of October 2, 2023 No. 30-VIII ZRK
About public control
This Law determines the purpose, tasks and the principles of public control, and also governs the public relations connected with the organization and implementation of public control in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) public control - the activities of subjects of public control performed according to the procedure and forms which are established by this Law and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, directed to the analysis and assessment of acts and solutions of subjects to public control on compliance to public concerns;
2) conflict of interest when implementing public control - the situation in case of which personal interest of subjects of public control, the expert, the member (participant), the founder, the head, the worker of subjects of public control influences or can influence impartial and objective execution of the obligations by them and (or) involves emergence of contradiction between such interest and the principles established by this Law;
3) the resulting document by results of public control (further - the resulting document) - the protocol, the conclusion, the recommendation, other documents provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, drafted by subjects of public control by results of public control;
4) subjects to public control - bodies, organizations of the executive government and local public administration, the public institutions which are not state bodies, the subjects of the quasi-public sector, the autonomous organizations of education, the organizations who are contractors of functions of the central and (or) local executive bodies which activities are connected with public concerns, and also other subjects to public control provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Subjects to public control are not the state bodies and the organizations referred to category of osoborezhimny, sensitive sites of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) subjects of public control are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
the non-profit organizations registered in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except for religious associations (further - non-profit organizations);
other subjects to which powers on implementation of public control according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan are conferred;
6) group of public control - group of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) the representatives of non-profit organizations who are citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) other subjects to whom powers on implementation of public control according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan are conferred, created for implementation of public control;
7) the motivated answer - information of subject to public control on comprehensive, complete and objective examination of the circumstances specified in the resulting document by results of public control including on elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting the violations revealed during public control.
1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public control is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The international agreements ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan have priority before this Law. The procedure and conditions of action in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of international treaties which participant is the Republic of Kazakhstan are determined by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. Features of implementation of public control are established by this Law and other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This Law governs the relations connected with implementation of public control in the part which is not settled by other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Operation of this Law does not extend to the public relations regulated by the constitutional laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "About republican referendum", "About judicial system and the status of judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "About prosecutor's office", "About the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "About the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About special state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "About defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "About personal data and their protection", the criminal procedure, criminal and executive, civil procedural, administrative procedural and procedural legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses, on foreign intelligence, counterintelligence activities, operational search activities, the state secrets and also the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning law-enforcement activities and safety of protected persons and objects.
3. Public control in the National welfare fund and the national companies entering into group of National welfare fund is performed concerning the state social and scientific and innovative projects, national projects realized at the expense of budgetary funds and also when rendering by National welfare fund and the national companies entering into group of National welfare fund, the charitable help.
1. The purpose of public control is ensuring participation of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in administration of the state.
2. Tasks of public control are:
1) involvement of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in process of public control;
2) ensuring high-quality projects implementation, carried out within national priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) ensuring accounting of public opinion in case of decision making by subjects to public control;
4) ensuring transparency and openness of activities of subjects to public control;
5) ensuring interaction of subjects and subjects to public control;
6) increase in efficiency of activities of subjects to public control;
7) increase in level of credibility of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan to activities of subjects to public control;
8) forming in the society of intolerance to delinquent behavior.
The principles of public control are:
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