of July 23, 2020 No. PP-4787
About the organization of activities of the Agency on regulation of the alcoholic and tobacco market and development of winemaking of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 23, 2020 No. UP-6033 "About Enhancement of Management System in the field of Production and Regulation of Turnover of Alcoholic and Tobacco Products":
1. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 03.06.2024 No. UP-84
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 03.06.2024 No. UP-84
3. Approve "Road map" on enhancement of system of realization of food and technical ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and tobacco products and strengthening of control of production and turnover of illegal products according to appendix No. 2.
4. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 03.06.2024 No. UP-84
5. Determine that fund is spent on:
effective implementation of the tasks connected with implementation of the comprehensive target programs aimed at providing the accelerated development of vineyards of technical grades and wine-making industry including acquisition of saplings of grapes, creation of selection grades of grapes and the organization of their landing;
allocation of subsidies for implementation of water saving technologies, including technologies of drop irrigation, in the amount of, established by the legislation;
holding irrigational actions in industrial vineyards, including on water supply, construction of artesian wells and reservoirs, laying of pipes, purchase of pumps and pipes for water supply, reservoirs for water storage;
issue of loans on the interest rate which is not exceeding 50 percent of the main rate of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and also allocation of credit resources to commercial banks less to 4 percent points from the main rate of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan for creation of plantations of technical grades of grapes and production of alcoholic products from grapes, fruit and berries;
allocation of subsidies for compensation of part of purchase costs of the intensive saplings and stocks which are grown up in local conditions;
allocation of subsidies for compensation of part of expenses on purchase of the saplings of grapes which are grown up in local conditions by the In vitro method from fabrics of grape plant (meristem cages);
provision of the guarantee on the security of future harvest, the right to vineyards and (or) parcels of land on the credits allocated by commercial banks on financing of investment projects in the direction of the technical grades of grapes financed by the initiator of the project in the amount of at least 15 percent of total cost;
allocation of subsidies for raising for lanes of saplings of technical grades of grapes;
involvement of foreign specialists and consultants in wine-making industry, preparation, retraining and advanced training of wine-growers, employees of the wine-making companies, including abroad;
the organization of festivals, exhibitions and fairs for promotion domestic alcoholic, including wine-making, products, rendering assistance in participation of the companies which are engaged in production of alcoholic products in these actions including held abroad and also covering of their expenses connected with participation in such actions;
financing of the scientific projects connected with know-how in industrial wine growing and winemaking, production and marketing of new types of alcoholic products;
construction of uterine platforms and collection sites, nurseries (nurseries) of technical grades of grapes;
reservation of collection wine products and distillate of cognac.
6. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to approve in a month:
Regulations on the Agency on regulation of the alcoholic and tobacco market and to development of winemaking of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Regulations on Fonda of development of winemaking of the Agency on regulation of the alcoholic and tobacco market and development of winemaking of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 03.06.2024 No. UP-84
8. Approve:
forecast indicators of construction of industrial vineyards and cultivation of raw materials for conversion in 2020 - 2024 according to appendix No. 4;
forecast indicators of implementation of resource-saving modern agrotechnologies and providing vineyards with water resources in 2020 - 2024 according to appendix No. 5.
To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to approve the Address list of the perspective investment projects aimed at the development of production capacities of the companies of industry in 2020 - 2022 and also the Schedule of implementation of quality management systems at the companies of industry according to international standards in a month.
9. Determine that the Agency is responsible for implementation till January 1, 2021:
a) developments together with the Ministry of Health, the Uzstandart Agency and the Tashkent chemical institute of technology of Production schedules on production of food and technical ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products taking into account international standards and requirements;
b) implementations together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of information system of accounting of production and volume of turnover of food and technical ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and tobacco products, and also the unified register of vineyards (further - information system of accounting), having provided:
establishment till January 1, 2021 - producers of food and technical ethyl alcohol, till January 1, 2022 - producers of alcoholic products of the measuring equipment and other means of accounting and fixing transferring information to information system of accounting on productions of food and technical ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products at the expense of means of owners. At the same time technical requirements to the measuring equipment and other means of accounting and fixing are established by the Agency;
integration of information system of accounting with information systems of bodies of finance and economies, tax and customs services, the State committee on land resources, geodesy, cartography and the state inventory, other interested departments for interchange establishment by information;
connection to information system of accounting of all producers of food and technical ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and tobacco products, and also the companies which are engaged in trade in alcoholic and tobacco products;
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