Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 21, 2023 No. 412

About creation of the Management information system permission of the authorized business entity

Based on Item d) article 22 of the Law No. 467/2003 on informatization and the state information resources (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 6-12, 44), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government

This resolution shifts Article 35 (1) and 39 (1) Executive Regulations of the Commission (EU) 2021/414 of March 8, 2021 about technical measures for development, servicing and use of electronic systems for exchange and storage of information according to Regulations (EU) No. 952/2013 of the European Parliament and Council.

1. Create the Management information system permission of the authorized business entity.

2. Approve:

1) the Concept of the Management information system permission of the authorized business entity, according to appendix No. 1;

2) Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Management information system permission of the authorized business entity, according to appendix No. 2.

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Prime Minister

Doreen Rechan


Minister of Finance


Veronika Siretsyanu


Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of June 21, 2023 No. 412

The concept of the Management information system permission of the authorized business entity

Chapter I Introduction

1. The concept of the Management information system is directed by permission of the authorized business entity (further - the IC "e-AEO") to creation of stable and reliable system of accounting, management and tracking of permission of the authorized business entity (further - permission of AEO) for the purpose of automated management of the legal and administrative relations following from the national regulations and the international precepts of law relating to the status of the authorized business entity (further - AEO).

2. The concept of the IC "e-AEO" establishes its assignment, the principles, basic functions and organizational structure, information objects, the main scripts and interaction with other information resources.

Chapter II General provisions

Section 1 Determination of the IC "e-AEO"

3. The IC "e-AEO" represents the IT solution consisting of interrelation of resource pool and information technologies, technical means of programs and methodologies, and also the infrastructure intended for the user for information processing and forming of information resource concerning process management of submission of requests, issue of permissions of AEO, monitoring and revaluation of conditions of issue of permissions to owners of permissions of AEO.

4. The IC "e-AEO" is component of the Customs integrated information system.

Section 2 Basic concepts

5. The concepts used in the Concept of the IC "e-AEO" correspond to the concepts regulated by the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149/2000, the Law No. 467/2003 on informatization and the state information resources and the Order of the Government No. 647/2014 on enforcement of provisions of Chapters 27-1 and 28-1 of the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova.

Section 3 Purpose of the IC "e-AEO"

6. The IC "e-AEO" is intended for ensuring forming of information resource about the authorized business entities, provisions of information to bodies of public management, physical persons and legal entities, customs authorities of other countries according to the procedure and method, stipulated by the legislation.

7. The list of permissions of AEO is the single official source of information on the authorized business entities, type and the status of permission.

Section 4 of the Purpose of creation of the IC "e-AEO"

8. Creation of the IC "e-AEO" will allow to achieve the following goals:

1) creation of stable and reliable system of accounting, management and tracking for applicants and owners of permissions of AEO;

2) optimization and automation of the processes connected with the consultation, request, check, management, audit, monitoring, revaluation, issue, suspension, response, change, canceling etc. relating to permission of AEO;

3) assistance to foreign trade;


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