of January 6, 1999 No. 7-FZ
About national art crafts
Accepted by the State Duma on December 9, 1998
Approved by the Federation Council on December 24, 1998
National art crafts represent one of forms of manifestation of traditions of folk art of the people of the Russian Federation, are integral part of cultural heritage of the people of the Russian Federation and non-material ethnocultural property of the Russian Federation.
Preserving, revival and development of national art crafts is important national objective.
This Federal Law governs the relations in the field of national art crafts in the territory of the Russian Federation. Participants of the specified relations are citizens and legal entities of any forms of business and patterns of ownership.
Legal regulation of the relations in the field of national art crafts is based on relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation of "Basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation about culture", other laws of the Russian Federation and is performed by this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accepted according to it, and also the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.
The relations in the field of national art crafts concerning legal protection of results of intellectual activities are regulated by the civil legislation.
The relations in the field of preserving, use, promoting and the state protection of places of traditional existing of national art crafts (noteworthy places) as objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "About objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the people of the Russian Federation".
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
national art trade - area of cultural activities, one of forms of manifestation of traditions of folk art, the activities for creation of art products of utilitarian and (or) decorative appointment performed on the basis of collective development and successive development of traditions of folk art in certain area in the course of creative manual work and (or) manual work with use of means of mechanization;
the place of traditional existing of national art trade - the territory within which according to original traditions national art trade historically developed and develops exists its social infrastructure, there can be necessary raw material resources;
the master of national art trade - physical person which on permanent basis makes in the place of traditional existing of national art trade of product of national art trade according to traditions and art and style features of this trade and using in case of such production of creative variation;
product of national art trade - the art product of utilitarian and (or) decorative appointment made according to traditions and art and style features of this trade in the place of its traditional existing by means of creative manual work and (or) manual work with use of means of mechanization;
unique product of national art trade - the unique, having high art value product of national art trade;
the standard sample of product of national art trade - sample which is executed in the form of finished product of the drawing (the scheme, standard composition), prototype (model) and is intended for reproduction in accordance with the established procedure, including using creative variation;
product of national art trade of acknowledged art advantage - the product of national art trade having high art value;
creative variation - one of forms of manifestation of traditions of folk art, the main method of reproduction of standard sample of product of national art trade which provides modification and the amendments in composition, color, ornamental, plastic and other art scheme of product which are not leading to decrease in art level and quality of production of product of national art trade in comparison with its standard sample;
art and style features of national art trade - set of means of art expressiveness, acceptances of skill and traditional manufacturing techniques of the products of national art trade which historically developed under the influence of cultural, social and natural factors of the place of its traditional existing;
the state register of places of traditional existing of national art crafts - the part of federal state information system containing data on places of traditional existing of the national art crafts established in the territories of subjects of the Russian Federation;
the state register of samples of products of national art crafts of acknowledged art advantage - the part of federal state information system containing data on samples of products of national art crafts of acknowledged art advantage;
regional registers of masters of national art crafts - the information systems created by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in which territories the places of traditional existing of national art crafts containing the information about masters of the national art crafts performing the activities as the individual entrepreneur or as the physical person applying special tax regime "Tax on the professional income" are established.
1. State policy in the field of national art crafts is component of the state cultural and social and economic policy and is directed to preserving, revival and development of national art crafts.
2. Main objectives of state policy in the field of national art crafts:
1) preserving and development of national art crafts;
2) revival of the lost national art crafts;
3) preserving and development of places of traditional existing of national art crafts.
3. The main directions of state policy in the field of national art crafts:
1) creation of conditions for development of national art crafts;
2) creation of conditions for preserving and development of places of traditional existing of national art crafts;
3) creation of conditions for sales of products of national art crafts;
4) ensuring training in the field of national art crafts;
5) creation of conditions for tourist activities in places of traditional existing of national art crafts;
6) creation of conditions for participation of associations and the unions of the organizations of national art crafts in forming and realization of state policy in the field of national art crafts;
7) creation of conditions for educational activities in the field of national art crafts and promoting of national art crafts among the population.
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