of September 6, 2023 No. 321-O
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for export customs clearance of the international mailings transported by the supplier of universal post service
Based on the Art. 12, the Art. 131, parts (1) and (2) Art. 174 of the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149/2000 (it is reissued: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, special release of January 1, 2007), the Law No. 1380/1997 on customs tariff (it is reissued: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, special release of January 1, 2007), the Law No. 1569/2002 on procedure for import to the Republic of Moldova and export from its territory of property physical persons (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova No. 185-189/1416 from 31.12.2002), the Law on mail service No. 36/2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova No. 114-122/225 from 29.04.2016), Rules of rendering the post services approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 1457/2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova No. 24-29/46 from 27.01.2017), PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for export customs clearance of the international mailings moved with the service provider of universal mail service (according to appendix No. 1).
2. The economic agent has the right to use the procedure of periodic declaring established by the order of Customs Service No. 408-O/2019, or the procedure of declaring established by this order concerning the international mailings moved with the service provider of universal mail service.
3. To management of development and information security and public institution "Center of information technologies in finance" to enter necessary changes into the Customs Integrated Information system "ASYCUDA World".
4. To confer responsibility for execution of this order on customs bureaus and Management of information development and safety.
5. To impose control of execution of this order on Management on the organization of customs control and assistance to trade.
6. This order becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
Igor Talmazan
Appendix №1
to the Order of Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova of September 6, 2023 No. 321-O
1. The regulations on procedure for customs clearance of export of the international mailings moved with the service provider of universal mail service (further - the Provision), establish procedure for customs clearance of export from customs area of the goods and products which are subject of the international mailing and their internal cost does not exceed 1 000 euros and are transported by the supplier of universal post services, including electronic data processing for the international mailings.
2. For the purposes of this provision the following terms mean:
a) The international mailing (further - MPO) - the mailing containing goods, sent by person from the territory of the Republic of Moldova to the address which is not in its territory;
b) The supplier of universal post service (further - to the NAVEL) - the supplier of post services appointed for rendering post services within universal post service in the territory of the Republic of Moldova (the state company "Posta Moldovei");
c) The post customs declaration CN22/CN23 - the customs paper for the international mailings established by acts of Universal Postal Union, containing the data relating to the mailing;
d) Electronic data set - all data relating to the international mailing with the containing goods which exchange the Supplier of universal post services and Customs Service on own information channels;
e) Specialized customs post (further - STP) - the Chisinau customs post 4 (Mail, 2100);
f) Return of the goods transported by mail (further - return) - the procedure of change of delivery location of the mailing by its return to the sender;
g) The sender - physical person or legal entity which enters the international mailing into post network personally or through the third party;
3. Declaring of MPO with an internal cost up to 1000 euros (for departure) is drawn up based on the post customs declaration CN 22/CN 23, served the sender.
4. MPO worth up to 1000 euros (for departure) containing the goods falling under restrictions will be declared in Customs Service by submission of the detailed customs declaration according to provisions of the Customs code and Technical rules about procedure for seal, use and filling of the customs declaration approved by the Order of Customs Service No. 346-O/2009.
5. In case of the customs clearance of MPO specified in Item 3, if the consignor is physical person, provisions of article 11 of the Law No. 1569/2002 on procedure for import and commodity exportation from the territory of the Republic of Moldova will be considered by physical persons, and purpose of goods in MPO is determined proceeding from type of goods and their quantity.
6. The customs clearance of MPO when exporting is performed with use of electronic data exchange between Customs Service and to the NAVEL.
7. The procedure for electronic data exchange between Customs Service and to the NAVEL and method of information processing of the post customs declaration CN22/CN23 is established in the User's guide of the Universal Post Union Management module of the Customs Integrated Information system "ASYCUDA World" approved by the order of Customs Service.
8. The post customs declaration CN22/CN23 is filled and moves the sender through the personal account created on the official site to the NAVEL or in cash desk of postal department then the declaration CN22/CN23 together with MPO goes to the operator of mail. Upon completion of registration transaction the information system automatically assigns to MPO alphanumeric identification number from 13 figures according to the S10 standard of Universal Postal Union.
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