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of July 12, 2023 No. 491

About subsidizing of investments from National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone

Based on Items c) and d) article 12 of the Law No. 71/2023 on subsidizing of agricultural industry and the rural zone (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2023, Art. No. 134-137, 209) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on specific measures and conditions of the acceptability for subsidizing of investments from National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone it (is applied).

2. To assign accomplishment of this resolution to interventions and payments Agency in agricultural industry.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Agriculture and the food industry.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and food industry


Volodymyr Bol

Minister of Finance

Veronika Siretsyanu


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 12, 2023 No. 491

Regulations on specific measures and conditions of the acceptability for subsidizing of investments from National fund of development of agricultural industry and rural zone

Chapter I General provisions

1. This Provision regulates specific measures and conditions of the acceptability for forms of post-investment subsidizing and step-by-step investments.

2. Realization of this provision is directed to achievement of overall objectives of state policy in the field of agricultural industry and the rural zone by achievement of the following indicators:

1) upgrade of agrofood chain for the purpose of its reduction in compliance with requirements of the European Union for safety and product quality of food;

2) increase in competitiveness, production diversification, improvement of quality of the received products and improvement of overall performance of agroholdings;

3) upgrade of agroholdings;

4) development of infrastructure of primary/final conversion with emphasis on increase in value added in the agro-industrial sector;

5) implementation of production technologies, friendly to the environment;

6) decrease in vulnerability of economic activity in the conditions of climate change due to implementation of farming practices, rational, stable and steady against climate change;

7) creation of workplaces and increase in the income in agricultural industry;

8) effective management of water resources and expansion of irrigation for ensuring resistance to climate change;

9) implementation of digital agricultural technologies and innovations in agricultural industry by ensuring exchange of knowledge / local researches in the field of agricultural industry;

10) stimulation of partnership and cooperation in agricultural industry by development of chains of value added;

11) enhancement and development of rural tourism.

3. For the purposes of this provision the concepts determined in the Law No. 71/2023 on subsidizing of agricultural industry and the rural zone and also the following concepts are used:

1) livestock object - the economy on cultivation and content of animals authorized in accordance with the established procedure for product receipt of animal origin;

2) the processor - the farmer performing primary and/or final conversion of products of vegetable or animal origin on processing enterprise;

3) upgrade of basic system - complete or partial replacement of old basic system in the fructifying plantings of fruit bushes, vineyards or fruit trees;

4) network of water supply - the network consisting of channels, pipes or trenches of various procedure, intended for leading of water from source to distribution network on the irrigated site;

5) distribution network - the network consisting of channels, pipelines or trenches of various procedure, intended for leading of water to the irrigated sites;

6) reconversion of grape plantings - replacement of the existing grades with the same grades or other grades for the purpose of adaptation of production to requirements of specifications of the name of the place of origin or the protected geographical specifying;

7) the indivisible area - the area set with long-term plantings which have general border irrespective of whether they are divided by provincial roads or sidings or not;

8) system of support - the means for support of grape bushes, fruit, fruit trees and bushes established in complex and consisting, at least, of the main columns, intermediate columns, props, substrates of shpalerny columns, fixtures, anchors, wire, fasteners for the main columns and wire and also for tightening of wire.

4. The post-investment payment is provided for the following measures / submeasures of subsidizing:

1) investments into production on the closed soil;

2) investments into irrigating systems and equipment;

3) investments into water accumulative reservoirs for irrigation;

4) investments into objects of crop industry;

5) investments into objects of grape and wine-making industry;

6) investments into livestock production objects;

7) investments into infrastructure of production, conversion or sale in grape and wine-making industry;

8) investments into infrastructure of production, conversion or sale in crop industry;

9) investments into infrastructure of production, conversion or sales of products in livestock industry;

10) investments into technologies of processing of the soil;

11) investments into development of the infrastructure connected with objects;

12) stimulation of tourism development in the rural zone.

5. Step-by-step investment payment is provided for the following measures of subsidizing:

1) investments into production, conversion or sales of products of crop industry;

2) investments into production, conversion or sales of products of grape and wine-making industry;

3) investments into production, conversion or sales of products of livestock industry.

6. The expenses incurred by person who submitted the application for subsidizing (further - the applicant), in case of development of the investment project, connected with compensation of architects and engineers, designers, feasibility statements, designings, materials of visibility are acceptable in the amount of no more than 10% of total cost of the acceptable investment project.

7. Forms of post-investment and step-by-step investment subsidy contain specific measures and conditions of subsidizing.

Chapter II Specific measures and conditions of post-investment subsidizing

Section 1 General specific terms within form of post-investment subsidizing

8. The annual limit for subsidy object in this form of subsidizing does not exceed the amount of 7,0 of one million lei on one beneficiary, 10,0 of one million lei for farmers of livestock industry, 12,0 of one million lei for farmers of livestock industry on milk production, and for groups of agricultural producers, entrepreneurial cooperatives or irrigational associations it does not exceed 15,00 of one million lei.

9. The subsidies calculated under general conditions increase by 10% of the permitted subsidy amount for young farmers, the returned migrants and female farmers. The increased subsidies are provided during at most 4 addresses and shall not exceed the amount of 500 thousand lei on the receiver.

10. For the investments performed in the equipment or the equipment made in the Republic of Moldova, the subsidy increases by 20% of the permitted subsidy amount.

11. Applicable specific conditions, depending on circumstances:

1) goods, services or works were acquired not later than year before application for subsidizing, and for the goods bought by installments not later than three years before application for subsidizing;

2) within one invitation the applicant has the right to submit only one application for subsidizing within support measure/submeasure;

3) year of production of new agricultural machinery or equipment of application for subsidizing no more than two years smaller than year;

4) year of production of the equipment or the agricultural equipment bought by installments shall be no more than two years less than a year of drawing of the first account;

5) on the acquired agricultural machinery or the equipment the copy of the certificate on its registration, except for is provided to that which according to the legislation is not subject to registration;

6) animals were acquired in the year preceding year of application for subsidizing or in year of application for subsidizing;

7) subject to subsidizing is put in operation or put into operation in the year preceding year of application for subsidizing or in year of application for subsidizing, depending on circumstances, except for the objects which were purchased by installments commissioning or commissioning of which is considered from the moment of the first drawing of the account;

8) groups of agricultural producers have the conclusion about recognition according to provisions of the Law No. 312/2013 on groups of agricultural producers and their associations;

The term of legal real estate holding and/or its components in which investments were made constitutes 9):

a) 15 years - for creation of long-term plantings, the remedies estimated since the year preceding year of application for subsidizing;

b) 5 years - for creation of plantings of fruit bushes or strawberry, aromatic, spicy and medicinal cultures, for construction/reconstruction of greenhouses, sunbeds, tunnels, for water accumulative reservoirs, and also other property, including agricultural, except the agricultural areas estimated since the year preceding year of application for subsidizing;

c) 5 years - for the lands processed using technologies of processing of the soils by conservative or traditional method estimated since the year preceding year of application for subsidizing.

Section 2 of Investment into production on the closed soil

12. Scope: subsidizing of costs for implementation of the investment project on production on the closed soil (greenhouses, sunbeds, tunnels) of vegetables, fruit, aromatic, spicy or herbs for:

1) material on construction of greenhouses, sunbeds and tunnels;

2) roofing material or nonwoven fabric like AGRIL;

3) the equipment, the equipment or devices constituting systems for control of conditions of the environment;

4) machines, the equipment or devices for cultivation of seedling in cellular pallets;

5) equipment or equipment for processing of the soil, protection of plants and care of cultures.

13. Subject of subsidizing on this measure is the farmer.

14. Special conditions for receipt of subsidy:

1) the minimum acceptable area constitutes at least 0,1 of hectare, but it is at least 0,05 of hectare if the farmer, owning the closed soil, attaches to it other areas, forming total area 0,1 of hectare suffices;

2) roofing material for greenhouses or sunbeds has thickness at least 150 microns;

3) the applicant has skills in this area;

4) the applicant has the project or draft copy of the project (plan), the developed designer or the supplier;

5) the applicant shall have necessary allowing documents for the performed investments according to the Law No. 160/2011 on regulation of business activity by permission.

15. The size of subsidy constitutes:

1) 50% of the cost of modules of greenhouses, the equipment, the equipment, roofing and construction material for greenhouses, sunbeds, tunnels;

2) 30% of the cost of the construction or roofing material used for reconstruction of greenhouses, sunbeds or tunnels;

3) 25% of cost (per unit of) the equipment or the equipment necessary for processing of the soil, protection of plants and care of cultures, but no more than 300 thousand lei on one receiver.

16. The size of the subsidy provided to one receiver within this measure does not exceed 4,0 of one million lei.

17. The list of the equipment, equipment, new construction materials for the greenhouses, sunbeds, tunnels allowed to subsidizing within this measure is provided in appendix No. 1.

18. For receipt of subsidy the applicant provides the following supporting documents, depending on circumstances:

1) investment project;

2) confirmation of ownership of the bank account in Moldovan lei opened in commercial bank of the Republic of Moldova;

3) confirmation of professional training of the administrator or employee in the field (diplomas in competences, rates of continuous education / advanced training) or, depending on circumstances, the certificate on training at least 48 class periods;

4) the copy of the protocol on performance of works, with appendix of detailed expense budget for the used materials, services or works on installation and installation;

5) copy of the registration certificate of the equipment;

6) copy of source accounting document;

7) the source document on fixed asset accounting, the acceptable equipment, the equipment and other goods which need to be established.

19. The receiver provides content of subject to subsidizing within 5 years from the moment of the edition of the administrative act about subsidizing. Responsible persons bear the civil responsibility, the tort liability, or criminal liability for non-compliance with provisions of the project, proceeding from circumstances.

Section 3 of Investment into irrigating systems and equipment

20. Scope: stimulation of expansion of the areas of the irrigated lands for ensuring resistance to climate change by subsidizing of new irrigational systems or the equipment, namely:

1) stationary or mobile irrigation systems (aspiration, drop, microaspiration);

2) pumping points, the machinery and equipment as a part of the pumping, filtration and/or fertigatsionny point;

3) the equipment creating adduktsionny and/or distribution networks;

4) system of water purification for irrigation by different methods;

5) installations for energy production from renewable sources as project component.

21. Subject of subsidizing on this measure is the farmer or irrigational associations.

22. Specific conditions for receipt of subsidy are:

The applicant has 1) in property or in use of the earth of agricultural purpose for the term of at least 10 years, estimated since year of application for receipt of subsidy;

2) the applicant has the investment project;

3) the applicant has the project documentation developed by the certified designer, and, if necessary, the outline sketch with expense budget;

4) the applicant has allowing documents for the performed investments according to the Law No. 160/2011 on regulation of business activity by permission;

5) the applicant has the written permission of body of local public authority which manages from unit name государства/административно-территориальной the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in property государства/административно-территориальной units - in case of the irrigational associations performing free use by the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in state-owned property.

23. The size of subsidy constitutes:

1) 50% of the cost of the acceptable investment project, but no more 3,0 of one million lei on one farmer;

2) 75% of the cost of the acceptable investment project, but no more 7,0 of one million lei, for the investment projects realized by irrigating associations.

24. The applicant shall submit the following supporting documents, depending on circumstances:

1) for receipt of subsidy:

a) copy of the purchase and sale agreement;

b) confirmation of ownership of the bank account in Moldovan lei, opened in commercial bank of the Republic of Moldova;

c) copy of source accounting document;

d) the source document on fixed asset accounting - for the acceptable equipment, the equipment and other goods which need to be established;

2) for the investments performed in elements of irrigating infrastructure:

a) copy of the project documentation, outline sketch and expense budget;

b) the written permission of body of local public authority which manages from unit name государства/административно-территориальной the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in property государства/административно-территориальной units - in case of the irrigational associations performing free use by the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in state-owned property;

c) the copy of the expense budget constituted by the certified specialist;

d) act of performance of works;

e) act of final acceptance.

25. The receiver provides content of subject to subsidizing within 5 years from the moment of the edition of the administrative act about subsidizing. Responsible persons bear the civil responsibility, the tort liability, or criminal liability for non-compliance with provisions of the project, proceeding from circumstances.

Section 4 of Investment into water accumulative reservoirs for irrigation

26. Scope: for the purpose of ensuring resistance to climate change subsidizing of investments into water accumulative reservoirs for irrigation is stimulated in the way:

1) constructions or recoveries of water accumulative reservoirs, including rain, for irrigation, and also the related hydraulic engineering constructions (dam, system of drain);

2) the investments performed in geomembrane, geotextile roofing material.

27. Subject of subsidizing on this measure is the farmer or irrigational associations.

28. Specific conditions for receipt of subsidy is the following:

1) the engineering design is developed by the certified designer;

2) the applicant has the investment project;

3) the applicant has necessary allowing documents for the performed investments according to the Law No. 160/2011 on regulation of business activity by permission;

4) the written permission of body of local public authority which manages from unit name государства/административно-территориальной the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in property государства/административно-территориальной units - in case of the irrigational associations owning the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in state-owned property.

29. The size of subsidy constitutes 50% of the cost of the acceptable investment project for one farmer and 75% of the cost of the acceptable investment project for irrigating associations.

30. The size of the subsidy provided within this measure on one applicant does not exceed 2,5 of one million lei a year.

31. For receipt of subsidy the applicant shall submit the following supporting documents, proceeding from circumstances:

1) confirmation of ownership of the bank account in Moldovan lei opened in commercial bank of the Republic of Moldova;

2) investment project;

3) copy of the project documentation, outline sketch and expense budget;

4) the written permission of body of local public authority which manages from unit name государства/административно-территориальной the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in property государства/административно-территориальной units - in case of the irrigational associations performing free use by the irrigating and/or drainage system which is in state-owned property;

5) the copy of the expense budget constituted and checked by the authorized specialists;

6) act of performance of works;

7) act of final acceptance;

8) the source document on fixed asset accounting.

32. The receiver provides content of subject to subsidizing within 5 years from the moment of the edition of the administrative act about subsidizing. Responsible persons bear the civil responsibility, the tort liability, or criminal liability for non-compliance with provisions of the project, depending on circumstances.

Section 5 of Investment into objects of the crop sector

33. Scope: for the purpose of increase in competitiveness, diversification of products, improvement of quality of the received products and promotion of farming practices of subsidy, reasonable, steady and resistant to climate change, are provided for:

1) laying of fruit plantings, including nut bearing cultures (except for plantings of nut of forest type, ranks of trees, and also protective strips), plantings of fruit bushes and strawberry, aromatic, spicy and medicinal cultures;

2) receipts of seed and landing material of fruit crops of the highest biological categories, except regular category / S.A.S. (Conformitas Agraria Communicatis);

3) installations or upgrades of systems of support;

4) installations or upgrades of the equipment for protection of long-term plantings against adverse conditions of the environment;

5) the agricultural machinery and the equipment intended for carrying out agricultural works in long-term plantings.

34. Subject of subsidizing on this measure is the farmer.

35. Specific conditions for receipt of subsidy are:

1) the indivisible area of the pledged planting - is at least 0,5 of hectare;

2) the applicant has the plan of laying of planting;

3) the farmer is member of profile association;

4) the applicant has skills in this area;

5) long-term planting was pledged by acceptable grades in the General catalog of grades of agricultural plants of the European Union (The Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species), the Catalogue of grades of vegetable cultures of the European Union (The Catalogue of Varieties of Vegetable Species), the General catalog of grades of grapes of the European Union (The Common Catalogue of Varieties of Vine) and/or in the Information system of landing material and material for reproduction of fruit plants of FRUMATIS (Fruit Reproductive Material Information System);

6) long-term planting was pledged by landing material of biological category "Certified" or "Regular" / C.A.C. (Conformitas Agraria Communicatis). Laying of long-term planting with landing material of biological category "Regular" is subsidized till 2025 inclusive;

7) long-term planting was pledged in the year preceding year of application for subsidizing or in year of application for subsidizing;

8) the irrigating system is installed in long-term plantings, except for plantings of walnut, almonds or filbert, long-term plantings of apple-tree for the technological purposes, depending on circumstances, and plantings of aromatic, medicinal and spicy cultures;


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