development, devotes special Chapter to digital conversion of management, society and economy.

Of course, successful implementation of strategic documents depends on many factors and challenges. As "Digital Moldova 2020" is noted in the closing statement on accomplishment of the Action plan on strategy implementation, positive changes in the plan of creation of conditions for implementation and use of electronic services, development of digital skills, improvements of communication and access to networks and elimination of critical restrictions in business environment in the field of the information and communication technologies (ICT) are registered. At the same time, in the report some failures to carry out caused substantially by insufficient financing and shortage of qualified human resources, delays in realization and failure to act are noted.

These shortcomings were caused by limited institutional opportunities for development, implementation and coordination of the ICT projects in the public sector, and also insufficient resources for support and development.

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Figure No. 3. Indicators of effectiveness of national strategy "Digital Moldova 2020" (target and actual result)

Apparently from the drawing No. 3, the specific purposes connected with E-management were not completely reached though there were notable changes in E-conversion of management, in particular, growth of the sector of ICT.


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