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of October 9, 2023 No. 665

About procedure for informing on threats of making and about making of acts of illegal intervention on objects of transport infrastructure and (or) vehicles

For the purpose of implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation about interaction in the field of ensuring transport safety of February 19, 2021 and in pursuance of article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2021 "About ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation about interaction in the field of ensuring transport safety" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 136-Z

1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for informing on threats of making and about making of acts of illegal intervention on objects of transport infrastructure and (or) vehicles it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 9, 2023 No. 665

The instruction about procedure for informing on threats of making and about making of acts of illegal intervention on objects of transport infrastructure and (or) vehicles

1. This Instruction determines procedure for informing transport infrastructure by subjects and (or) carriers about threats of making and about making of acts of illegal intervention (further – ANV) on objects of transport infrastructure (further – OTI) and (or) vehicles (further – TS).

2. Action of this Instruction extends to carriers and subjects of transport infrastructure, except for carriers and subjects of transport infrastructure of civil aviation.

3. For the purposes of this Instruction terms and their determinations in the values established by the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on interaction in the field of ensuring transport safety of February 19, 2021 are used.

4. According to the procedure, established by this Instruction, informing on threats of making and on making of the following ANV on OTI and (or) the CU is performed:

threat of explosion, firing;

explosion, firing;

threat of arson, flooding;

arson, flooding;

threat of placement of destructive devices (explosive substances, materials);

placement of destructive devices (explosive substances, materials);

threat of defeat of dangerous substances;

defeat by dangerous substances;

threat of capture and (or) deduction of people as hostages, stealing and (or) deprivation of their freedom, their murder;

capture and (or) deduction of people as hostages, stealing and (or) deprivation of their freedom, their murder;

threat of damage of information systems, management systems, creation of conditions for accidents and catastrophic crashes of technogenic nature;

damage of information systems, management systems, creation of conditions for accidents and catastrophic crashes of technogenic nature;

threat of creation of the obstacle making impossible movement of TS or limiting functioning of OTI life-threatening or to health of personnel, passengers and other persons;

creation of the obstacle making impossible movement of TS or limiting functioning of OTI life-threatening or to health of personnel, passengers and other persons;

threat of plunder of property which can entail damage, blocking and (or) to create danger of death of people, causings bodily harms by it, approaches of other heavy effects;

the plunder of property which entailed damage, blocking and (or) created danger of death of people, causings bodily harms by it, approaches of other heavy effects.

5. Subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers without delay fix and provide information on threats of making and on making of ANV on OTI and (or) the CU (further – data on incident) in public institution "Transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus" (further – Transport inspection) by means of voice, electronic and (or) fax connection to addresses (phone numbers) specified on the official site of organization on the global computer Internet.

6. The transport inspection provides transfer of the received data on incident:

in the Ministry of Transport and Communications;

in services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs operational and on duty and Committee for State Security.

7. Data on incident are represented by Transport inspection:

orally on voice communication – no later than 10 minutes from the moment of receipt of data on incident;

on electronic and (or) fax connection – in forms according to appendices 1-7 for the corresponding mode of transport within hour from the moment of receipt of data on incident.

In the absence of complete data on incident transfer of the available information and its amendment in process of receipt of new data are performed.

8. In case of submission of data on incident by means of voice communication first of all surname, own name and middle name (if that is available) person transferring the message the position held by it, the name OTI, the subject of transport infrastructure and (or) carrier are told. Further information is given in form according to the corresponding appendix.

Person who transferred data on incident specifies in the Section IV of form of the corresponding appendix surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) and post of the employee of Transport inspection who accepted data on incident, date and time of their transfer.

9. Submission of data on incident in the form of the electronic document is performed according to the legislation on electronic documents and the digital signature.

10. When filling the corresponding form with hand-written method record is made in Russian or Belarusian by legible handwriting or printing letters ink of blue or black color. Blots, erasures and corrections are not allowed.

11. Subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers fix the transfer fact, date and time of transfer of data on incident in Transport inspection by means of electronic and fax connection according to their program and technical feasibilities.

12. The storage duration of data on incident constitutes one month.

Appendix 1

to the Instruction about procedure for informing on threats of making and about making of acts of illegal intervention on objects of transport infrastructure and (or) vehicles


Information on threat of making and on making of ANV in activities of OTI of road transport

Section I

1. Information submittal date:

2. Time of submission of information:






3. Place of receipt of information on threat making/making of ANV (index, area, city, street, house):

4. The date of receipt of information:

5. Time of receipt of information:






6. Name of the owner of OTI:

7. Location address of OTI (index, area, city, street, house):

8. The number of passengers on OTI (in the presence):

in total


9. The number of personnel on OTI:

10. The number of the CU on OTI:

11. Type, model of TS on OTI:

12. Other data:

Section II

Threats of making of ANV


Making of ANV


Threat of explosion, firing

Explosion, firing

Threat of arson


Threat of placement of destructive devices (explosive substances, materials)

Placement of destructive devices (explosive substances, materials)

Threat of defeat of dangerous substances

Defeat by dangerous substances

Threat of capture and (or) deduction of people as hostages, stealing and (or) deprivation of their freedom, their murder

Capture and (or) deduction of people as hostages, stealing and (or) deprivation of their freedom, their murder

Threat of damage of information systems, management systems, creation of conditions for accidents and catastrophic crashes of technogenic nature

Damage of information systems, management systems, creation of conditions for accidents and catastrophic crashes of technogenic nature

Threat of creation of the obstacle limiting functioning of OTI life-threatening or to health of personnel, passengers and other persons

Creation of the obstacle limiting functioning of OTI life-threatening or to health of personnel, passengers and other persons

Threat of plunder of property which can entail damage, blocking and (or) to create danger of death of people, causings bodily harms by it, approaches of other heavy effects

The plunder of property which entailed damage, blocking and (or) created danger of death of people, causings bodily harms by it, approaches of other heavy effects

Data on threat of making of ANV in activities of OTI

Data on possible:
number _____________________________________________________________________________
equipment ___________________________________________________________________________
to readiness and tactics of actions of violators ____________________________________________
Data on the undertaken and taken measures in case of receipt of information on threat
making of AHB ________________________________________________________________________

Data on making of ANV in activities of OTI

Data on possible:
number ____________________________________________________________________________
equipment ___________________________________________________________________________
to readiness and tactics of actions of violators ____________________________________________
Data on the undertaken and taken measures when making ANV in activities of OTI
Data on the undertaken and taken measures on OTI for mitigation of consequences
making of ANV and to recovery of functioning of OTI ____________________________________

Data on effects of committed ANV:
the number of the dead or received damage to health:

passengers ___________________________________________________________________________
drivers _____________________________________________________________________________
visitors ___________________________________________________________________________
personnel _____________________________________________________________________________
children _________________________________________________________________________________

general nature of damages of OTI __________________________________________________________
Data on possible date and recovery time of functioning of OTI ___________________

Section III

Data in case of receipt of anonymous information on threat of making of ANV in activities of OTI of road transport

1. Information submittal date:

2. Time of submission of information:






3. Who accepted information:


Own name

Middle name (if that is available)

4. Phone number (e-mail address), accessory, the location of communicating device to which information arrived:

Phone number

E-mail address


Location of communicating device


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