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of July 12, 2023 No. 488

About approval of the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism

Based on Item and) parts (1) article 9 of the Law No. 179/2016 on the small and medium companies (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 306-313, 651), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

1) the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism according to appendix No. 1;

2) the Plan of accomplishment of actions of the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism according to appendix No. 2.

2. Accomplishment of the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism to charge to public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship".

3. To public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship" to develop the Operational management on program implementation of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism in which stages and procedure for its realization will be provided, and also to provide publication of management on participation in the specified Program on the official web page of organization.

4. Financing of the actions provided in the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism to perform for the account and within the assignments provided in the government budget and also due to external financial aid.

5. Actions for financing within the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism constitute the scheme of the little significant help and fall under action of provisions of the Law No. 139/2012 on government assistance and the Regulations on the little significant help approved by the Resolution of the Plenum of Competition council No. 01/2020.

6. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalizations.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and digitalizations


Dmitry Alayba

Minister of Finance

Veronika Siretsyanu


Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 12, 2023 No. 488

The program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism

Chapter I General provisions

1. Task of the Program of support of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism (further - the Program) is stimulation of economic growth at the territorial level.

2. General purpose of this Program is promotion and assistance of tourist and business activity within ecosystem of the small and medium companies in this sphere for the purpose of creation of the new companies, increase in the income in the tourist sector and other adjacent sectors, and also for assistance to promotion and export of the tourist products and services characteristic of the Republic of Moldova.

3. This Program is oriented to achievement of the following specific purposes:

1) tourism promotion as attractive direction both on national, and at the international level. Development of marketing and advertizing campaigns, and also interaction with business environment, partners in development and other concerned parties;

2) stimulation of development of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism. This purpose includes simplification of access to financing, provision of technical assistance and consultations (including for preserving cultural originality), and also encouragement of entrepreneurship;

3) improvement of service quality in the field of tourism;

4) development of necessary infrastructure, construction or upgrade of structures of placement, vacation spots and entertainment or transport infrastructure, including in the rural zone.

4. This Program is implemented by public organization "Organization for Development of Entrepreneurship" (PU ORP) with assistance of the Ministry of Economic Development and digitalization and the Ministry of Culture.

5. For the purposes of this Program the following concepts are used:

ecosystem of the small and medium companies in the field of tourism - set of the small and medium companies performing activities in the field of tourism;

value added chain in tourism - the sequence of primary and auxiliary types of activity which are fundamental for efficiency of the sphere of tourism from the strategic point of view.

The processes including development of tourist products, development of infrastructure for acceptance of tourists, management of the tourist directions, promotion and marketing at the levels of business, product, the destination and at the national level, sales transactions and support services in tourist activities are key types of activity of chain of value added in tourism.

rural tourism - the type of the tourism performed in the rural zone, determined according to the Law No. 352/2006 on the organization and development of tourist activities in the Republic of Moldova;

structures of placement and/or food - the structures on acceptance of tourists with functions of placement and food determined according to the Order of the Government No. 643/2003 about approval of methodological regulations and criteria of classification of structures by tourist acceptance with functions of placement and food.

Chapter II of the Condition of the acceptability

6. The program is intended for the micro, small and medium companies determined according to provisions of the Law No. 179/2016 on the small and medium companies, except for the state and municipal companies.

7. Applicants, at the time of application for participation in the Program, perform business activity in the field of tourism or adjacent types of activity with capacity of the organization of tourist activities in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, in administrative and territorial units of the first level: villages, communes, and also in the cities with the population to 30 000 inhabitants (according to the last population census and dwellings) who include development of tourist product, tourist infrastructure, activities for placement and/or food of tourists, entertaining actions.

8. Within the Program use priority:


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