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of September 15, 2023 No. 993

About approval of the Procedure for use of the means provided in the Government budget on implementation of actions for realization of anti-corruption strategy

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 10.09.2024 No. 1044)

According to part seven of Article 20 of the Budget code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve the Procedure for use of the means provided in the Government budget on implementation of measures for realization of the enclosed anti-corruption strategy.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 15, 2023, No. 993

Procedure for use of the means provided in the Government budget on implementation of actions for realization of anti-corruption strategy

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of use of the means provided in the Government budget on implementation of actions for realization of anti-corruption strategy according to the budget program "Realization of Anti-corruption Strategy" (further - budgetary funds).

2. The main manager of budgetary funds and the executive in charge of the budget program is the National agency concerning prevention of corruption (further - the National agency).

3. Budgetary funds are allocated in the following directions:

1) purchase of services in the organization of carrying out researches on questions of studying of situation concerning corruption according to Item 5 parts one of article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption";

2) remuneration payment to the exposer, stipulated in Article 130-1 Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

4. For purchase of the services provided by the subitem of 1 Item 3 presents of the Procedure, the National agency attracts the organizations on the terms of the agreements signed in the procedure established by the law.

Final settlements on the received services are perfromed according to terms of the contract about their purchase based on acts of acceptance transfer of the rendered services.

Procurement of services is conducted through budgetary funds in the procedure established by the law.

5. In 2024 the remuneration to the exposer provided by the subitem 2 Items 3 presents of the Procedure is paid by Treasury based on executive documents according to the procedure of indisputable write-off of means only within the budgetary funds provided in this direction of use of budgetary funds.

6. In case of adoption of the judgment on remuneration payment to the exposer the exposer in paper form personally or on the postal address of Treasury gives:

the statement for accomplishment of such decision with indication of bank account details (in case of availability reference of bank), bank names, its code according to EGRPOU, account number (according to the IBAN standard), surnames, name, middle name (in the presence) the account holder on which it is necessary to transfer funds registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer or series (in the presence) and passport numbers (for physical persons which because of the religious beliefs refused adoption of such number according to the law), the postal address;

original of the executive document.

The executive document after its execution in full returns Treasury to court with the corresponding mark.

7. The treasury within three working days from the date of receipt of the statement and the original of the executive document from the exposer in writing reports about such fact to the National agency.

8. If the exposer did not file documents and data, the stipulated in Item 6 presents About, such statement remains Treasury without consideration.

Without consideration the Treasury within five days from the date of its receipt in writing reports to the exposer on the postal address specified in the statement about leaving of the statement.

9. The national agency not later than within three working days from the date of receipt of the notification from Treasury informs Treasury on availability of open budgetary appropriations by the corresponding code of economic classification of expenses for implementation of indisputable write-off of means.

10. The remuneration payment priority to the exposer provided by the subitem 2 Items 3 presents of the Procedure is determined according to date of giving in treasury of the statement, starting with the statement which arrived in treasury earlier.

11. In case of lack of budgetary appropriations and/or open assignments by the corresponding code of economic classification of expenses for the remuneration payment to the exposer provided by the subitem 2 Items 3 presents of the Procedure, the Treasury postpones indisputable write-off of means until establishment of budget settings and/or opening of budgetary appropriations in the corresponding direction.

12. The direction of budgetary funds is not allowed on:

implementation of the actions, purchase of goods, provision of services which are not connected with the directions of use of budgetary funds which are determined by Item 3 presents of the Procedure;

implementation of the expenses provided by other budget programs;

payment of intermediary services;

implementation of actions which purpose is profit earning.

13. The national agency submits quarterly to the 20th day of the next month to the Ministry of Finance the report on use of budgetary funds.

14. Conducting financial accounting, opening and closing of accounts in Treasury, the registration, accounting of the budget obligations and transactions connected with use of budgetary funds are performed in the procedure established by the legislation.

Repayment creditor and receivables is performed in the procedure established by the legislation.

15. Creation and submission of the report on accomplishment of the passport of the budget program, financial and budget reports about use of budgetary funds, and also control of their target and effective expenditure are performed in the procedure established by the legislation.

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