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of September 14, 2023 No. 138

About the data relating to each monitored transportation of subjects to tracking on the territories of two and more state members of the Eurasian Economic Union with use of navigation seals and which are subject to accounting and storage in information systems of national operators of state members

According to the paragraph the fourth Item 2 of article 5 of the Agreement on application in the Eurasian Economic Union of navigation seals for tracking of transportations of April 19, 2022 the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:

1. Determine that concerning each monitored transportation are subject to obligatory accounting and storage in information systems of national operators of the state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - state members) applied to tracking of transportations of subjects to tracking on the territories of two and more state members with use of navigation seals (further - transportations), the following data (data on time are specified with an accuracy of 1 millisecond, data on geographical coordinates - to within 1 angular second):

a) data on transportation:

unique number of transportation;

date and start time and completion of tracking of transportation;

the name of monitoring body of the state member which made the decision on application of navigation seal (in the presence);

the name of monitoring body of the state member which made the decision on permission of activation (deactivation) of navigation seal (in the presence);

data on the vehicle used in transit (registration number, type and country of incorporation (for motor transportations));

contact information of the driver (for motor transportations), and also data on consent to personal data processing if according to the legislation of state member accounting and storage of contact information requires such consent;

information about carrier (the name, country of incorporation, number assigned in case of registration in tax authority of state member (in the presence), contact information), and also data on consent to personal data processing if according to the legislation of state member accounting and storage of contact information requires such consent;

route (in case of its establishment);

b) data on each navigation seal applied when tracking transportation:

unique identification number of navigation seal;

date and time of setting of seal for control and removal from control in information system of the national operator of state member;

date and time of short circuit and disconnection of element of sealing;

date and time of removal of navigation seal without the termination of observation of subject to tracking;

date and time of emergence of emergency situation and (or) implementation of unauthorized action with navigation seal;

c) data on date and time of obtaining from navigation seal of information according to the paragraph the fourth Item 2 of article 5 of the Agreement on application in the Eurasian Economic Union of navigation seals for tracking of transportations of April 19, 2022.

2. Determine that:

a) the data specified in Item 1 of this Decision are subject to accounting and storage in information system of the national operator of the state member performing transportation tracking and also in information systems of national operators of the state members which received data on transportation from the national operator of the state member performing transportation tracking;

b) the data specified in the subitem "v" of Item 1 of this Decision are subject to accounting and storage in information system of the national operator of state member in which the navigation seal is registered.

3. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission

M. Myasnikovich


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