Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 4, 2020 No. 539

About measures for further enhancement of mechanisms of collection, processing and storage of information on the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity

(as amended on 05-08-2022)


For the purpose of forming of single centralized source of information on the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity, and also ensuring interdepartmental electronic interaction when rendering the state services DECIDES: Cabinet of Ministers

1. Approve:

Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the central database on the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity according to appendix No. 1;

The list of the reference books and qualifiers used in case of data handling of the central database about the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity according to appendix No. 2.

2. Determine that:

The State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan is authorized body on maintaining the central database about the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity (further - the central database);

the central database is created and kept based on the Single integrated information resource base of tax authorities;

financing of creation of the central database, its implementation in practice and maintaining is performed at the expense of means of financing of the Project of upgrade of data-processing center and widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies in tax administration of the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the central database is single source of information on the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization and the physical persons performing business activity, necessary for rendering the state services and interdepartmental electronic interaction with state bodies and other organizations;

responsible state bodies according to the list given in appendix No. 2 to this resolution place and update the relevant data and qualifiers in the information system "Register of Data and Qualifiers of the Electronic Government" according to the Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the register of data and qualifiers of the Electronic government, and also use of single identifiers approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 16, 2020 No. 444.

3. To the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments:

a) in a month - till December 1, 2020 to approve the schedule of integration of information systems and resources of state bodies and organizations into the central database;

b) in three-months time:

acquire and install the modern server hardware meeting the requirements of cyber security, at the expense of means of Special fund of financial support, social protection, development of tax authorities and contingencies of the State Tax Committee, to provide for ensuring interdepartmental electronic interaction within the Electronic Government system the subsequent placement of the used server hardware in Single data-processing center of the Electronic government;

approve technical requirements for connection of information systems of state bodies and organizations to the central database;

c) till January 1, 2021 to develop and enter the central database into work.

4. To the state bodies and the organizations responsible for input and updating of data in the central database:

in two-month time to provide modification of the information systems and databases on use of the reference books and qualifiers specified in appendix No. 2 to this resolution;

till January 1, 2021 to carry out inventory count of the information about the legal entities, foreign legal entities performing activities through representation, branch or permanent organization containing in their databases and the physical persons performing business activity for ensuring reliability and relevance of data.

5. To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the statistics:

together with the State Tax Committee, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty, the Ministry of investments and foreign trade to develop and approve samples of schedules of the declaration of summary information of the central database in a month;

following the results of every month to provide submission of analytical data to the ministries and departments in accordance with the established procedure.

6. To provide to the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, and also the relevant state bodies and the organizations by means of interdepartmental electronic interaction transfer to the central database of the following data:

To the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan - about the registered non-state non-profit organizations, lawyer bureaus and firms, Bars;

To Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan - about the registered banks, credit bureaus and representative offices of foreign banks;


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